What Can You Do With a Podcast?
What is a Podcast?
- A video overview by the “podgrunt” at
- A digital recording (mp3 file) of a radio broadcast or similar program, made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or a personal audio player.
- PODCAST = Broadcast & iPod
- Apple’s iPod is in the name, but it is not necessary for a person to use an iPod to listen to a podcast.
- Downloadable audio files are sometimes called podcasts.
- True podcasts allow users to subscribe to “feeds” to automatically receive new episodes of the show.
- Podcasts are time-shifted content that can be consumed at your leisure.
What equipment do I need to listen or watch?
- Computer with Internet Connection
- An i-Pod or mp3 player (optional)
- You don’t need and i-Pod or any portable music player to listen to a podcast
Software for Podcasts
- Downloading vs. subscribing
- Podcasts Feeds –a.k.a. RSS Feeds
- Commonly written in XML
- Often contains summaries of, and links to articles on a web site.
- Form of syndication allows for “broadcasts” of podcasts.
Software: Podcatchers or Aggregators (for subscribing)
- Juice (
- Odeo (
- iTunes (
- Yahoo! Podcasts (
Finding and Subscribing to Podcasts
- Look for direct links from a blog or a web site - click on the file and listen or go to RSS feed, copy and paste URL into podcatching software.
- Podcast Directories to search for what you want.
- Podcast Alley (
- Podcast Bunker (
- Indie Podcast.com (
- Tech Podcast (
- Podcast Pickle (
- Podcasts.net –
- Itunes –
- PodFeed.net (
- The Education Podcast Network (
Some advantages to i-Tunes
- -iTunes – “rss - built in”
- Download iTunes from Apple Website
- Show iTunes Basics
- Download and play a podcast from Music Store
- Subscribe to a podcast with iTunes store
- Education
- Higher education
What can I do with a podcast?
- Listen to lectures from LCCC classes
- Learn a foreign language
- Keep up with latest information
- Professional Development
- Share musical performances with colleagues and parents. (get permission from Composer, ASCAP, BMI and Harry Fox Agency)
- Record audio notes from a class
- Promote your events with a weekly magazine show.
- Recruitment
- Audio lessons (aural skills, listening etc)
- The list is endless!
What are the limitations of an Educational Podcast?
- Supplement not substitute in education.
- Lessons are limited to drills or play-alongs
- No immediate feedback can be given unless instructor anticipates common problems.
- It is only audio unless you happen to have a video podcast and then it must be very short duration.
Podcasting for Educationpresented by Andy Seymour & Todd Seymour from the EdTech Musician Podcast
Beginning Podcasting Workshop by Robert BufordDavid Shulman; Conference on Information Technology, Charlotte, NC October, 22, 2006.
Podcasting + Video Podcasting Training Essentials at
Suggested Reading
- Cochran, T. (2005). Podcasting the do-it-yourself guide. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc..
ISBN-13: 978-0-7654-9778
- Geohegan, M., & Klass, D. (2005). Podcast solutions: the complete guide to podcasting. New York: Friends of ED.
ISBN 1-59059-5554-8