The Mission of the Sandy Creek United Methodist Church is:
To open hearts by putting faith and love in action through works, deeds and words that heal and free; To open our minds by worshiping together as a faith family, by reading and studying the Bible and by growing in knowledge and love of God through disciplined Christian living; To open our doors by living the belief that all persons are of sacred worth, and by seeking to live locally, nationally, and globally in Christian community, welcoming, loving and forgiving one another.
Sharing the Peace of Christ
Leader: May the peace of Christ be with you.
People: And also with you.
“Deo Gracias” Organ
Invocation (Psalm 100- Response 1)
Choir- Praise and Worship
“Praise You” #2003
“Let’s Sing Unto the Lord” #149
“Majesty” #176
Worship Team- Invocation (Psalm 48- no sung response)
Children's Time “The Stones Will Cry Out”
Christian Education-Baptismal Covenant Vow Page 35
Children’s Sunday School (Upstairs)
Prayer Team “Kum Ba Yah” #494
Second Verse
Care Group “Believe Me”
P/SPRC“Spirit of the Living God”#393
Giving of Our Tithes and Offerings
Offertory “How Majestic is Your Name”
*Offertory Response #682- Verse 5
*Offertory Prayer
Finance2 Corinthians 9:6-11
Knitting Proverbs 31:13
The Message Bible
Administrative Council Ephesians 4:11-13
*Hymn “How Great Thou Art” #77
Missions; Backpack Team; Southern Sudan Health Project
Job 31:16-23 and Micah 6:8
Silent Prayer and Contemplation
(Please fill in your forms and answer the questions as the Spirit of the Lord leads you this morning)
*Sending Forth“Go Now to Love and Serve the Lord” Choir
*- indicates those able, should stand
Our congregation, Bishop Mark Webb, District Superintendent Rev. Mike Weeden, Rev. Daniel Bradley, United Methodist Churches and their communities, Upper NY Cabinet, Soldiers in uniform and their families: Fran Masuicca, Andrew Gemmell, Jim Horth Sr., Freida Janacek, Paul Lasher, Johnny Lewis, Stella McCabe, Sharon Reese, Nancy Ridgeway, Maggie Potish, Mary Ann Reed, Kevin Seabury, Abe Allen, Brooke Grant, Amy Waterman-Albrecht, Lena Sinesi Fitzgerald, Lillian Ridgeway, Nancy Sanderson, Stratt Killam, Betsy Murphy, Pat Atkinson, Austin Miller, Rosalind Bidwell, Cheryl Stagl, Charlie Peter, and Eileen Lobdell
Week of September 24: Marsha Gerhart, Irene Fuller, Charlie Summerville, Sayles VanRy, Don Cronk
Week of October 1: Stephen Kappeser, Abe Allen, the family and friends of Ed Eitel
Week of October 8: Dorothy Comstock, the family and friends of Michael Callahan, Al Hence, Terri McNitt’s granddaughter, Carol Hughes
Prayer Chain Requests:
Please contact Irene Fuller 387-3372 or Elaine Pierce 298-4086 with your prayer requests, or if you would like to be part of the Prayer Chain Ministry.
Monday: 4:45 pm Chair Yoga
Tuesday: 7:00 pm Boy Scouts
Wednesday: 10:30 am Yoga with Anne, 7:00 pm Knitting, 8:30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursday: 1:00 pm UMW Meeting, 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal
Sunday: 9:30 am Adult Sunday 11:00 am Worship Service
The People of God who serve our community this morning:
Ministers: The Congregation: Music: Elaine Pierce
Liturgist: Brian Killam; Ushers: Shirley Stowell
Sandy Creek
United Methodist Church
2031 Harwood Drive, P.O. Box #158
Sandy Creek, New York 13145
Church 387-5111 ~ Parsonage 387-5228
Twitter: @S_Creek_UMC
Rev. Daniel Bradley
October 15, 2017