2017 CORE Spring Clinic
We are proud to announce CORE’s 20th annual Spring Clinic.
With a combination of 85 years of coaching experience, we have put together the best in technical training.
We are thrilled to once again offer this program at our home at Poquessing Middle School! Swimmers will work in small groups to maximize individual attention.
This is a great opportunity to prepare your kids for summer swimming, and provide them with the much needed time to work on their stroke mechanics.
Based on last year’s popularity, we recommend that you sign-up now to reserve your space!
Clinic will begin April 17th and conclude May 11th
Daily practices for our swimmers 11 years of age and older will include:
-One hour of technical skill instruction
-30 minutes of practice that emphasizes skills worked on during
skills current or previous skill sessions.
Daily practices for our swimmers ten years of age and younger (6-7) will include:
-One hour of technical skill instruction
*In order to be eligible to train in our Summer Sprint program, swimmers MUST participate in the Spring Clinic.
We need to continue to grow our team! This is an excellent time to introduce a new family to our team.
*Current members can earn a discount for each new swimmer registered for the clinic-$25 per swimmer
Clinic Training
Sessions-Three Groups
4:30-HS aged swimmers
6 PM Juniors/Minis and Beginners
7 PM Junior Elites and Red/Seniors
COST-$190.00 per Athlete
April 17-April 27 (weeks 1 and 2)
Group / Who? / When?Junior / Returning 8 OR 10 and under / M, W,Th 6-7 PM
Minis and Beginner / 8 and unders AND Non-high school beginner swimmers / M, W,Th 6-7 PM
HS level swimmers / High School aged swimmers / Monday and Wednesday 4:30-6 PM
T and Th. 7-8:30 PM
11-14 / ALL 11-14 year olds / M-Th. 7-8:30 PM
Junior Elite / Current Member of this Junior Elite / M-Th. 7-8:30 PM
May 1-May 12 (weeks 3 and 4)
Group / Who? / When?Junior / Returning 8 OR 10 and under / M-Th. 6-7 PM
Minis and Beginner / Non-High School First year competitive swimmer / M-Th. 6-7 PM
HS level swimmers / High School aged swimmers / M and Wednesday 4:30-6 PM
T and Th. 7-8:30 PM
11-14 Non-HS RED / 11-14 year olds / M-Th. 7-8:30 PM
Junior Elite / Current Member of this Junior Elite / M-Th. 7-8:30 PM
PLEASE NOTE-We will be capping the maximum number of participants per session! Please sign-up Early!!!
Spring Training
Cost for the Spring Training session-$130
6:30-8 PM Seniors, HS and Junior Elites only!
May 15-June 16 (5 weeks)
Group / Who? / When?High School / Entering Ninth Grade and Up / M-Th. 6:30-8 PM
Junior Elite / Current Members and by Coaches’ Invite / M-Th. 6:30-8 PM
Summer Sprint Camp
6:30-8 AM Seniors, HS and Junior Elites only!
Cost for the Spring Training session-$130
June 19-July 21 (5 Weeks)
Group / Who? / When?High School / Entering Ninth Grade and Up / M-Fr. 6:30-8 AM
Junior Elite / Current Members and by Coaches’ Invite / M-Fr. 6:30-8 AM
Clinic, Spring, and Summer Sprint Camp-$400
*Swimmers not in Junior Elite but interested in swimming with the Spring/ Summer Team may request an evaluation during clinic. Final decision will be made by the coaching staff.
How to Register:
1. Click on this link and complete survey to reserve your spot.
2. Print out and complete registration form below and send to:
1227 meadow lane
Langhorne, PA 19047
*Checks made out to CORE SWIMMING
Neshaminy CORE Swimming
Clinic and/ or Summer Sprint Team
Athlete Registration Form
Athlete Name ______MI ____ DOB ______Age_____M/F____
Address ______City ______State ____ Zip _____
Mother ______Cell Phone ______Home Phone ______
Father ______Cell Phone ______Home Phone ______
Primary Email Address ______
Medical Issues/Allergies ______
Emergency Contact ______Emergency Phone ______
Family Physician ______Physician Phone ______
Athlete’s School ______Grade Level ______Shirt Size______
Level of Competitive Swimming Experience (Check the Most Appropriate):
Advanced (Middle Atlantic JOs Qualifier or SAL "A" Championship Qualifier or PIAA District and/ or State Qualifier)
Competitive (Varsity High School Swimmer)
Active member of a winter age group swim team.
Summer swimming only
Swim Lessons
I am new to the sport
I, (parent/guardian), hereby give my permission for the children listed above to swim for and participate in all activities of and relating to the Neshaminy CORE Swim Team (the “club”) and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the club and its agents acting within the scope of their agency from and against all claims, suits, damages, cost, losses and expenses in any matter resulting from or arising out of my son’s / daughter’s participation in and association with the activities of the club.
Signature: Date:
Clinic and/or Summer Sprint Club PaymentSquad / Amount Due
Clinic and Summer Sprint USA Team
April 17-July 22 / $400
Clinic Only
April 17-May 11 / $190
# of swimmers recruited by your family (Please provide their names for verification) x $25
3. / -
Amount Paid / Cash / Check # / Date
Discounts Based On Total Amounts Due:
Senior/Graduate Discount: $100.00 off the total amount for current high school seniors, high school graduates, and collegiate swimmers. Senior/Graduate Discount DOES NOT APPLY to Family Discount.
Family Discount: There is $1,000.00 cap (*Excluding USA registration and entry fees ~$5 per event)
All program costs reflect pool rental and staffing.
*USA MEET ENTRY/COACHING FEES are Extra and will be billed separately. If you indicate on the online registration that you are interested in the Spring/ Summer Program, we will contact you separately regarding USA Long course meet opportunities.