RESCUE Requirements Shell

Functional Requirements

This requirement type is used to capture the functional requirements of the system. All functional requirements must be traced to a structural requirement type, i.e. system requirement, use case requirement, variation requirement or use case action requirement. It is possible that a functional requirement may be traced to more than one of these structural requirement types. However if it is traced to the system requirement of the project then this should be the only trace allowed to a structural requirement type within the project.

Description / This requirement type captures the functional behaviour of the future system.
Must Contain / Shall
Tag Prefix / FR
Allows External Traceability / Yes

Functional Requirement Attributes

Unique Identifier / Issued by Requisite Pro
Version History / Maintained by Requisite Pro
Name / A text field defining the name of the functional requirement
Text / A text field describing the functional requirement.
Status / An enumerated value giving the status of the requirement. This may take the value of Proposed, Pending and Approved with Proposed being the default value. Only the Gatekeeper or Administrator user may alter this value.
Rationale / A text field giving the rationale for this requirement.
Source / A text field containing the source of the functional requirement.
Owner / A text field containing the name of the owner of this functional requirement.
Fit Criterion / A text field containing the measurable fit criterion for the requirement.
Stability / An enumerated value giving the stability of the requirement. This may take the value of High, Medium, or Low with Medium being the default value.
Customer Satisfaction / A scale of customer satisfaction if this requirement is implemented. The scale runs from 1 to 5 with 1 indicating that the customer is unconcerned about the outcome and 5 indicating that the customer is very concerned.
Customer Dissatisfaction / A scale of customer dissatisfaction if this requirement is not implemented. The scale runs from 1 to 5 with 1 indicating that the customer is unconcerned about the outcome and 5 indicating that the customer is very concerned.
Conflicts / A textual list of requirements that this requirement is in conflict with.
Dependencies / A list of requirements IDs that this requirement depends upon.
Supporting Material / A textual reference to supporting material for this functional requirement.
Requirement in Satisfaction arguments / An enumerated value identifying satisfaction arguments in which this requirement is a ‘requirement’.
Specification in Satisfaction arguments / An enumerated value identifying satisfaction arguments in which this requirement part of the ‘specification’.
Option / An enumerated value identifying versions of the solution in which this requirement is relevant.

Functional Requirement Shell

Unique Identifier
Version History
Fit Criterion
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Dissatisfaction
Supporting Material
Requirement in Satisfaction arguments
Specification in Satisfaction arguments

Non Functional Requirements

This requirement type is used to capture the non-functional requirements of the system. All non-functional requirements must be traced to a structural requirement type, i.e. system requirement, use case requirement or use case action requirement. It is possible that a non-functional requirement may be traced to more than one of these structural requirement types. However if it is traced to the system requirement of the project then this should be the only traced allowed to a structural requirement type within the project.

All non-functional requirements allow external traceability.

The following table gives the classification of non-functional requirements together with their Tag Prefix.

Name / Tag Prefix
Applicable standard / AS
Availability requirement / AR
Device requirement / DR
Back-up requirement / BR
Interoperability requirement / IR
Look and Feel requirement / LFR
Maintenance requirement / MR
Performance requirement / PR
Reliability requirement / RR
Portability requirement / PTR
Safety requirement / SFR
Security requirement / SR
Training requirement / TR
Usability requirement / UR

Classification of Non-Functional Requirements

Non-Functional Requirement Attributes

Unique Identifier / Issued by Requisite Pro
Version History / Maintained by Requisite Pro
Name / A text field defining the name of the non-functional requirement
Text / A text field describing the non-functional requirement.
Status / An enumerated value giving the status of the requirement. This may take the value of Proposed, Pending and Approved with Proposed being the default value. Only the Gatekeeper or Administrator user may alter this value.
Source / A text field containing the source of the non-functional requirement.
Owner / A text field containing the name of the owner of this non-functional requirement.
Stability / An enumerated value giving the stability of the requirement. This may take the value of High, Medium, or Low with Medium being the default value.
Customer Satisfaction / A scale of customer satisfaction if this requirement is implemented. The scale runs from 1 to 5 with 1 indicating that the customer is unconcerned about the outcome and 5 indicating that the customer is very concerned.
Customer Dissatisfaction / A scale of customer dissatisfaction if this requirement is not implemented. The scale runs from 1 to 5 with 1 indicating that the customer is unconcerned about the outcome and 5 indicating that the customer is very concerned.
Conflicts / A textual list of requirements that this requirement is in conflict with.
Dependencies / A list of requirements IDs that this requirement depends upon.
Rationale / A text field giving the rationale for this requirement.
Fit Criteria / A text field containing the fix criteria for the requirement.
Supporting Material / A textual reference to supporting material for this requirement.
Requirement in Satisfaction arguments / An enumerated value identifying satisfaction arguments in which this requirement is a ‘requirement’.
Specification in Satisfaction arguments / An enumerated value identifying satisfaction arguments in which this requirement part of the ‘specification’.
Option / An enumerated value identifying versions of the solution in which this requirement is relevant.

Non-Functional Requirement Shell

Unique Identifier
Version History
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Dissatisfaction
Fit Criteria
Supporting Material
Requirement in Satisfaction arguments
Specification in Satisfaction arguments