Psychology Self Book
Student Name-______
Title: ______
Cover-Be creative and design your book to fit your personality, likes, favorites, etc.
Table of contents page required
Contents- This is a building process as you explore “self.”
- May want to use protector sheets or heavy paper
- Rubber cement is the best type of glue for photographs and projects
- May want to scan original photographs
Creativity and neatness are a must. Much of your grade will be determined on effort.
Grading Policy-Worth 100 total points:
- Content……………60%
10 points will be deducted for each of the 6 sections you fail to include. You must include 5 to 6 items from each section. - Creativity……………30%
Creative cover will be worth 10 points. Creativity through out the book will count 20 points. I do not want a research paper but do not want a photo album either. You must include creative items, not just words.
- Neatness…………….10%
All pages and photos are secure, writing is legible.
One day late equals a 50 point deduction. Two days late is a 0.
Please see me if you have a specific unique situation that prevents your being able to get information on a particular topic.
This project counts as a test grade. It is important that you perform well in order for you to get the grade you want from this class. The main idea of this project is for you to have fun learning about yourself.
The Six sections include: Infancy, Early Life, Community, Music, Hobbies, and Self Perception.
Due Date: ______
Month of birth, Day of birth, Year of Birth
List something that was happening in the world during this time.
Who was present or visited during or after your birth?
Parents names-
What is your birth order?
Place of Birth-Hospital/city
How was the birth?
What kind of car did you experience your first ride?
What outfit did you where home?
Town that you came home to live
Describe your first home…
Describe your room…
Reactions of family and friends to your birth…
Type of early foods (likes/dislikes)
Type of toys (likes/dislikes)
Your first sounds/words (list age if you know it)
First time to crawl….First time to walk…
How were you cared for during your first years of life?
Share special stories of infancy
Use photographs/foot prints, hospital bracelet, etc. (Be creative)
Early Life/ School
School to me is…..
My first memory of pre-k or kindergarten…
School name-
Include school materials, thoughts, feelings, favorites from K/12.
Favorite book-
Favorite toy/toys-
Favorite television show-
Clothes that I wore…
Favorite games…
Dislikes during this time….
Favorite experience or experiences…
- Describe your community-
- Describe your home that you currently live in-
- What would you change about your home if you could-
- What would you change about the surrounding community/city-
- My dream place to live would be ______
- Region of the world/U.S.-
- Describe the climate/atmosphere of your dream place-
- Describe your dream home-
- Actually sketch out your dream home or get a picture.
- What is your take on the statements- “Home is where the heart is” & “A house is not a home”
- What is your favorite type of music?
- What is your second & third types of music that you listen to?
- Your favorite musical group?
- Your favorite single entertainer?
- Your top five CD’s-
List the Title and entertainer-
- Lyrics of your all time favorite & why-
If your lyrics contain in appropriate language please black them out.
- Has your music interest changes since middle school?
- Do you play an instrument? If so which one and when did you start?
- Do you sing with a choir or chorus group?
- What do you like to do with your spare time?
- What hobbies do you have?
- What types of things do you collect?
- What types of outdoor activities do you like?
- Where do you work?
- What was your first job?
- What is your dream job?
- What type of work do your parents do?
- What part of school do you enjoy the most?
- What is your favorite subject?
- What extracurricular activities do you participate in?
Self Perception
- What one word best describes you?
- Are you out going or shy?
- Are you serious or laidback?
- What is something that you feel is unique about you?
- Tell me something unique about your family.
- Tell me something you would like to change about yourself.
- What is your greatest fear?
- What has been your greatest accomplishment so far in life?
- How do you feel you rank socially with your peers?
- What are your favorite:
- Colors
- Foods
- Clothes
- Any other you may think of ……?