Valley Falls High School
Valley Falls, KS
Name of Applicant______
City/State/ Zip______
Directions: 1.Type your information.
2. Include a cover letter andresume foreach scholarship.
3. Return this application to the organization scholarship
Coordinator (see attached list) by the April 13, 2017
This section needs to be verified and signed by the high school counselor or office before the form is forwardedto the scholarship committee.
Student’s GPA ______Class Rank ______ACT Composite______
Parents’/Guardians’ name______
Counselor/Office Signature ______
Check the following Scholarships for which you wish to apply:
_____Anonymous Scholarship*_____Lions Club Scholarship*
_____Brad Glassel Memorial Scholarship_____Lois E. Wilson Memorial Scholarship*
_____Brandon & Cameron Bickford Memorial* _____Lynn Fox Memorial Scholarship*
_____Centenarian Club Scholarship _____P.E.O. Scholarship*
_____Class of ’81 Jim Grollmes Memorial Scholarship_____Rotary Club Scholarship*
_____Class of ’81 Nancy Marye Boyer Memorial Scholarship
_____ Hammons Family Scholarship_____Valley Falls Education Association Scholarship
_____Herring/Heinen Farm Vo-Tech Scholarship*_____Valley Falls Fire & EMS Scholarship
_____(IOOF) Cresent Lodge 86 Scholarship*_____VFHS Alumni Association Scholarship
_____Jim Roofe Memorial Scholarship*_____VFHS Student Council Scholarship
_____The John H. Todd VFW Scholarship*_____ VFHS S.A.F.E. Scholarship
_____Kay Lassiter Memorial Scholarship*_____VF United Methodist Church Scholarship*
_____Kendall State Bank Scholarship*_____VFW Auxiliary Scholarship
_____Knights of Columbus Scholarship_____Viola Reichart Memorial Scholarship*
*include a copy of your transcript with this scholarship application
School Activities
List all activities in which you have participated during high school. Include clubs, teams, musical groups, community service learning projects, etc and major accomplishments in each.
Activity / Year / AccomplishmentWhat college, university or technical school are you planning to attend? What is your major?
List all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, community, or work activities. Examples: student body, class or club officer, committee chairperson, team captain, newspaper editor, or community leader.
Position / Year / Activity or OrganizationCOMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT:
List all community activities in which you have participated and note any major accomplishments in each. EX. church groups, clubs sponsored outside the school, i.e. Boy or Girl Scouts, 4-H, volunteer groups or community art endeavors.
Community Involvement / Year9, 10, 11, 12 / Major Accomplishment
List any job experience
Job / Year(9, 10, 11, 12) / Group or Activity
Remember: Please attach a copy of your current resume to this application
Write an autobiographical sketch. You might include your leisure time activities, your hobbies, and thoughts about your future, and your career plans.
(Please limit your autobiography to the balance of this page)