USTA/Mid-Atlantic Section
OCTOBER 1, 2 & 3, 2010
General Information
- USTA League Tennis Regulations (January 2010) apply to this event. Please refer to that document for additional information and rules concerning USTA SeniorLeague competition.
- PENN is the official ball.
- Players are expected to wear tennis attire appropriate to this event.
Tournament Rules of Play
- Match line-ups must be turned in to the Tournament Desk not less than 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the match. Failure to do so will result in an automatic $50.00 cash fine for each suchoccurrence, which must be paid before offending team may play. Penalties for lateness apply, up to and including match forfeiture if your line-up is 15 minutes late or more. The Tournament Desk clock, at the match site, is the official timepiece. This tournament uses "followed by" scheduling. By rule, the Tournament Desk has the right to call matches up to 30 minutes before their scheduled start time, and will do so assuming courts are available.
- Once submitted, line-ups cannot be changed without the written approval of the Tournament Director and the Referee.
- The order of play is#1 Doubles, #2 Doubles and #3 Doubles.
- Players must be present and ready to play in order to claim a Default. Otherwise, a Double Default is declared.
- A warm-up period not to exceed 10 minutes (including practice serves) shall be observed.
- All matches shall be best of two sets, with regular scoring, and the set tiebreakshall be used at 6-all in each set. In the event of split sets, a set Match tiebreakshall be played to determine the match winner, with no rest period or coaching allowed. The Coman tie-break shall be used. (Note: Tournament Director/Referee reserve the right to alter the order of play or to implement alternative scoring systems at any time if necessary in their judgment to complete the tournament within the prescribed time). Please note that for purposes of Rule 3.03C, a "third set tiebreak" shall count as both one set lost and one game lost.
- At the conclusion of each individual match, all players must return to the Tournament Desk to report scores. Captains or their designees are required to sign the official scorecard at the conclusion of each team match. All reported scores are deemed final fifteen minutes after the conclusion of the last individual match. Thereafter, no changes will be accepted.
- Roving umpires under the direction of the Referee will be on hand at all times to enforce proper conduct and observances of rules.
- Teams departing prior to completion of all their matches without the written permission of the Tournament Director shall be disqualified from League play for the following year.
USTA/Mid-Atlantic Section
OCTOBER 1, 2 & 3, 2010
Dear Team Captain,
Congratulations! The USTA/Mid-Atlantic Section has been notified that you are the captain of the winning team from your Super Senior League. As such, you are invited to participate in the USTA/Mid-Atlantic Section's Super SeniorLeagueChampionships. The information below should answer any questions you may have regarding this event. If not, please e-mail me at . Also please continue to check our web site for further updates.
Host Hotel
The Host Hotel will be the HolidayInn Salisbury Downtown Area, 300 South Salisbury Boulevard, Salisbury, MD21801, 410-546-4400. We have secured a special USTA rate of $89.00 per night. Please mention the code “Gully Tennis” in order to obtain that rate. Directions are posted on this web site.
We have secured courts at SalisburyUniversity, 1101 Camden Avenue, Salisbury, MD21801. WE WILL POST INFORMATION ABOUT PARKING AND/OR SHUTTLE BUSES CLOSER TO THE EVENT – PLEASE CHECK BACK ON THIS WEB SITE.
Registration & Captain's Meeting
Registration will be Thursday, September 30th at 7:00 p.m. and the mandatory Captains’ meeting will begin promptly thereafter.The meeting and registration will be conducted at the host hotel. The front desk will be able to let you know which meeting room they have assigned us. If you cannot attend, please have a representative present. It is most important that all captains attend this meeting.
All players must meet standard eligibility requirements (e.g. current USTA membership, minimum 2 local league matches) provable via TennisLink. Upon registering, you will receive 9 free tournament T-shirts. Additional T-shirts may be purchased at the tournament site on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, at a cost of $10.00 each. The tournament desk will open one hour prior to the scheduled first match.
The Schedule will be placed on our web site as soon as possible. Team line-ups must be submitted to the tournament desk 1/2 hour before the scheduled match time. Failure to do so will result in a $50.00 cash fine. Lineup forms are available from this web site – please print out what you need and bring them with you. Additional forms will be available at the tournament site. All team members must be ready to play 1/2 hour before the scheduled match time. If courts are available, per Section Rule 18, we have the right to call a match to begin play 1/2 prior to the scheduled time. The tournament desk clock will determine the official time.
Match Format
Play will consist of#1, #2 & #3 Doubles.
If you don't have a full line-up for any reason, you must forfeityour #3 Doubles position and notify the tournament desk.
A minimum of six team members who were on the final roster of their local league team at the conclusion of local league play must be available and eligible to compete at championships. The Championship Tournament Committee may reduce that number to not less than four, per National Regulation 6.03A(4).
There will be a 10-minute warm-up.
Match play will be 2 sets with regular scoring. If any set reaches six all, a tie-break will be played (first team to score 7 points, and must be up by 2 points). If sets are split, the match will be decided by playing a match tie-break (first team to reach 10 points, and must be up by 2 points). The Coman tie-break will be used throughout the tournament.
The 3rd set tie-break will count as a 1-0 victory.
Please make changeovers and breaks as brief as possible.
If needed, the USTA tie-break rules will be used to determine the champions.
Rain Plan
In the event of rain, report to the Tournament Desk, with the balls, for instructions on how to proceed. Write down the score and who was serving, and bring that information with you to the Tournament Desk. The tournament staff will have the option of revising the schedule and the tournament format in the event of inclement weather. We have some indoor courts reserved to cover this contingency.
Winning teams and second place teams will receive 8 USTA awards. Additional awards can be ordered. I have order forms - just ask. YOU MUST NOT LEAVE THE TOURNAMENT SITE WITHOUT RECEIVING YOUR AWARDS AND HAVING YOUR PICTURE TAKEN, which will be done as soon as scores have been entered in TennisLink.
Pamela J. Leibfreid
Sectional League Coordinator
703-556-6120 X11