Load Interconnection Request Form (LIRF)
LIRF ID #(ATC use only):Date Submitted (by LDC):
Date Received (by ATC):
Revision: / 0
- Complete the LIRF in its entirety. Include proposed one-line for all projects affecting existing substations.
- ATC will update the T-D queue and assign a LIRF ID Number and a Date Received whena complete LIRFissubmitted if the LIRF is considered public information.
- Please submit the LIRF to:
Substation Name:Project Type*:
Requested In-Service Date:LDC Expected Construction Start Date:
Can project be listed on T-D Queue Yes No- Confidential
Project is due to an un-forecasted load addition of MW and MVAR.
*If the project type is a transformer replacement, indicate ifsuch a project will include a high voltage protection device replacementas well. If a more detailed description of project type is necessary, provide in the Statement of Need.
Requester: / Phone: / Email:Company
City: / State: / Zip:
Contact: / Phone: / Email:
Location (attach a drawing or a map):State: / City:
Will the distribution work require a LDC Certificate of Authority filing or CPCN filing with the PSCW? / Select one (Yes/No/ Uncertain)Uncertain at this timeYesNo
Total distributionconnected generation (DCG) at the interconnection point: Existing: MW Proposed Additional: MW
Is this new or modified DCG subject to state regulatoryinterconnection requirements? Select one (Yes / No)NoYes IfYes, attach regulatory application.
ATC response required by to accommodate DCG regulatory requirements:
Will a Portable Substation be required as part of this proposed project? Select one (Yes / No)NoYes
PROJECTCHARACTERISTICS (Answer the following):
1)Will the proposed work require wiring changes to ATC owned protective systems?Select one (Yes/No/ Uncertain)Uncertain at this timeYesNo
2)Will the proposed work require setting changes to ATC owned protective relays? Select one (Yes/No/ Uncertain)Uncertain at this timeYesNo
3)Will the proposed work require that ATC complete a companion project at other stations? Select one (Yes/No/ Uncertain)Uncertain at this timeYesNo
4)Will the proposed work require modeling in the ATC short circuit case? Select one (Yes/No/ Uncertain)Uncertain at this timeYesNo
5)Does this project require ATC to make any drawing updates? Select one (Yes/No/ Uncertain)Uncertain at this timeYesNo
6)Are there any devices (esp. large motors) that may produce harmonic currents or voltage flicker/imbalance?Select one (Yes/No/ Uncertain)Uncertain at this timeYesNo
If yes, please describe:
7)Is there bridging capability of the new (or existing) load?Select one (Yes/No/ Uncertain)Uncertain at this timeYesNo
If yes, please describe:
CAUTION: For each submittal please retrieve the most current version of this form from
For questions please contact ATC Interconnection Services at
Last Revised: 1/01/16Page 1of 3
Load Interconnection Request Form (LIRF)
LIRF ID #(ATC use only):Revision:
High Side: Voltage: 69115138dual winding kV Winding Type: deltagrounded wyeungrounded wye Low Side: Voltage: kV Winding Type: grounded wyedeltaungrounded wyeNormal/Emergency ratings (MVA): / Nameplate impedance:
Capacitor banks MVAR & switching (timer, voltage):
Ultimate number of transformers at site (within next 10 years:
Include any information or report on the best-value alternative rationale. Attach additional sheets as needed.
CAUTION: For each submittal please retrieve the most current version of this form from
For questions please contact ATC Interconnection Services at
Last Revised: 1/01/16Page 1of 3
Load Interconnection Request Form (LIRF)
LIRF ID #(ATC use only):Revision:
Substation Name:
If the 10-year load forecast for the affected substation(s) has (have) changed since the most recently submitted 10-year load forecast, please complete the following tables. (Hint: Double click on the table to copy and paste your information).
Loads unchanged from the most recently submitted 10-year load forecast.
Loads changed fromthe most recently submitted 10-year load forecast.
If loads have changed:
-Indicate which season the peak load occurs.
-Forecast the peak load in the table below.
Indicate all substation load forecasts that would be affected by the proposed project.
CAUTION: For each submittal please retrieve the most current version of this form from
For questions please contact ATC Interconnection Services at
Last Revised: 1/01/16Page 1of 3
CAUTION: For each submittal please retrieve the most current version of this form from
For questions please contact ATC Interconnection Services at
Last Revised: 1/01/16Page 1of 3