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Tefko Saracevic, PhD

Professor II Emeritus

School of Communication & Information

Department of Library and Information Science

Rutgers University


Home page:

Bibliografija (alpha)

Major books and chapters on digital libraries

Arms, W. Y. (2000) Digital libraries. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Online edition retrieved Dec. 26, 2010

Bearman, D. (2007). Digital libraries. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 41: 223-272. [In Readings]

Borgman, C. L. (2000)., Whither, or wither, libraries? In: Borgman, C.L. From Gutenberg to the Global Information Infrastructure: Access to information in the networked world. (Ch. 7. pp.169-208). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [In Readings]

Articles and reports

Abram. S. (2008). Evolution to revolution to chaos? Reference in transition. Searcher, 16(8), 42-48. [In Readings]

Buckland, M.K. (2008).Reference library service in the digital environment. Library and Information Science Research, 30(2), 81-85. [In Readings]

Carreiro E. (2010). Electronic books: how digital devices and supplementary new technologies are changing the face of the publishing industry. Publishing Research Quarterly, 26(4), 219-235. [In Readings]

Choi, Y. (2006). What is needed to educate future digital librarians: A study of current practice and staffing patterns in academic and research libraries. D-Lib Magazine, 12 (9). Retrieved Jan.4, 2010 from: [In Readings]

Chowdhury, G. (2010). From digital libraries to digital preservation research: The importance of users and context. Journal of Documentation, 66(2), 207-223. [In Readings]

Connaway, L. S. & Dickey, T.J. (2010). The digital information seeker: Report of the findings from selected OCLC, RIN, and JISC user behaviour projects. UK: Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) Retrieved Dec. 27, 2010 from [In Readings]

Conway, P. (2010). Preservation in the age of Google: digitization, digital preservation, and dilemmas. Library Quarterly, 80(1), 61–79. [In Readings]

Carreiro, E. (2010). Electronic books: how digital devices and supplementary new technologies are changing the face of the publishing industry. Publishing Research Quarterly, 26(4), 219-235. [In Readings]

Dalbello, M. (2008). Cultural dimensions of digital library development, part i: theory and methodological framework for a comparative study of the cultures of innovation in five European national libraries. Library Quarterly 78(3), 355-395. [In Readings]

Dalbello, M. (2009). Cultural dimensions of digital library development, part ii: the cultures of innovation in five European national libraries (narratives of development). Library Quarterly 79(1) 1-72. [In Readings]

Eve, J. (2008). Writing a research proposal: planning and communicating your research ideas effectively. Library and Information Research,32(102), 18-28. [In Readings]

Fuhr, N. et al. (2007) Evaluation of digital libraries. International Journal of Digital Libraries, doi 10.1007/s00799-007-0011-z. Retrieved Jan.4, 2010 from

Gonçalves, M.A., Moreira, B.L., Fox, E.A. & Watson. L.T. "What is a good digital library?" - A quality model for digital libraries. Information Processing & Management, 43 (5), 1416-1437.[In Readings]

Hahn, T. B. (2008). Mass digitization implications for preserving the scholarly record. Library Resources & Technical Services, 52(1), 18-26. [In Readings]

Horava , T. (2010). Challenges and possibilities for collection management in a digital age. Library Resources & Technical Services, 54(3), 142-152. [In Readings]

Innocenti, P., Vullo, G., Ross, S. (2010). Towards a digital library policy and quality interoperability framework: The DL.org project. New Review of Information Networking, 15(1), pp. 29-53. [In Readings]

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). (2002). Guidelines for digitization projects for collections and holdings in the public domain, particularly those held by libraries and archives. Retrieved Jan.4, 2010 from

Jamali, H.R., Nicholas, D., Rowlands, I. (2009). Scholarly e-books: The views of 16,000 academics: Results from the JISC National E-Book Observatory. Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, 61(1), 33-47. [In Readings]

Lee, H-L. (2000). What is a collection? Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(12), 1106-1113. [In Readings]

Liew, C.L. (2009). Digital library research 1997-2007: Organisational and people issues. Journal of Documentation, 65(2), 245-266. [In Readings]

Makri, S. et al. (2007). A library or just another information resource? A case study of users’ mental models of traditional and digital libraries. Journal of The American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58 (3), 433–445. [In Readings]

Maron, N.L., Smith, K.K. (2008). Current models of digital scholarly communication. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries. Retrieved Jan.4, 2010 from [In Readings]

Mervis, J. (2009). NSF rethinks its digital library. Science, 323, 54-58. [In Readings]

Nicholas, D., Huntington, P., Jamali, H.R., Rowlands, I., Fieldhouse, M. (2009). Student digital information-seeking behaviour in context. Journal of Documentation, 65(1), 106-132. [In Readings]

NISO Framework Advisory Group. (2007) A Framework of guidance for building good digital collections. 3nd edition. Bethesda, MD: National Information Standards Organization, Retrieved Jan.4, 2010 from

Pomerantz, J. (2008). Digital (Library Services) and (Digital Library) Services. Journal of Digital Information, 9(27). [In Readings]

Ross, L. & Sennyey, P. (2008). The Library is Dead, Long Live the Library! The practice of academic librarianship and the digital revolution. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 34(2), 145-152. [In Readings]

Saracevic, T. (2000). Digital library evaluation: Toward evolution of concepts. Library Trends, 49 (2), 350-369. Special issue on Evaluation of Digital Libraries. [In Readings]

Saracevic,T. (2010). Information science. In: Marcia J. Bates and Mary Niles Maack (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. New York: Taylor & Francis. pp. 2570-2586. [In Articles]. Concentrate on section Digital Libraries, pp. 2582-2583. [In Readings]

Saracevic, T. (2010). Content of a proposal for a thesis or any research project. School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University. 2p. [In Readings]

Selwyn, N. (2009). The digital native – myth and reality. Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, 61(4), 364-379. [In Readings]

Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C., Cohen, M. S. & Jacobs, S. M. (2009). Designing the user interface. (5th ed.). Retrieved April 27, 2010 from Chapter 1: Usability of interactive systems.

Sutherland, J. (2008). A mass digitization primer. Library Trends, 57(1), 17-23. [In Readings]

Tammaro, A.M. (2008). User perceptions of digital libraries: A case study in Italy. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 9(2), 130-137. [In Readings]

Tenopir, C. (2003). Use and users of electronic library resources: An overview and analysis of recent research studies. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources. Retrieved Jan.4, 2010 from [In Readings]

The Library of Congress. (2007). Strategic plan. Fiscal years 2008-2013. To further human understanding and wisdom. Retrieved Jan.4, 2010 from

Tsakonas, G. & Papatheodorou, C. (2008). Exploring usefulness and usability in the evaluation of open access digital libraries. Information Processing & Management, 44 (3), 1234-1250.[In Readings]

van der Velde, W. & Ernst, O. (2009). The future of eBooks? Will print disappear? An end-user perspective. Library Hi Tech, 27 (4), 570-583.

Warren, J. W. (2009). Innovation and the future of e-Books. The International Journal of the Book, 6(1), 83-93. [In Readings]

Xie, H. I. (2008).Users’ evaluation of digital libraries (DLs): Their uses, their criteria, and their assessment. Information Processing & Management, 44 (3), 1346-1373. [In Readings]

Yarrow, A., Clubb, B. & Draper, J-L. (2008). Public libraries, archives and museums: Trends in collaboration and cooperation. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, IFLA Professional Reports, No. 108. Retrieved Jan.4, 2010 from [In Readings]

Zhang, X., Liu, J., Li, Y., Zhang, Y.(2009). How usable are operational digital libraries: A usability evaluation of system interactions. EICS'09 - Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, 177-186. [In Readings]

Zhang, Y. (2010) Developing a holistic model for digital library evaluation. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(1), 88-110. [In Readings]

Zutty, I, (2010). Digital libraries and teens. Term project. Course Digital Libraires, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University. [In Readings]