April 28, 2010
Advising and Counseling
Jeanne Strieck
Business/Intra-American Studies/Social Sciences
Amelia Acosta
Betsey Barnett
Mollie Morse
Sharon Stewart
Mimi Harvey
Dutch Henry
Jo McEntire
Stephen Bogart
Leoned Gines
Guy Hamilton
Amar Yahiaoui
Library/Media Services
1. Approval of Minutes
There were two corrections to the minutes of April 14, 1010. Jeanne Strieck is not a sub but actually a member of the committee. The waitlist discussion needed a minor clarification and Guy will make the change to the minutes prior to posting. The minutes of the 4/14 meeting were approved as corrected. MSP Amelia/Mimi
2. Approval of Agenda
There was one item of Learning College added to agenda. The agenda was then accepted by consensus.
3. Open Comment - Moved to later in the meeting by request.
4. Granting Professor Emeritus Status
It was moved, seconded and passed to grant Marianne Baker, Donna Wilde, Nancy Matesky Emeritus status.
5. Discussion : recommendation to change make-up of Curriculum Committee
This item was brought up last quarter in the Faculty Senate Council. It was felt by some faculty that having three voting deans on the committee is inhibiting the discussion. They shouldn’t be in the dominant role. The bylaws of this committee indicate there are to be three deans on the committee, but this seems to be the first year in many years where this is the actual practice. It is the recommendation of the Faculty Senate Council that this be changed to having one voting dean and the Dean of Professional Technical programs be an ex-officio member. This request for a bylaw change will be taken to John Backes.
6. Input on reorganization of the college
Guy will be meeting the John tomorrow morning and he is willing to write up any suggestions/comments for him to take to SET.
The general feeling has been let’s focus on the next reorganization as this is pretty well set and isn’t worth spending time on.
It was stated that those being impacted by this reorganization are feeling very unsure of how things will work in the future. The lines of communication and reporting have been eliminated. This is particularly impacting the Advising and Counseling area. They asked if there could be a meeting between John and the impacted areas so this could be better understood prior to the actual reorganization.
It was also suggested that knowing what SET was going to propose prior to the hiring freeze would be helpful. Knowing what is being thought about so people can respond with their suggestions would increase dialogue.
Some of the disciplines such as nursing are already working with other campuses to make sure that there are consistent pre-requisite requirements for students. By exploring the five college consortium is one way faculty and this campus will have a say in what happens rather than having merges done by the state board.
It was suggested that programs could look at providing classes in fields where continuing education is required for professional development. This would bring in revenue through added credits that we are currently not offering.
7. Waiting Lists
Discussion came up during the review of the minutes and it was decided that Chris Melton should be asked to come to a Faculty Senate Council meeting and then task forces should be formed to reach some solutions for the issues. The current plan is still not working for faculty or students.
8. Learning College
Betsey said that several faculty attended a training to learn more about what a learning college is. It means that the focus of the college is around learning, not teaching. A learning college is not just for students but for everyone on the campus. None of our vision, strategic plan or goals uses the word “learning.” Learning should be our joy and we need to focus more on this. The group that is exploring this concept want to create a 15 year plan that is sustainable. This idea could energize the campus and help us turn things around. It would focus on positive ways that would be constructive to the college.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:05p.