Rutherford Elementary School
Cub Cadet March 2016
Valentine Candy Grams - Shannon Santor
This year 2,008 candy grams were sold and distributed at the Valentine's Day Parties. Thanks to all parents, students and teachers for making this event a success.
Book Fair - Jen Venios
This year's Book Fair was a huge success! We made a lot of money to be able to buy more books for the library and our school - so a BIG THANK YOU to parents and students for that! We also want to thank our volunteers that set-up and worked the book fair all week. Thanks to Steph Figuero, Phan Tran, Tracy and Mario Pitts, Lora Lago, Kristi Ondo, and Tammy Homrighausen. We could not do this without our volunteers.
Welcome Rutherford Student Council! - Erika Strout
For the first time in school history, Rutherford has established a student council. The council is comprised of 14 fifth graders and is co-advised by Mr. Doi and Mrs. Strout. Newly established in the beginning of February, this group of students has worked on the Pennies for Patients drive and promoted a successful Color Day Challenge. They hope to continue planning and promoting more spirit days as well as a flower garden in the spring.
Student Council's Incredible School Week - March 14 - 18
Students will have an opportunity to show how incredible Rutherford Elementary School is. Each classroom will have a poster and an envelope hanging outside their room. Paw prints will be provided for students to write fellow students or teachers a message. Why are they so incredible? Messages will be delivered throughout the week.
6th Annual Rutherford Elementary School Talent Show – Linda Burkley
Rutherford Elementary School has talent! We will be showcasing that talent once again this year on Friday, April 29, 2016. Anyone interested in helping can contact Linda directly at 564-3264 or . Please consider joining us and volunteering your help. Many hands make light work. Applications will be coming home soon!
Pennies For Patients - Stephanie Figuero
This year we collected $350.16 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Great job by our Rutherford Community. Mrs. Limbert's class is our Olive Garden winners!! They collected $43.24.
Recycle Committee – Lora Lago
Please continue to send in your ink cartridges. We recycled 14cartridges in March yielding $28 for PTO. Remember, we can recycle 20 ink cartridges per month...keep them coming!!!
What is PTO doing for Rutherford Elementary School?
At our last few meetings, the PTO has voted to financially assist with the 5th grade class trip to Philadelphia, donate money toward the purchase of tablets for the ESL students, provide PSSA incentives for all students in grades 3-5, support the final assembly for the student body, as well as purchase t-shirts for the student council. Come to a meeting and help decide how we stay involved with our school...
Dates to Remember:
04/21 PTO Meeting 7:00PM
04/28 Talent Show Dress Rehearsal - right after school
04/29 Talent Show - 6:30PM