Winthrop University
Grants and Sponsored Research Development

Instructions: Intent to Apply for External Funding

Purpose: / To inform the Provost, Dean, Department Chair,and the Office of Grants and Sponsored Research Development that you intend to apply for an externally funded grant.
The Intent to Apply form is not an approval to submit the grant. Once the proposal is ready for submission, you must send it for review and approval attached to the Grant Routing and Authorization form. The signed Grant Routing Form must be submitted to the Grants Office at least sevenbusinessdays prior to the application deadline.
Budget / The Principal Investigator (PI) should provide an estimated budget balance as well as other resource needs (e.g., personnel, facilities, IT support). A detailed budget submission is not required with the Intent to Apply.
Distribution / Complete all boxes on the Intent to Apply form. The review and approval process is: Department Chair > Dean > ProvostGrants Office with each individual emailing the form to the next with an approval statement.
The Grants Officewill notify the PIwhetherIntent to Apply form is approved or rejected.
Questions? / Contact Grants Office
Ext. 2460

Winthrop University
Grants and Sponsored Research Development

Intent to Apply for External Funding

Principal Investigator / College/Department
Contact Information / Email: Phone:
Project Title
Type of Project / ☐ Research ☐ Instruction ☐ Public Service ☐ Student Life
☐ Other______
Type of Submission / ☐ New ☐ Re-Submission ☐ Renewal
Location of Project
Project Dates / Start Date: End Date:
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Program Title
Sponsor Type / ☐ Federal ☐ State ☐ Private
☐ Other______/ Submission Deadline
Prime Recipient (Pass-through Agency) / Collaborative Agency
Guidelines Website Address / Electronic Submission / ☐ Federal(,, etc.)
☐ Agency grant portal
Estimated Budget / Year 1 / Total / Comments
Grant Funds Requested
Winthrop Cash Match / Is there a required cash match? ☐Yes ☐No
If yes, please state the amount:
Winthrop In-Kind Match / Is there a required in-kind match? ☐Yes ☐No
If yes, please describe:
Other Sources
Total Budget
☐Yes ☐No / Does this sponsor pay indirect costs? If different than the University’s negotiated rate, please describe.
☐Yes ☐No / Will any facultycourse reassigned time be required for this project? If yes, describe and give source of funding if other than requested in this proposal.
☐Yes ☐No / Will any new full-time personnel be required for this project? If yes, identify the types and numbers of new positions and the source of funding if not requested in this proposal.
☐Yes ☐No / Will this project require new or renovated space/facilities? If yes, describe need and how this will be funded.
☐Yes ☐No / Will this project require additional IT resources? If yes, describe needed resources and how it will be funded.

Provide a brief project abstract that includes the overall project objective and activities to be performed.

Revised 05/30/2018 Page 1 of 4