Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 30, 2017- Conference Call
In attendance: Ken Baumann, Amy Wallace, Peter Simons, Tracy Zarodnansky, John Castaldo.
Absent: Hillary Spadaccini
- Call to Order-7:33
- Financial Report
- Variance numbers will change after Phillies event.
- Hall of Fame has not used their money nor filled out the appropriate paperwork to do so.
- Need to remind chapters to use their money.
- Discussion of which money to use for our donation to the campaign.
- The Finance Committee/Ken Bauman will arrange for a meeting to create the FY18 Budget.
- Approval of March Minutes
- Old Business
- TCNJ Gardens
- Financials discussed in the financial report.
- John Donohue optimistically wanted the garden by October for Homecoming, but it seems more probable to get it done by Alumni Weekend 2018.
- FY18 Budget-we need to re-allocate money to have more money for insurance riders.
- New Business
- EC/BOD Positions-nominations
- Open BOD Positions (2).
- Current BOD Members: eligible 2nd two-year term (3) vote (Hillary Spadaccini, Patsy Marino, Ian Ruderman).
a)We have two spots because Megan will return to the BOD from Past President.
- Executive Committee two-year term (option 3rd year)-vote (Ken-President, Peter-Treasurer, Hilary-Secretary)
- There are NO responses of interest frommembers of BOD to serve/replace members on the Executive Committee whose terms are expiring. Consequently, the current EC members may serve a third year based on the by-laws.
- An electronic vote will occur for the EC and BOD positions after the June 8, 2017 meeting.
- 5K RUN – Ken discussed the expenses vs revenue. He mentioned that if the 5K Run were to continue in the future - some of the 2017 expenses would be reduced (would not have to re-purchased some items (i.e. signage, registration software).
- Senior Class Council
- Create an informational document regarding Senior Week
a)Tracy will work on it this summer: both a breakdown of budget and a checklist.
- Alumni Affairs Updates
- Alumni Weekend
- Over 1,500 in attendance!
- From 2013-2017 we have had a 1,624 % increase!
- Feedback has been positive
- For next year, EOF has its 25 year anniversary and the School of Music has its 100 year anniversary (and Tracy’s class of 2003 has its 15 year anniversary!)
- FY2018 Event Planning-Alumni Association Insurance Company
- Get your events in early to get covered!
- We only have 2 lawyers on campus that deal with everything, including contracts. Sometimes other things take a priority on their end.
- Office of Alumni Affairs Task Force
- What is the role and function of the Alumni Affairs Office in terms of creating relationships with alumni? What are the national trends/best practices?
- The objective is to work more closely with the Office of Development in creating meaningful and sustainable programming events that truly engage alumni with the college. Developing engagement opportunities that become long lasting between alumni and the college, as well as have an ROI component. The object is not necessarily to get rid of social events entirely, but to develop these events in purposeful ways.
- We simply do not want to have social receptions, which are both costly and time-consuming to plan and administer, without having a meaningful purpose to the event.
- Asbury Event has been moved to 8/31. Waiting on contract with changes. 6:30-9:30 (pending contractual/insurance approval)
- Top Golf is on September 14 at 6:30
- Adjournment-8:23 PM
Next meeting: Board of Directors – Thursday, June 8, 2017 – DeLorenzo’s Pizza @ 6:00 pm (BYOB)