My favourite things to do at home
Where I like to play / DrawingWhat I like to play with
My favourite play-mate
All about my game
My favourite things to do at home
Where I like to play / DrawingWhat I like to play with
My favourite play-mate
All about my game
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2012 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Rec SummerB – Topic Buildings – Fiction Weeks 1 - 3
Cut-out Biscuits
What you need:
- 100g margarine
- 100g caster sugar
- 200g flour
- 1 egg
- ½ teaspoon salt
- flour for rolling out
What you need to do:
1.Heat the oven to 180°C.
2.Cream margarine and sugar together until light and fluffy.
3.Beat the egg into the creamed mixture.
4.Fold in the flour and salt.
5.On a lightly floured surface, knead the biscuit dough and roll out to approximately 5 mm – 1 cm thick.
6.Cut into letter shapes using biscuit cutters, or cut out some large letters from greaseproof paper to use as templates to cut around.
7.Prick the surface of the biscuits and place on a greased baking tray and bake for 15-20 minutes.
8.Leave to cool on the tray for 5 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack.
9.Enjoy your biscuits together!
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2012 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Rec SummerB – Topic Buildings – Fiction Weeks 1 - 3
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2012 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Rec SummerB – Topic Buildings – Fiction Weeks 1 - 3
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2012 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Rec SummerB – Topic Buildings – Fiction Weeks 1 - 3
Making Double Flaps
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2012 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Rec SummerB – Topic Buildings – Fiction Weeks 1 - 3
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2012 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Rec SummerB – Topic Buildings – Fiction Weeks 1 - 3
Cutting and sticking: Making a house
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2012 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Rec SummerB – Topic Buildings – Fiction Weeks 1 - 3
How to make a YummYuk sandwichYou will need:
A sliced loaf of bread (or two)
Fillings for spreading:
Peanut butter (check chn for allergies)
Sandwich spread
Cheese spread
Chocolate spread / Fillings:
Ham slices
Chocolate chips /
- Plates
- Knives for spreading/
- Washing up equipment
What to do:
1. Take two pieces of bread.
2. Choose two spreading ingredients from the list.
3. Spread one filling on one slice of bread and the other on the other slice.
3. Choose one more filling to go in between the two slices of bread.
4. Put the two slices of bread together.
5. Carefully cut the sandwich in half.
6. Share your sandwich with a friend. / What fillings did you choose?
Draw a picture of your sandwich
What did they think of your sandwich?
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2012 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Rec SummerB – Topic Buildings – Fiction Weeks 1 - 3
Prompts for my version of Town Mouse and Country Mouse
- Where does first mouse live?
- What are the nice things about where he lives?
- What are the nasty things about where he lives?
- His cousin comes to stay.
- Where does she live?
- What are the nice things about where she lives?
- What are the nasty things about where she lives?
- First mouse goes to stay with his cousin. She is pleased to see him.
- What does first mouse not like? Why does he want to go home?
- First mouse goes home.
Prompts for my version of Town Mouse and Country Mouse
- Where does first mouse live?
- What are the nice things about where he lives?
- What are the nasty things about where he lives?
- His cousin comes to stay.
- Where does she live?
- What are the nice things about where she lives?
- What are the nasty things about where she lives?
- First mouse goes to stay with his cousin. She is pleased to see him.
- What does first mouse not like? Why does he want to go home?
- First mouse goes home.
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2012 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Rec SummerB – Topic Buildings – Fiction Weeks 1 - 3
My Weekly Diary© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2012 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Rec SummerB – Topic Buildings – Fiction Weeks 1 - 3
Daily DiaryDay of the Week
Write what you do on this day of the week
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2012 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Rec SummerB – Topic Buildings – Fiction Weeks 1 - 3
Making a LighthouseYou will need:
*A tube
*A sheet of
white A4 paper.
*Strips of red
*Sticky tape
*Sand, small
pebbles and
*PVA Glue / /
1.Cover a tube with a sheet of white paper. Wrap the paper around the tube and stick it with tape. / 2.Next, wrap strips of red paper around the tube at regular intervals.
3.Sit your lighthouse on thick card. Cover the base with glue and sprinkle sand all over. / 4.Place small pebbles and shells all around the bottom of the lighthouse.
/ To make the light at the top of the lighthouse you will need a clear pot.
Make your light circuit (or you could use battery fairy lights) and place it under the clear pot. / You may need to cut some holes in the pot for the wires to go through.
You can stick the switch and battery onto the back of the lighthouse.
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, 2012 who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Rec SummerB – Topic Buildings – Fiction Weeks 1 - 3