UUSU Officer Report - President

Name of Officer: Colum Mackey

Position: President

Period Covered by Report: 7th November 2016 –19th November 2016

Key Achievements in time period

8/11/16 / US Consulate Presidential Election Event - Belfast
10/11/16 / PIPS Suicide Awareness Training – Magee
15/11/16 / Auschwitz Trip – Poland
19/11/16 / NUS National Demo – London

University Meetings Attended & Outcomes

8/11/16 / Research and Impact Committee – Jordanstown
This was the first time a UUSU rep had sat on this committee. I thought it important that we secured representation here. Some items under discussion included the new 5&50 plan, the new research and impact strategy, the new research themes and the creation of physical postdoctoral colleges on campus.
8/11/16 / Distinguished Teaching and Learning Support Awards – Jordanstown
Having considered applications for the award we met as a panel to decide on winners. Some very interesting projects (winners to be announced in due course).
16/11/16 / Student Fund Disbursement Committee – Belfast
Having considered applications for several awards including the Vice Chancellors Award, the Gateway Scholarship and the Travel Fund we met as a panel to decide on winners.
16/11/16 / Professor Paul Bartholomew – Jordanstown
Paul is the new PVC for Education. I had this initial 1-1 to discuss our representation system, the new quality assurance framework and the TEF.
16/11/16 / Senate – Jordanstown
Attended a meeting of Senate. Secured a seat on a newly formed sub-committee which will look at the makeup of Senate and will advise the Vice Chancellor on matters between meetings of Senate.
17/11/16 / Catriona McCarthy – Jordanstown
Met with the new Head of International who is responsible for international recruitment and experience. I spoke about the need to develop the international student experience for home and existing students. I am to speak with a colleague who used to work with her in Edinburgh University about their experience.
17/11/16 / Professor Hugh McKenna – Jordanstown
Hugh oversees the development of the Ulster medical school which the university plans to open. I was briefed on the plans and intend to bring a policy to council to seek their endorsement of the project.
17/11/16 / Professor Cherie Armor – Jordanstown
Cherie is Chair of the RESPECT network. An all island group which is looking at sexual assault in university students and safer relationships. There is a launch of this network on Friday 23rd November. I have been asked to attend and speak. I also intend to work with the network to produce an anonymous reporting survey at Ulster.

UUSU Meetings Attended, Important Points & Outcomes

7/11/16 / Meeting with Eamon Mullan – Jordanstown
The team and I met with Eamon Mullan to discuss student issues and to get an update on university plans. We reiterated our need for access to membership information.
7/11/16 / Meeting with Department of the Communities – Belfast
VP Coleraine and I met with representatives for the Department to discuss private sector legislation. We discussed carbon monoxide alarms. Draft legislation is being formulated which will make their installation compulsory.
9/11/16 / Bar Management Committee – Coleraine
Discussed various events which are on the horizon and what we might do to better meet the needs of students.
9/11/16 / Life and Health Sciences Student Experience Forum – Coleraine
Co-chaired this forum. We discussed the use of technology in the classroom. Some excellent suggestion which we will follow up on. Actions will be reviewed at the LHS Learning and Teaching Committee.
11/11/16 / AGM / Student Council Planning Meeting – Jordanstown
Met to discuss the upcoming AGM and Council and how we might improve these.
11/11/16 / Careers Meeting – Jordanstown
Met with Emma Martin from the careers department to discuss how we can best support them through social media.
11/11/16 / Fees Pre-Meeting – Jordanstown
Met with VP Belfast, VP Jordanstown and the Democracy and Campaigns Coordinator to discuss an upcoming NUS-USI fees planning meeting.
11/11/16 / Invisible Traffic – Jordanstown
Met with VP Campaigns and Student Activities Coordinator to discuss working with a people trafficking charity to raise awareness of the issue. We agreed that we would establish a student steering group.
11/11/16 / Communications Planning – Jordanstown
Met with VP Campaigns and SET Manager to plan communications over the coming weeks.
18/11/16 / Ulster University Business School Student Experience Forum – Jordanstown
Attended this forum where we discussed the use of technology, feedback, teaching styles in addition to exploring the wider university experience. Actions will be reviewed at the UUBS Learning and Teaching Committee.
18/11/16 / Meeting with Janet Alleyne – Jordanstown
Met Janet, head of the Quality Management and Audit Unit, to discuss a submission to the WhatUni Awards

Other Meetings/Points to Note:

8/11/16 / US Consulate Presidential Election Event - Belfast
Attended the Consulate’s event hosed on the Belfast campus.
8/11/16 / PIPS Suicide Awareness Training – Jordanstown
Delivered suicide awareness training.
9/11/16 / Journalism Students Press Conference – Coleraine
Answered questions from the students about what was happening on campus and the types of issues we have been campaigning on.
9/11/16 / Block Wars – Jordanstown
Attended the block wars gaming event, hosted by the SU for halls students.
10/11/16 / PIPS Suicide Awareness Training – Magee
Delivered suicide awareness training.
10/11/16 / PIPS Suicide Awareness Training – Coleraine
Delivered suicide awareness training.
14/11/16 / Chancellor James Nesbitt Q&A session – Coleraine and Magee
Organised and attended student Q&A session with the Chancellor of Ulster University.
15/11/16 / Auschwitz Trip – Poland
Joined a trip to Poland organised by the Holocaust Educational Trust and the Union of Jewish Students. Others from HE and FE were in attendance. I will be attending a follow us seminar to discuss the trip and antisemitism on the 23rd Nov.
19/11/16 / NUS National Demo – London
VP Coleraine and I attended the NUS National Demo organised to highlight discontent with the HE Bill, amongst other issues.

Number of Student Queries Dealt With:


Number of Student Academic Appeals Attended:

Number of Student Disciplinary Committees Attended: