(v) Understanding of Self
Procedure Number: ED 19 / Effective Date: / Relates to:CFR #: 1304.2 (c) (1) v and 1304.21(b)(2)(i)
SUBJECT:Understanding of Self
Creative Curriculumallows many and varied opportunities for young children to explore and gain an understanding of self through an enriched environment, social/emotional experiences, active exploration, and supportive teachers.
Growing Great Kids Curriculum offers center and home-based social/emotional and cognitive development strategies for teachers and parents/guardians to support children in their development of self in and out of the child’s home environment.
PITC (Program for Infant/toddler Care) promotes and fosters a child’s understanding of self through primary relationships that are emotionally healthy, positive, nurturing, and predictable.
Staff, in collaboration with parents/guardians, implements a curriculum that is consistent with the Head Start Program Performance Standards. Curriculum may be developed or adapted from among a variety of curriculum approaches or frameworks, which support each child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development, as well as the educational aspects of other program areas.
v. Understanding of Self as Individual and Group Member – Staff enhances each child’s understanding of self as an individual and as a member of a group.
Toddler and Preschool
Through individual and group activities, adults encourage children’s self-awareness by:
A. Providing individually identified space for the personal belongings of each child
B. Providing an environment of acceptance for each child
C. Displaying and engaging in conversation of photos and drawings of children and their family members
D. When developmentally appropriate,engaging in cooperative play activities that help children to respect others
E. Assisting children in recognizing their strengths
F. Providing a safe and nurturing environment (physical and emotional) that promotes children to express their feelings appropriately
G. Modeling the articulation and identification of feelings through Growing Great Kids“Empathy Care giving” practices
H. Using culturally responsive language, at children’s eye level, that is nurturing and sensitive.
I. Modeling respect and helping children demonstrate their respect for others
J. Designing activities that allow children to express their feelings
K. Practicing Growing Great Kids“Play by Play” through self and parallel talk of actions and behaviors
L. Assisting children in identifying their unique characteristics
M. Implementing Growing Great Kids “The 4 Steps to Success”
N. Encouraging children to stand up for their rights through appropriate words and gestures
O. Providing meaningful experiences through relationships and materials that promote a sense of self and recognition of ability
P. Allowing ample opportunities for children to do things for themselves as developmentally appropriate, healthy, and safe
Q. Encouraging communication between children throughout the day: e.g., small discussion groups, encouraging them to partner with another during play as developmentally appropriate
R. Offering age-appropriate activities, materials and equipment that develops self –awareness (e.g., mirrors, family photos, books, dolls)
Through individual and group activities, adults encourage children’s self-awareness by:
A. Providing individually identified space for the personal belongings of each child
B. Providing an environment of acceptance for each child
B. Displaying photos of children and families and identifying and naming them to the children
C. Providing a safe and nurturing environment (physical and emotional) that promotes children to express their emotions
D. Modeling the articulation and identification of feelings through Growing Great Kids“Empathy Care giving” practices
E. Modeling respect and helping children demonstrate their respect for others as is developmentally appropriate
F. PracticingGrowing Great Kids “Play by Play” through self and parallel talk of actions and behaviors
G. Identifying, through language and gestures, children’s unique characteristics
H. Implementing Growing Great Kids “The 4 Steps to Success”
I. Providing opportunities for children to use all of the senses to explore self and others
J. Allowing ample opportunities for children to persist and engage with others and materials as developmentally appropriate
K. Picking up and responding appropriately to children’s cues for support and assistance
L. Using culturally responsive language, at children’s eye level, that is nurturing and sensitive
M. Offering age-appropriate activities, materials and equipment that develops self –awareness (e.g., mirrors, family photos, books, dolls)
Drafted 08-22-2012
Edited 08-27-2012