Usingthe AR Acceptance Flag Update Process

Georgia Enhanced Banner Student and
Financial Aid Systems User Documentation

Version 8.4

Information TechnologyServices

September 2010

Using the AR Acceptance Flag Update ProcessInformation Technology Services

Georgia Enhancements 8.4University System of Georgia

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Table of Contents

Introduction to AR Acceptance Flag Update Process


Target Audience

Purpose and Scope of Document




AR Acceptance Flag Update Process Flow


Overview of AR Acceptance Flag Update Process

Implementing AR Acceptance Flag Update process

I. Execute AR Acceptance Flag Update process


Parameters for ZSRAFLU

II. Confirm Acceptance Flag Change


Appendix A: Document History...... A-

Appendix B: Process Flow...... B-

Georgia Enhancements 8.4 User Documentation

AR Acceptance Flag Update Process

Page 1September 2010

Using the AR Acceptance Flag Update ProcessInformation Technology Services

Georgia Enhancements 8.4University System of Georgia

This page left blank to facilitate front/back printing.

Georgia Enhancements 8.4 User Documentation

AR Acceptance Flag Update Process

Page 1September 2010

Using the AR Acceptance Flag Update ProcessInformation Technology Services

Georgia Enhancements 8.4University System of Georgia

Using the AR Acceptance Flag Update Process

Introductionto AR Acceptance Flag Update Process

Purpose / When a registration occurs via the Student Course Registration form (SFAREGS) or Banner Self-Service, fees are assessed and the student’s account (TSAAREV) is updated with tuition and fee charges. As part of the fee payment process, the Acceptance indicator is changed from N to Y by accepting charges/payments on the Student Payment form (TSASPAY).
The AR Acceptance Flag Update process (ZSRAFLU) will allow functional users to change the AR Acceptance Indicator (SFBETRM_AR_IND) to C (confirmed), N (none), or Y (yes) using a batch process. Additionally, the process will update the of acceptance flags in the Location Management module for those institutions that offer housing and meal plan options to students. The Housing Charge Accepted indicator (SLRRASG_AR_IND), the Meal Charge Accepted indicator(SLRPASG_AR_IND), and the Phone Charge Accepted indicator(SLRPASG_AR_IND) will be updated if the options are selected at run time.The process will use an institutionally defined population selection to denote which student records will be updated.
Target Audience / Bursar Office staff or other institutional staff who are responsible for fee assessment and accepting charges/payments.
Purpose and Scope of Document / This document explains how to use the AR Acceptance Flag Update process.
Graphics / Graphic cues used in this document assist with labeling of steps and items that are particularly important.
/ Steps for recovery or support.
/ For additional information, see references.
/ Exercise caution.
/ Warning: an error here is critical.
/ For information about the baseline product, see Using SCT Banner User Manual for Accounts Receivable, Financial Aid, and Student.
/ For additional ITS resources and support, contact the ITS Helpdesk:
Web / (self-service ticket submission)
E-mail /
For urgent or production down situations, call the ITS Helpdesk:
Local / 706-583-2001
Toll free within Georgia / 1-888-875-3697

AR Acceptance Flag Update Process Flow

Description / When a registration occurs via the Student Course Registration form (SFAREGS) or Banner Self-Service, fees are assessed and the student’s account (TSAAREV) is updated with tuition and fee charges. As part of the fee payment process, the Acceptance indicator is changed from C or N to Y by accepting charges/payments on the Student Payment form (TSASPAY). The ZSRAFLU process will perform this step in batch for students in an institutionally created population selection. All students in the population selection will be updated with the specified code (C, N, Y) if a registration record exists for the term specifiedin the process parameters.
Overview ofAR Acceptance Flag Update Process / Complete the following steps to implement and executethe AR Acceptance Flag Update Process in Banner.
  1. Execute AR Acceptance Flag Update process

  1. Create a Population Selection

  1. Run AR Acceptance Flag Update process
  1. Review the .lis file for messages

  1. Confirm Acceptance Flag Change

  1. Confirm change on Student Course Registration Form
  1. Confirm change on Student Payment form
  1. Confirm change on Room Assignment form
  1. Confirm change on Meal Assignment form
  1. Confirm change on Phone Assignment form

Implementing AR Acceptance Flag Update process

I. Execute AR Acceptance Flag Update process

Overview / The AR Acceptance Flag Update process (ZSRAFLU) will allow functional users to change the AR Acceptance Indicator (SFBETRM_AR_IND) to C (confirmed), N (none), or Y (yes) using a batch process. The process will update the of acceptance flags in the Location Management module for those institutions that offer housing and meal plan options to students. The Housing Charge Accepted indicator (SLRRASG_AR_IND), the Meal Charge Accepted indicator(SLRPASG_AR_IND), and the Phone Charge Accepted indicator(SLRPASG_AR_IND) will be updated if the options are selected at run time. The process will use an institutionally defined population selection to denote which student records will be updated.
/ Careful collaboration among the Registrar, Bursar and Financial Aid offices should be undertaken to ensure that this process is used appropriately for the institution’s business policies.
  1. Create a Population Selection
/ A review of institutional business policies may be required to determine the appropriate population selection criteria for use with ZSRAFLU. Be sure to consider the impact on accounts receivable functions when creating this population.
The population should contain registered students for a specific term who need the AR acceptance flag flipped on SFAREGS. All students in the population should need the flag changed to the same indicator. For example, the population may contain students with the indicator currently set to C (confirmed) or N (none), but they must all need the indicator changed to Y (yes). Since the C, N, or Y can be entered as a parameter for ZSRAFLU, any combination of settings may be included in the population selection.
/ For specific information regarding the baseline forms and processes used to build a population selection, refer to the most recent version of the Banner Student User Guide or the Population Selection handbook located at
  1. RunAR Acceptance Flag Update process (ZSRAFLU)
/ ZSRAFLU will change the AR Acceptance Indicator (SFBETRM_AR_IND) to C (confirmed), N (none), or Y (yes). This process should only be run when it is necessary to update the acceptance indicator for a batch of students. All students in the population selection will be updated to the same code if a registration record exists for the specified term.

Parameters for ZSRAFLU

No / Name / Required? / Description/Instructions / Default Values
01 / Term Code / Yes / Enter the term code to be processed
02 / Acceptance Indicator / Yes / Valid values: Y(es), N(one), or C(onfirmed)
03 / Update Room Acceptance Flag / Yes / Enter ‘Y’ to update the accept indicator for housing assignments. ‘N’ will not update the indicator / N
04 / Update Meal Acceptance Flag / Yes / Enter ‘Y’ to update the accept indicator for meal assignments. ‘N’ will not update the record. / N
05 / Update Phone Acceptance Flag / Yes / Enter ‘Y’ to update the accept indicator for phone assignments. ‘N’ will not update the record. / N
06 / Selection Identifier / Yes / Selection ID of population selection
07 / Application Code / Yes / Application Code of population selection
08 / Creator ID / Yes / Creator of population selection
09 / User ID / Yes / User of the population selection
10 / Sort Order / Yes / (N)ame or (I)D Number / I
11 / Run Mode / Yes / (A)udit or (U)date Mode / A
  1. Review the .lis file for messages
/ The .lis file will contain a list of all students processed, the old AR acceptance flag, the new AR acceptance flag, and any messages.
Sample .lis file in Audit mode:

If a student is not registered for the term, the message “No registration exists for term” will be displayed in the .lis file and no change will be made to the student’s record.
If the student’s AR acceptance flag is already set to the requested code, the message “No change; Record already exists” will be displayed in the .lis file. No change will be made to the student’s record.
When the ZSRAFLU is run in Update mode, the message “Record updated” will be displayed next to all records updated by the process.
Sample .lis file in Update mode:

Technical Note / ZSRAFLU will update SFBETRM_DATA_ORIGIN field in the SFBETRM table with “AR Acceptance Flag Update”.
Query SQL*Plus access or a similar query tool may be used to confirm that the appropriate message is contained in the field.

II. Confirm Acceptance Flag Change

Overview / The AR Acceptance flag is displayed in the Enrollment Information block of Student Course Registration form (SFAREGS). The flag is also used by the Student Payment form (TSASPAY).
  1. Confirm change on Student Course Registration form (SFAREGS)
/ Confirm that ZSRAFLU correctly updated the Enrollment Information block on SFAREGS.

  1. Confirm change on Student Payment form (TSASPAY)
/ Confirm that ZSRAFLU correctly updated TSASPAY. The process of accepting charges on this form should function as normal. If the AR acceptance flag is set to C or N, the Accept Charges popup box will appear. Accepting charges on TSASPAY will automatically change the AR acceptance flag to Y.

  1. Confirm change on Room Assignment form (SLARASG)
/ Confirm that ZSRAFLU correctly updated SLARASG when executed to update the location management indicators.

  1. Confirm change on Meal Assignment form (SLAMASG)
/ Confirm ZSRAFLU correctly updated SLAMASG when executed to update the location management indicators.

  1. Confirm change on Phone Assignment form (SLAPASG)
/ Confirm ZSRAFLU correctly updated SLAPASG when executed to update the location management indicators.

Georgia Enhancements 8.4 User Documentation

AR Acceptance Flag Update Process

Page 1September 2010

Using the AR Acceptance Flag Update ProcessInformation Technology Services

Georgia Enhancements 8.4University System of Georgia

Appendix A: Document History

This section details the history of the document and updates made for each modification.

Release and Date / Form/Process / Page / Update Description
Georgia Enhancements 7.11.1, March 14, 2008 / NA / NA / Original
Georgia Enhancements 7.17, December 19, 2008 / ZSRAFLU / Multiple / Added Sort Parameter information
Quarterly User Documentation Update
June 30, 2009 / NA / Appendix B / Added Process Flow diagram
Georgia Enhancements, 8.0, March 31, 2010 / NA / All / Added new screen shots.
Georgia Enhancements, 8.4, September 17, 2010 / NA / Multiple / Added information for processing location management records.

Georgia Enhancements 8.4 User Documentation

AR Acceptance Flag Update Process

Page A-1September 2010

Using the AR Acceptance Flag Update ProcessInformation Technology Services

Georgia Enhancements 8.4University System of Georgia

Appendix B: Process Flow

Georgia Enhancements 8.4 User Documentation

AR Acceptance Flag Update Process

Page B-1September 2010