Morton is a village of around 500 houses in North East Derbyshire.

We have an active parish council, determined to make a real difference to our village. Our parish council's key objectives are to improve our village facilities, to encourage and support an active events / activities programme, to improve our village’s appearance and to represent the village’s interests. We are seeking someone with the appetite and determination to help us achieve these aims.

Our greatest achievement in recent years has been a fantastic new playground, which opened in June last year. Our next major project is improving the village hall facilities, either through a refurbishment or new build.

We have a fairly small income as our precept is only £32,000. We wish to spend as much of this as possible on our objectives. None of the Councillors are paid and many commit a substantial time towards parish council work. We are seeking a new clerk who is someone who is passionate about making a real difference to our village and is good at getting things done.

The role of the clerk will include:

  • Parish Council objectives – being primarily responsible for taking the day to day actions necessary to deliver our objectives.
  • Grants – researching the availability of grants and finding grants that may be applicable to any of the organisations operating in the village, not just the parish council. Completing grant applications.
  • Website – adding new content to the website and keeping it up to date.
  • Preparing agendas for Parish Council meetings, preparing the minutes of those meetings, dealing with matters reported by residents of the village, keeping the simple accounting records, and preparing an annual summary of the accounting records.

As well as holding the position as Clerk to the Parish Council, the successful applicant will also be the Responsible Financial Officer.

The Parish Council currently meets six times each year, with occasional short additional meetings to deal with urgent business. The regular meetings are usually held at 7.30pm on the third Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September and November and usually last from 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

To apply for this position you do not need to have any local government qualifications or be a qualified clerk or have any bookkeeping experience. Training will be given as required and will be paid for by the Parish Council. The successful applicant will be expected to study for the CiLCA qualification if not already held. If you wish to understand what this involves then please speak to DALC on 01629 824827.

The remuneration is £12 per hour for 14 hours per month.

If you are interested in finding out more please get in touch with the Chair, who will answer any questions you have and will send you the information you need to be able to apply for the vacancy.

The closing date for applications is Friday 15th November 2013.

Andrew Coates

Chair of Morton Parish Council

07980 212414

The red dot is Morton!