Vacancy Template - Placements/Internships and Voluntary Work
Date: 04/03/2010
Organisation and Contact Details
(Name, postal address and brief description of your company) / Contact name and details:
Sustainability & Environmental Advisory Group,
c/o Mary Bownes, Professor of Developmental Biology and Vice Principal
Darwin Building, The King's Buildings,
Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JU
SEAG - The University Committee promoting Social Responsibility and Sustainability
Posts funded by Santander Foundation / Title: MrMrsMsDr
First Name: David
Last Name: Somervell
Position: Sustainability Adviser
Tel: 0131 650 2073
Mobile: 07743 759 528
Fax: 0131 650 9346
How did you hear about us? (Careers Service website, university website, careers staff, other employer etc)
A project of the University - used SAGE before for recruiting Interns
Job Details
Job title: (Please complete a separate form for each job function)
Interns (Two required)
Job description/duties: (Provide a brief outline)
The University seeks to recruit two paid interns to research and prepare a review of all the activities related to Social Responsibility and Sustainability at the University of Edinburgh.
The task is to summarise gathered material – so it is appealing to prospective and current students and emphasises how they can engage in these activities – and publish on a new website.
Working beside teams at Bath and Cambridge there will be opportunity to make recommendations for further development including material for sharing with other Santander Universities.
Outcomes and timing:
• Interim Report – with agreed final scope for work specific to each individual institutional and collaborative outcomes – to be circulated by mid April 2010.
• Final Report – with suitable content mounted on a University website and with links to a shared website – to be produced by end of July 2010
• Two student interns to work on the project between March and August 2010.
Placements/Internships are usually undertaken during Easter/Summer vacation. N.B. Most courses at the University of Edinburgh do not require long placements (some exceptions, generally less than 12 months).
If your vacancy is for 12 months, please state if it can be advertised to graduates.
Vacancy Start date: Immediate / End date: August 2010
Person specification:
(Skills, experience, personal qualities; please state which are essential and which are desirable)
Person specification: Essential criteria
• Excellent written communication skills with ability to target different types of audiences
• Ability to work well in a team and to support others
• Ability to show initiative and work independently to deliver a broadly defined task
• Excellent personal organisation skills, particularly time management and prioritisation skills
• Computer literacy (using email, web, word processors, spreadsheets, databases etc.)
• Good knowledge of environmental issues.
Strongly desirable
• Recent experience of at least one year study at the University or associated institution
• Experience of researching a topic and presenting data in an accessible, searchable format
• Experience of mounting material on the web using a content management system
• Experience of organising a project or event
• Experience of facilitating meetings with both smaller and wider groups
• Knowledge and understanding of Education for Sustainable Development principles.
Degree subject(s):
Office of the Vice Principal, Darwin Building, King's Buildings, Mayfield Rd, Edinburgh EH9 3JU
£ 250 per week / £13,000 p.a. pro rata - travel / other expenses reimbursed.
Application details
Method of application: / Submit application by:
CV / Post
Covering letter / Email
Informal chat / Phone
Employer application form / In person
Online / Online
(If other, please specify below) / Other
(If other, please specify below)
/ obtain application form from
Closing Date:
Specific closing date
Noon Monday 15 March 2010
Open ended
Open ended vacancies will remain active for 3 months after which we will contact you. You can request that your vacancy is closed at any time.
Any other information:
Dates: March to July / approx 20 weeks - normal office hours at King’s Buildings [some flexibility].
Applications Deadline: Noon Mon 15 March - Please advise contact details for interview invitations.
Interviews will take place on Thursday 18th March with the posts beginning immediately.

By completing and returning this vacancy you have read and agreed to our Vacancy Handling Policy (summary attached).

Please return to:
SAGE (Student and Graduate Employment) / Tel: +44 (0)131 650 6688
University of Edinburgh Careers Service / Email:
33 Buccleuch Place / Fax: +44 (0)131 650 4479
Edinburgh EH8 9JS
Scotland /

SAGE also advertises part-time, vacation work and graduate vacancies.

Thank you for choosing to advertise with SAGE @ the Careers Service.