Valley Shidokan JKA Karate-Do

Character, Sincerity, Effort, Etiquette, Self-Control

JKA-BC Fall Gasshuku

Kumite Seminar

This event will focus on three areas of development in Karate-Do.

-Reaching new heights of technical proficiency of JKA Karate Do

- Kumite development

- Tokui Kata study

The primary goal will be to utilize these three areas to give an opportunity for our members from beginner to our most advanced Black belts to prepare for exams. Exams will be offered from 9th kyu to 1st kyu, Shodan and Nidan, as well as D level for all three of the JKA Instructor credentials program. And we will be preparing Dan candidates for Spring exam as well.

Kata component

We will utilize the Tokui kata of examination members to tackle the technical proficiency component of Kata. So far the higher Heian katas, Bassai Dai, Gojushi Ho Sho and Sochin have been chosen. Possibly more to follow.


Sensei Don Sharp, 6th Dan

Sensei Michael Doherty, 5th Dan


Sensei Graham Mallet 4th Dan, Sensei Sal Sharp 4th Dan, Sensei Paul Atkin 3 Dan, Sensei Ashraf Omeria 3 Dan, Sensei Joe Lappan 3Dan


Black Belts (And 1st kyus)

Per class- $25.00

Full Seminar- $99.00 (5 classes)

Instructors course members- $25.00 (Full seminar)

Dan or qualifications examinees-$60.00 Kyu members

Per class- Adult $25.00 Juniors $20.00

Juniors full seminar -$45.00 (3 classes)

Adults full seminar- $79.00 (4 classes)

Family rate- First member, full price, additional family members 25% off for each family member. NO combining discounts

Examination fees

Kyu exam- $30.00 Juniors $45.00 Adults. (Does not include belt presentation)

Belt and presentation- $10.00

Shodan- $230.00

Nidan- $260.00


All D level exams- $130.00 first qualification.$100.00 each additional.

(Ie.Instructors D $130.00, judge D $100.00, examiner D $100.00. Total fees owed $330.00). If unsuccessful on any exam a portion will be refunded.


Friday November 27th-

11:00-12:30 – B&B class- D. Sharp- Technical development

6:00 pm- 7:30 pm- All ages Kyu class- D. Sharp, M. Doherty- Unique training in basic kata and basic kumite

7:30-9:00 pm – B&B class- D. Sharp- JKA development fundamentals, Tokui,jiyu kumite development

Saturday November 28th

9:30- 10:45 am- Kids only class (6-13 years old)-G. Mallet, P. Atkin- H.4 Jiyu kumite drills

9:30- 11:00 am – B&B- D. Sharp, M. Doherty- TokuiKata

11:00-12:30- Adult Kyu ranks, 9th to 1st kyu- M. Doherty- H.5, Jiyu kumite training

1:00-2:30- Black belts only- D. Sharp- fundamentals, advanced Tokui kata, kumite

2:30-4:00- All levels, 10 and up, Kyu rank class- M. Doherty, G. Mallet- H.4, Heian kata application/ self defense, kumite techniques

2:30-4:00- 1st kyu and above- D. Sharp-Dan and qualifications exam prep- All 1st kyu and up invited. Mandatory for Instructors course, Dan exam and qualifications exam candidates

4:00-4:30- Kyu exams

4:30-6:00 pm - Dan and qualifications exams

6:30-8:30 Dinner Party, and presentations, announcements

Sunday November 29th- 10:30-12:00 – Final training and review- All levels all ages