All submissions before 5pm Monday 28th September
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More Conference details from Dominic Foy
Abstract submission will be in electronic format only using this form emailed to
Please complete Part A (contact details) and then Part C (scientific abstract)
It is your responsibility to ensure that the information you provide is correct. The Society cannot be held responsible for failure to notify successful authors if the contact information is incorrect. All correspondence will be via email.
Part A: Contact details of presenter and title of abstract
SVT number:Name:
Email Address:
Title of Paper:
* Please ensure that the abstract has been seen and agreed by all of the named authors before submission. All of the authors have a responsibility to ensure that the data submitted is accurate, is not extrapolated and fairly represents the presentation to be given at the Scientific Meeting.
Part C: Submission for the Scientific Session
Open to all (including students and trainees)
Free registration for the presenting author.
£500 prize for the best paper presented on the day.
Please tick or cross the category which best describes the your work
Research / case study / audit / service development / other· The abstract must consist of four paragraphs entitled: Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusions
· The abstracts are to be submitted as text only
· The text should be no longer than 250 words
· Since the abstract will be judged anonymously, the text must not reveal the institutional affiliation
· The material should not have been published or presented at any major national meeting before
· The expected duration of the presentation will be 7-12minutes (dependent on the number of successful papers) and with a maximum of 12 slides.