Using the Local Offer website

This guide is focused at parents, carers & young people using the online local offer services. If you are a Service provider and are looking for assistance with submitting your services, please click here

The Bradford's Local Offer and the Children & Young people Local Offer page has been developed by children, young people, parents and carers living in the Bradford district. It is more than a directory of services. It brings everything together in one place.

If you know what you're looking for...

Simply enter a keyword or phrase into the Google search box on the right hand corner of the home page, this will show any related service providers and/or information relevant to the keyword/phrase you have entered. You can then look through the results to find any information that may be relevant to your search.

If you are unsure about exactly what you are looking for...

You can browse the website by category. Each will guide you through various topics that Local Offer can provide, to find these categories select the “Our Services” tab at the top of the main page or scroll down to the middle of the homepage to find our services (summary-colourful boxes). Once you have selected a category, various subcategories will appear on the left hand side of the page to help you filter your results to match your needs and requirements.

If you are still having difficulty finding the information or services you need you can email us at or contact on 01274 439261

What is the Local Offer?

The Local Offer is a new way of giving children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carer’s information about what activities and support is available in the area where you live.

As well as the Local Offer website offering details of services, we have a Bradford and District Local Offer “Pocket Sized” booklet of Services. Click on the link to see the current Guide to Services Bradford’s Local Offer booklet.

If you are aware of any changes to the information contained in this booklet, contact Bradford Families Information Service 01274 437503.

How does it help you?

It will make it easier to find out what you need to know, when you need to know it. It tells you where the nearest and most suitable services are letting yougive feedback, raise concerns or make a comment or complaint.

The information available contains information and links to organisations which may help you.

You can use the website togive feedback, raise concerns or make a comment or complaint.

Why is this service different?

The Bradford's Local Offer has been developed by children, young people, parents and carers living in the Bradford district. It is more than a directory of services. It brings everything together in one place.

What is Local Offer Feedback?

Bradford Local Offer will involve children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their parent carers in:

·  Planning the content of the Local Offer

·  Deciding how to publish the Local Offer

·  Reviewing the Local Offer and enabling them to make comments about it

·  Local Offer will directly involve children, young people up to 25 years and their parent/carers in developing and reviewing the Local Offer through means of existing forums, relevant events, and focus workshops within the districts provisions/organisation groups, social media, meetings, online surveys and the Local Offer website feedback page.Click herefind out what Promotion and Feedback events, meetings and workshops have been attended to gain various sourcesof feedback about the Local Offer directly from service providers, children & young people with special educational needs /disabilities and their parent carers.

Children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their parent carers are invited to leave compliments, comments or concerns about the local offer within our websites feedback page, in particularly the :

·  The content of the Local Offer, including the quality of existing provision and any gaps in the provision

·  The accessibility of information in the Local Offer

·  How the Local offer has been developed or reviewed

If you have a complaint or concern about an individual service you should contact the service directly for this to be dealt with through their comments and complaints process.

The local authority will regularly monitor all of the feedback that is received about the local offer.

The website feedback page on the Local Offer has been reviewed and developed by parent carers, children young people and service providers.

An annual report will be published on the Local Offer website to let you know what your feedback said and what actions have been taken as a result. The comments received will be within the annual report in a “you said we did” format” and published within and available separate to the annual report on the feedback page.

Parents, carers, children and young people will continue to be involved in the on-going review and development of the local offer.

Why is it important for parent/carers andchildren, young people with special educational needs/disabilities and service providers to leavefeedback and what happens to feedback received?

Receiving positive or negative feedback from parent/carers and children, young people with special educational needs/disabilities and service providers is very important as these are essential in helping monitor and evaluate the Local Offer. Gaining the feedback from parent/carers and children, young people with special educational needs/disabilities and service providers are a contributing factor to running a successful Local Offer website.

How to leave feedback about a particular service included in the Local Offer website

When you view any service pages there is a “Leave feedback” button at the bottom of the page, just underneath the contact details, this will lead you to a local offer feedback questionnaire if you click that you will be asked to some general questions about yourself, the Local Offer, services and at the end there will be a textbox to leave any further comments. Alternatively you can contact the Local Offer Office by email: or call 01274 439261.

How to contact a service

When services join Local Offer they are encouraged to provide information about; who they are, what they do, who it is for and how to access including contact details, email and website so that people wishing to gain further information on the services can contact them directly. Most services have contact details displayed towards the bottom of their service profile, under the “How can I find out more” section. If no contact details are displayed there may be a link to the service’s own website, you could try to find some contact details there, or try putting the name of the service into a search engine. Alternatively you can contact the Local Offer on 01274 439261

To find out how the Local Offer has been co-produced, developed and reviewed with parent carers and children and young people with SEND 0-25 years see the Local Offer Annual Report page within the feedback section here and to find out how the Local Offer has been promoted and feedback has been gained to develop the Local Offer here.

How to get to the Children & young people page?

The “Children’s and young persons” is a separate page within the Local offer f website at the request of children and young people therefore it does not link to the rest of the sections within the full website. Young people suggested it would be best not to have all the information categories from the main website as it would be too much information for young people. For anyone wanting to access the Children & young people page all they have to do is log onto the main Local Offer website and click on the Children & young people logo under the search box. This will direct the user to the Young person’s webpage. Alternatively they can type in the web browser the following website here: -

What is Browsealoud and how to use it?

Browsealoud software adds speech, reading, and translation to websites enabling access and involvement for people with Dyslexia, Low Literacy, English as a Second Language, and those with mild visual impairments.

When you browse the Local Offer website from a laptop or desktop you will see the Browsealoud Launchpad on the top right hand corner of the screen in Orange.

On a mobile device or tablet, the Browsealoud Launchpad appears on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

Below you’ll see what Browsealoud can do for you

·  Read web pages aloud in a human-sounding voice

·  (Includes websites, intranets, extranets, html, accessible Flash, alt tags)

·  Read secure web pages

·  Read PDF and Word documents in their original format

·  Highlight each word as it is spoken to show you where you are on the page

·  Magnify text to your chosen font size and font style

·  Translate word-for-word between English, French, German, Italian and Spanish

·  Look up accurate dictionary definitions

·  Convert text to MP3

·  Mask information on the screen to help you focus on a particular area.

To find out more about Browsealoud or more in-depth information you can download a copy of the Welcome Pack here.

How to select language with Google Language?

Google Translate is a free multilingual machine translation service developed by Google, to translate text from one language into another.

It can be accessed from the top of the Local Offer webpage underneath the Local Offer search box where it says “Select Language”. Click on the arrow to drop down the box to view the different languages for you to select. A status bar will appear at the top of your browser underneath the web address bar giving you the option to show the original or by clicking on options you can turn off the translation for this particular website.

The Local Offer Glossary

There may have come a time where you've probably used several of them in your lifetime, but you may still have trouble saying or remembering exactly what they mean. You can view the Local Offer Glossary by Clicking here to download a copy of our Glossary.

Useful links

The Useful links, organisations have requested to be on the Local Offer website and have been published at the request of parent, carers and young people who gave feedback to add organisations which are non for profit organisations.

After using this guide if you feel you are still struggling to use the website or find what you need, please contact us or email using the details provided. We are always looking for ways to improve user experience by gaining users feedback.