USLNJ General Meeting
Wednesday November 19, 2014
Board Attendees:
Tony Bertuna – USLNJ President
Avi Lazarovits – Conduct Committee Chairman
Dieter Lachmann – Registrar
Paul Revak – Recording Secretary
Dean Trivisani – Games Committee Chairman
Roberto Zuban –Referee Committee Chairman
David Hoshia - Treasurer
Harry Carlson – Honorary and USLNJ Social Committee Member
Evan Showell – Rules Committee Chairman
Executive Committee only, prior to General Meeting session.
Item #1:
Review of Ringwood team and the continued conduct infractions by players as well as the violation of the team probation.
- Jim Harba resigned as team manager. Taking over the responsibility are Bruce Gibson, Michael Rivalli and Emil Kolonovic.
- New managers committed to making the necessary changes to get the Ringwood team back into good standing with the USL. This included keeping tighter control on both Eskandarian brothers as well as removing from the team three players with numerous conduct infractions: Mario Baccaro, Jose Alonzo & Bujamin Dzuli.
- A new 1-year probation was invoked, by unanimous committee vote, with the probation bond amount tabled for later finalization.
General Meeting session.
Item #1: Division Winners & Golden Boot
Dean Trivisani announced the winners of the 2014 USL season.
- Premiere Division: NJ Union FC
- 2ND Division: SC Columbia
- 3RD Division: Sportfriends FC
- 4TH Division: South Bergen United
- Senior 1 Division: Old Providence
- Senior 2 Division: Santa Fe
Golden Boot Winners:
- Senior 2 Division: WOJTEK POTORSKI - SANTA FE
Item #2: Conduct Committee News
Avi Lazarovitz, Conduct Committee Chairman, provided a brief overview of any open conduct issues. Made mention of several teams with players exhibiting repetitive conduct behavior resulting in yellow & red cards.
- Need a volunteer for the open Conduct Coordinator position in the 3RD Division
Item #3: Insurance
David Jones provided Insurance status updates. For the 2015 season, there are two new requirements mandated by the league insurance provider (Bollinger).
- Every player has to sign an insurance waiver/release.
- Each team manager, and assistant manager(s), have to complete a concussion awareness & prevention program.
- Team managers approved a $25K claim limit with a $500 deductible. Maximum liability remains at $1M. This resulted in approximately a $300 per team insurance cost savings.
Item #4: Awards Dinner/Dance update
Emilio Crespo provided updated information regarding the upcoming awards/dinner dance in January..
- Probable date(s) will be Saturday 1/24 or 2/7.
- Final venue/location has not been finalized.
- Each team manager has to submit a headcount of how many players & spouses will attend.
Item #5: Registrar News (Dieter Lachmann)
- Effective for the 2015 season, managers have to submit new player registration electronically via the USL web site.
- Signed registration forms & player photos, along with the applicable registration fee, have to be mailed or dropped off to Dieter. Registration fees are:
- 1 – 25 players $20 per pass,
- 26 – 30 players $30 per pass.
Normal processing or turnaround time is 7+ days. If a player pass is required within 2 - 7 days, an additional cost of $10 per pass will be added. If a 24-hour turnaround is requested and can be accommodated by the registrar, an expediting fee of $20 per pass will be added to the base cost.
Item #6: Rules (Evan Showell)
Evan stressed that all managers should carefully read & review the referee comments, after a game, to insure the accuracy of the information. If there is any question or discrepancy in what the referee wrote, i.e. discipline, cards issued, goals, injury, etc., it should be addressed immediately with the referee.
- Teams have until November 30th to pay their full dues and turn in their player passes to the registrar.
- Several new teams have approached the USL to inquire about entry into the league. Dieter is interviewing these teams (managers) for submitting their applications & registration fees in order to enter the league.
- Forfeits: There was a discussion about possibly raising the fine, for forfeiting a game, from $100 to a higher amount. In addition, there was another suggestion to deduct points from the forfeiting team, in addition to the fine. No final decision was made.
Item #7: Election of Officers
- President: Tony Bertuna received 23 majority votes and will remain as President
- Vice President: Efraim Gutierrez resigned. By unanimous vote, Dean Trivisani was elected the new VP
- Treasurer: David Hoshia will continue
- Recording Secretary: Paul Revak will continue
- Registrar: Dieter Lachmann will continue
- Games Chairman: Santiago Alvarez, from Argentino Juniors) will take over for Dean Trivisani
- Conduct Committee Chairman: Avi Lazarovitz will continue
- Referee Chairman: Roberto Zuban will continue
- Rules Committee Chairman: Evan Showell will continue
- Insurance Chairman: David Jones will continue. Paul Hunczak will be the assistant chairman.
- Social Committee Chairman: Emilio Crespo will continue. Armenio Marta will be the assistant chairman.
- International Tournament Committee Chairmen: Les Chelminiak, Leo O’Connor & Alan Bajrovic
- USL Website Chairman: Randy Ballin will continue