Arizona Chapter
Association of Legal Administrators
Board of Directors’ Agenda
7:45 a.m., Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Gammage & Burnham
2 North Central, 15th Floor Phoenix AZ 85004
Attendance: Sharon Williams, Lisa Kelly, Teri Adam, Marsha Kendall (phone), Sonji Le Blanc, Dana Marinaro, Carrie Valenzuela (phone), Teresie Zmyslinski (phone), Narinda Green (phone), Jo Ann Keckonen (phone)
Meeting called to order 7:49 a.m. by Sharon Williams
1)Ratification of Actions Taken by Officers
2)Approval ofJuneMinutes
Motion to approve - Marsha Kendall; Teri Adam seconded
3)Treasurer’s Report/BudgetSharon Williams
Sharon will add the financial report to the board meeting. One person in Tucson requested a hotel room for the Symposium.We have a $2,000 budget for members outside the Phoenix area.
4)New Business
A)MembershipTeri Adam & Sarah Dunne
A postcard was sent to all current members. Sarah is now working on a list of 80 non-members to target. The postcard featured the upcoming Symposium and quotes from members on the value of membership.
i)Annual Dues StipendsJo Ann Keckonen
See Committee Report
ii)AmbassadorsSharon Williams
Sharon asked Teri send out an updated list. Marsha asked if we are still doing talking points which Teri agreed to send out.
B)Meeting Coordinator/TreasurerSharon Williams
If you know of anyone interested, please reach out. Meeting Coordinator is a great way to meet the members, especially if wanting to move up the board. We have a temporary Treasurer, if needed.
C)Symposium UpdateSonji Le Blanc
All is going great. Sonji has reached out to all the BP’s and received information from many on their attendance and what they are bringing. She also created a list for Carrie to do the final follow up with our interns for the raffle items, who is attending.
Lisa and Sonji went to the food tasting and finalized details of menu and room set up. The BP bullpen will consist of a circle of high tops at the reception for members to walk around and meet our top BPs and see their materials. If a BP is not in the bullpen, can they have a table to the side?Right now the answer is no. Marsha mentioned maybe we could do a BP swag goodie bag with flyers (one thing for the bag) to avoid the bullpen conflict. Sharon mentioned Howard may donate bags. Sonji will send an email to all members attending the symposium letting them know they can request one-on-one time with our premier BPs.
We will start to raffle off large prizes during lunch, with the rest will be done at the reception. BP’s will draw the raffle tickets. Marsha asked about seating at lunch. We will have eight top tables, one less food course, and there will be a seating plan with firm directions on rotation. Name badges will designate the starting table number for each person. We will also make sure to divide the interns. Lisa will let Sonji know which interns are attending.
One speaker, Kristina Moris, is open to one-on-one coaching session. Session Managers and which sponsors per session still need to be determined. Sonji will work with Justin to designate who the BP sponsors are for each room. The hotel is doing the signage outside the rooms. AV is arranged. We won’t have Wi-Fi in the rooms due to expense, but it will be free in the lobby. Teresie will bring a few thumb drives for any presenter needs..
Sonji and Lisa will work the registration desk and give directions along with the interns. A list of classes offered will be available. Sessions should be open to BP’s to attend. We need to figure out how to incorporate the puppies from Guide Dog for the Blind. We plan to again sell extra raffle tickets to raise money for this charity.
D)Strategic plan and chapter timelineSharon Williams
Sharon will post on the website. Check and see if there is something you should be preparing for this year or next.
E)CLISharon Williams
Everyone is set. Be prepared to talk about courses at the airport.
5)Committee Reports
ALA Region 6 Sharon Williams
Nothing to report other than Debbie Burgos, our rep, plugged our Symposium in the Region 6 newsletter. Take pictures at events and CLI for our website/social media. We are bringing Debbie out for the Symposium.
Board Liaison (Tucson)JoAnn Keckonen
Jo Ann is meeting on Thursday with a group of former ALA members. She is planning to talk about the stipend for membership and get a few to come back. She will share their feedback.
Business Partner Program Sonji Le Blanc
Some are interested in next year. Pretty much done for this year.
Community Connection Jennifer Lovato
Stuffed puppies and information regarding fund raising have been distributed to members. Puppies have also been enlisted for the Symposium. Sonji is working on an idea to sell additional stuffed puppies at the Symposium to raise money. Sonji will circle with Jennifer as some of us have not received a puppy toy to raise awareness.
Diversity & Inclusion Sonji Le Blanc & Lisa Kelly
Laura Lawless is presenting today on HR Audits
E-Communications Teresie Zmyslinski
Carrie Valenzuela
Narinda Greene
Sonji thanked Teresie for getting the Chapter happenings out - great job!
Education Marsha Kendall/
Directors at Large
Marsha will start reaching out to BP’s and members in September and October. See if there are particular topics of interest. We have an educational chart we can follow (not a National standard). Marsha - can we attach to website. List of courses they attended in the previous year for the CE. Point members to the section on the website. Email certificates after event for those to attended.
Information and Finance Chris Proctor
Not here
Leadership Sharon Williams
Meeting Coordinator______
Sonji mentioned adding this as a talking point for ambassadors
Membership Teri Adam & Sarah Dunne
Mentor program - open to everyone and assign. Ambassador is keeping in touch with the chapter. Lisa shared how important she feels the mentor program is to help the person with their career and Chapter movement. Need to find a mentor chair - maybe a past president? Email to see if someone would be interested in chairing and add to talking points and to the chapter happenings and get people to speak up. Add in new member email.
Mentor ProgramTeri Adam & Sarah Dunne
See above
Newsletter Jackie McAferty
Stephennie Stuart
Hopefully it will be going out soon.
Social EventsTeresie Zmyslinski
Waiting for menu from Montelucia. December 7
State Bar LiaisonMarsha Kendall
Student AffairsLisa Kelly/Ana Corey
Working out well. Add content to website. Make some adjustments next year to start earlier, secure interns before paying for chapter memberships, intern reimburse if they depart program.
Website Bobby Jo Claywell
6)WACKY/CRAZY IDEAS – Time for board members to share ideas – any idea is welcome!
Adjournment: 8:45 a.m.
Moved: Sonji
Seconded: Sharon