Appendix A

Allocation Forms

CTE Transitions 2012-2013 Allocation Listing

CTE Transitions Allocation Checklist

Contact Page

Statement of Work (Annual Workplan)

Application Budget Summary

Application Budget Detail Sheet

Application Budget Detail Sheet (Format Example Only)

Crossover Chart

Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements

CTE Transitions

2012-2013 Allocation Listing

Fiscal Agent / College / Allocation Monitor / Allocation Number / Allocation Amount
Allan Hancock Jt. CCD / Allan Hancock / Robin Harrington / 12-112-610
Antelope Valley CCD / Antelope Valley / Robin Harrington / 12-112-620
Barstow CCD / Barstow / Laura Casillas / 12-112-910
Butte-Glenn CCD / Butte / Paul Barth / 12-112-110
Cabrillo CCD / Cabrillo / Sharon Wong / 12-112-410
Cerritos CCD / Cerritos / Maureen White / 12-112-810
Chabot-Las Positas CCD (Chabot) / Chabot / Sharon Wong / 12-112-481
Chabot-Las Positas CCD (Las Positas) / Las Positas / Sharon Wong / 12-112-482
Chaffey College / Chaffey / Laura Casillas / 12-112-920
Citrus CCD / Citrus / Maureen White / 12-112-820
Coast CCD / Coastline Community
Golden West
Orange Coast / Laura Casillas / 12-112-830
Contra Costa CCD (Contra Costa) / Contra Costa / Sharon Wong / 12-112-311
Contra Costa CCD (Diablo Valley) / Los Medanos / Sharon Wong / 12-112-312
Contra Costa CCD (Los Medanos) / Diablo Valley / Sharon Wong / 12-112-313
Copper Mountain CCD / Copper Mountain / Laura Casillas / 12-112-970
Desert CCD / College of the Desert / Laura Casillas / 12-112-930
El Camino CCD / El Camino / Maureen White / 12-112-720
Feather River CCD / Feather River / Paul Barth / 12-112-120
Foothill-De Anza CCD (DeAnza) / DeAnza / Sharon Wong / 12-112-421
Foothill-De Anza CCD (Foothill) / Foothill / Sharon Wong / 12-112-422
Gavilan CCD / Gavilan / Jeanine Estrada / 12-112-440
Glendale CCD / Glendale / Maureen White / 12-112-730
Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD / Grossmont
Cuyamaca / Chuck Wiseley / 12-112-020
Hartnell CCD / Hartnell / Jeanine Estrada / 12-112-450
Imperial CCD / Imperial Valley / Chuck Wiseley / 12-112-030
Kern CCD / Bakersfield
Cerro Coso Community
Taft / Jeanine Estrada / 12-112-520
Lake Tahoe CCD / Lake Tahoe Community / Paul Barth / 12-112-220
Lassen CCD / Lassen College / Paul Barth / 12-112-130
Long Beach CCD / Long Beach City / Maureen White / 12-112-840
Los Angeles CCD (City) / Los Angeles City / Maureen White / 12-112-748
Los Angeles CCD (East) / East Los Angeles / Maureen White / 12-112-741

2012-2013 CTE Transitions Allocation Listing (Continued)

Los Angeles CCD (Harbor) / Los Angeles Harbor / Maureen White / 12-112-742
Los Angeles CCD (Mission) / Los Angeles Mission / Maureen White / 12-112-743
Los Angeles CCD (Pierce) / Los Angeles Pierce / Maureen White / 12-112-744
Los Angeles CCD (Southwest) / Los Angeles Southwest / Maureen White / 12-112-745
Los Angeles CCD (Trade Tech) / Los Angeles Trade Tech / Maureen White / 12-112-746
Los Angeles CCD (Valley) / Los Angeles Valley / Maureen White / 12-112-747
Los Angeles CCD (West) / West Los Angeles / Maureen White / 12-112-749
Los Rios CCD / American River
Consumnes River
Folsom Lake
Sacramento City / Paul Barth / 12-112-230
Marin CCD / College of Marin / Sharon Wong / 12-112-330
Mendocino-Lake CCD / Mendocino / Paul Barth / 12-112-140
Merced CCD / Merced / Jeanine Estrada / 12-112-530
MiraCosta CCD / MiraCosta / Chuck Wiseley / 12-112-050
Monterey Peninsula CCD / Monterey Peninsula / Sharon Wong / 12-112-460
Mt. San Antonio CCD / Mt. San Antonia / Maureen White / 12-112-850
Mt. San Jacinto CCD / Mt. San Jacinto / Laura Casillas / 12-112-940
Napa Valley CCD / Napa Valley / Sharon Wong / 12-112-240
North Orange County CCD / Cypress
Fullerton / Laura Casillas / 12-112-860
Ohlone CCD / Ohlone / Sharon Wong / 12-112-430
Palo Verde CCD / Palo Verde / Laura Casillas / 12-112-950
Palomar CCD / Palomar / Chuck Wiseley / 12-112-060
Pasadena Area CCD / Pasadena City / Maureen White / 12-112-770
Peralta CCD / College of Alameda
Vista / Sharon Wong / 12-112-340
Rancho Santiago CCD / Santa Ana
Santiago Canyon / Laura Casillas / 12-112-870
Redwoods CCD / College of the Redwoods / Paul Barth / 12-112-160
Rio Hondo CCD / Rio Hondo / Maureen White / 12-112-880
Riverside CCD / Riverside Community
Moreno Valley
Norco / Laura Casillas / 12-112-960
San Bernardino CCD (Crafton Hills) / Crafton Hills / Laura Casillas / 12-112-981
San Bernardino CCD (San Bernardino Valley) / San Bernardino Valley / Laura Casillas / 12-112-982
San Diego CCD / San Diego City
San Diego Mesa
San Diego Miramar / Chuck Wiseley / 12-112-070

2012-2013 CTE Transitions Allocation Listing (Continued)

San Francisco CCD / City College of San Francisco / Sharon Wong / 12-112-360
San Joaquin Delta CCD / San Joaquin Delta / Jeanine Estrada / 12-112-550
San Jose-Evergreen CCD / Evergreen Valley
San Jose City / Sharon Wong / 12-112-470
San Luis Obispo County CCD / Cuesta / Robin Harrington / 12-112-640
San Mateo County CCD / Canada
College of San Mateo
Skyline / Sharon Wong / 12-112-370
Santa Barbara CCD / Santa Barbara City / Robin Harrington / 12-112-650
Santa Clarita CCD / College of the Canyons / Robin Harrington / 12-112-660
Santa Monica CCD / Santa Monica / Maureen White / 12-112-780
Sequoias CCD / College of the Sequoias / Jeanine Estrada / 12-112-560
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint CCD / Shasta / Paul Barth / 12-112-170
Sierra Joint CCD / Sierra / Paul Barth / 12-112-270
Siskiyou Joint CCD / College of the Siskiyous / Paul Barth / 12-112-180
Solano County CCD / Solano Community / Sharon Wong / 12-112-280
Sonoma County CCD / Santa Rosa Junior / Sharon Wong / 12-112-260
South Orange County CCD (Irvine) / Irvine Valley / Laura Casillas / 12-112-892
South Orange County CCD (Saddleback) / Saddleback / Laura Casillas / 12-112-891
Southwestern CCD / Southwestern / Chuck Wiseley / 12-112-090
State Center CCD / Fresno City
Reedley / Jeanine Estrada / 12-112-570
Ventura County CCD (Moorpark) / Moorpark / Robin Harrington / 12-112-681
Ventura County CCD (Oxnard) / Oxnard / Robin Harrington / 12-112-682
Ventura County CCD (Ventura) / Ventura / Robin Harrington / 12-112-683
Victor Valley CCD / Victor Valley / Laure Casillas / 12-112-990
West Hills CCD / Lemoore
West Hills / Jeanine Estrada / 12-112-580
West Valley-Mission CCD (Mission) / Mission / Sharon Wong / 12-112-492
West Valley-Mission CCD (West Valley) / West Valley / Sharon Wong / 12-112-493
Yosemite CCD / Columbia
Modesto Junior / Jeanine Estrada / 12-112-590
Yuba CCD / Yuba / Paul Barth / 12-112-290

CTE Transitions Allocation Checklist

NOTE: This checklist is a tool for allocation recipients to use when completing their RFA. If the application contains the following information, in the following order, the packet will be complete.

o No FACE PAGE – Since this funding is non-competitive and categorized as allocations not grants, we do not require or provide facesheets. If needed by your district or board, your proof of funding is the memo with attached allocation listing that we send with this RFA in Appendix A.

o Contact Page (See Appendix A)

o Narrative (See RFA Section F (2. Narrative))

o Statement of Work – Annual Workplan (See Appendix A)

o Application Budget Summary (See Appendix A)

o Application Budget Detail Sheet (See Appendix A for Format Example and Blank Form)

o Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (2 copies with original CEO/Designee signatures) (See Appendix A)

o No supplemental material (DO NOT include appendices or other supplemental information unless specifically requested in the Application.)

o Two Completed Packets stapled in upper left corner (DO NOT use binders or other covers.)

o Mailing envelope is labeled

Career Education Practices Unit

Chancellor’s Office, California Community Colleges

ATTN: Robin Harrington, Specialist

1102 Q Street

Sacramento, CA 95811

Received at Chancellor’s Office by 5:00 p.m., on Tuesday, May 22, 2012

o Of the Two (2) sets, all have original signatures (In Any Ink Color Other Than Black) on the:

Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; and Drug-Free Workplace Requirement (CEO/Designee signature)

Chancellor’s Office
California Community Colleges / Grant No: 12-112-

Contact Page

City: State: Zip+4:
District Superintendent
Name: Title:
Phone: ( ) Date:
Fax: ( ) E-Mail Address:
Responsible Administrator
Name: Title:
Phone: ( ) Date:
Fax: ( ) E-Mail Address:
Project Director
Name: Title:
Phone: ( ) Date:
Fax: ( ) E-Mail Address:
Business Officer
Name: Title:
Phone: ( ) Date:
Fax: ( ) E-Mail Address:
Proposal Preparer
Name: Title:
Phone: ( ) Date:
Fax: ( ) E-Mail Address:
Chancellor’s Office
California Community Colleges / Grant No. : 12-112-
Statement of Work (Annual Workplan)
Activities / Timelines / Responsible Person(s) / Outcomes

* Limit one (1) objective per page. List objectives according to numerical order, i.e., 1.0. Activities should have corresponding numbers (i.e., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 . . .)

Application Budget Summary

Grant Number: 12-112-



Note: When entering dollar amounts, round off to the nearest dollar.
Submit details explaining the expenditures by category on the Application Budget Detail Sheet.
Source of Funds / Line / CTE Transitions Funding
1000 Instructional Salaries / 1
2000 Noninstructional Salaries / 2
3000 Employee Benefits / 3
4000 Supplies and Materials / 4
5000 Other Operating Exp. & Svcs. / 5
6000 Capital Outlay / 6
7000 Other Outgo / 7
Total Direct Costs1 / 8
Total Indirect Costs2 / 9
Total Costs
/ 10

1 Administration is limited to 5% of the total direct costs.

2 Not to exceed 4% of the total direct costs.

Chancellor’s Office
California Community Colleges / Grant Number: 12-112-
Application Budget
Detail Sheet
Object of Expenditure / Classification / Project Funds Requested
Total Direct Costs
Total Indirect Costs (Not to Exceed 4% of Direct Costs)
Total Costs



Chancellor’s Office
California Community Colleges / Grant Number:
Application Budget
Detail Sheet
Object of Expenditure[1] / Classification / Project Funds Requested
1100 / Instructional Salaries
(Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $ / Fill In
1210 / Supervisors’ Salaries[2]
(Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $
1230 / Counselors’ Salaries
(Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $
1420 / Project Director[3]
(Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $
2140 / Classified Salaries, Noninstructional (Regular Full-time)
(Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $
2200 / Instructional Aides’ Salaries (Regular, Full-time)
(Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $
2340 / Classified Salaries, Noninstructional (Non-Regular Full-time)
(Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $
2400 / Instructional Aides’ Salaries (Non-Regular, Full-time)
(Days/hours) x (Daily/hourly rate) = $
3000 / Employee Benefits
Name and rate charged
4000 / Supplies and Materials
List type and costs
5000 / Other Operating Expenses and Services
List type and costs, including travel and per diem
Name (daily/hourly rate)
Identify specific service to be rendered
6000 / Capital Outlay
List type and costs
7000 / Other Outgo
List type and costs
Student financial aid
Other payments to/for students
Total Direct Costs
Total Indirect Costs (Not to exceed 4% of Direct Costs)
Total Costs

Crossover Chart


Expenditure by Object Titles (EOT)[* ]

Use This
(CTEA Reports EOT Number) / For This
(Budget and Accounting Manual EOT Number)
1100 / Instructional Salaries / 1100 / Academic Salaries, Instructional, Contract or Regular Status
1300 / Academic Salaries, Instructional, Other
1210 / Supervisor1 / 1200 / Academic Salaries, Noninstructional, Contract or Regular Status
Subcategory Administrators and Supervisors: (Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Deans)
1220 / Project Director2 / 1200 / Academic Salaries, Noninstructional, Contract or Regular Status
Subcategory Project Director
1230 / Counselor / 1200 / Academic Salaries, Noninstructional, Contract or Regular Status
Subcategory Vocational Counselors
1240 / Other / 1200 / Academic Salaries, Noninstructional, Contract or Regular Status
Subcategory Other: (Salaries other than Administrators/Supervisors, Project Directors, and Vocational Counselors in contract or regular noninstructional academic positions)
1400 / Noninstructional Salaries
(Use same subcategory detail as object 1200) / 1400 / Academic Salaries, NonInstructional Salaries, Other
1410 / Supervisor1
1420 / Project Director2
1430 / Counselor
1440 / Other
2100 / Classified Salaries, Noninstructional
(Use same subcategory detail as object 1200) / 2100 / Classified and Other Nonacademic Salaries, Noninstructional, Regular Status
2110 / Supervisor1
2120 / Project Director2
2130 / Counselor
2140 / Other
2200 / Instructional Aides’ Salaries / 2200 / Classified and Other Nonacademic Salaries, Instructional Aids, Regular Status
Direct Instruction, Other

* Please refer to the California Community Colleges Budget and Accounting Manual (Rev. July 2000). This manual is available on the Chancellor’s Office Website ( ). All questions regarding the Budget and Accounting Manual should be referred to the California Community Colleges Fiscal Services Unit, Michael Yarber, .

1 Not to exceed 5% for supervision/administration (not directly involved in the day-to-day ongoing activities).

2 This is the person who is directly involved with the day-to-day ongoing activities.

Crossover Chart (Continued)

Use This
(CTEA Reports EOT Number) / For This
(Budget and Accounting Manual EOT Number)
2300 / Classified Salaries, Noninstructional
(Use same subcategory detail as object 1200) / 2300 / Classified and Other Nonacademic Salaries, Noninstructional, Other
2310 / Supervisor1
2320 / Project Director2
2330 / Counselor
2340 / Other
2400 / Other / 2400 / Classified and Other Nonacademic Salaries, Instructional Aids, Other
Direct Instruction, Other
3000 / Employee Benefits / 3000 / Employee Benefits
(3100-3900): STRS Fund, PERS Fund, Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Health Insurance (OASDHI), Health and Welfare Benefits, State Unemployment Insurance, Workers’ Compensation Insurance, Local Retirement Systems, Other Benefits
4000 / Supplies and Materials / 4000 / Supplies and Materials
Instructional and Noninstructional Supplies and Materials (have a useful life of less then one year and/or a purchase price of under $200 and are easily expendable) (i.e., office, library, medical, food, periodicals, magazines, pictures, maps computer software)
5000 / Other Operating Expenses and Services / 5000 / Other Operating Expenses and Services
Audit, Contract Services, Depreciation, Dues and Membership, Election, Insurance, Interest, Legal, Personal and Consultant Services, Postage, Rents and Leases, Repairs and Maintenance, Self-Insurance Claims, Travel and Conference Expenses, Utilities and Housekeeping Services, Other
6000 / Capital Outlay / 6000 / Capital Outlay
6400 Equipment (i.e., desk, chairs, vehicles, etc.) with a purchase price of at least $200 and a useful life of more than one year
7000 / Other Outgo / 7000 / Other Outgo
(7100-7900): Debt Retirement, Intrafund Transfers-Out, Interfund Transfers-Out, Other Transfers, Student Financial Aid, Other Student Aid, Reserve for Contingencies
Certifications Regarding Lobbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other ResponsibilityMatters;andDrugFreeWorkplace Requirements
Applicants should refer to the regulations cited below to determine the certification to which they are required to attest. Applicants should also review the instructions for certification included in the regulations before completing this form. Signature of this form provides for compliance with certification requirements under 34 CFR Part 82, “New Restrictions on Lobbying,” and 34 CFR Part 85, “Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement) and Government-wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Grants).” The certifications shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the Chancellor’s Office determines to award the covered transaction, grant, or cooperative agreement.

1. Lobbying