1. Conference Programme – please tick the sessions you attended and rate each for the content, presentation and usefulness on a scale of 1 – 5 (1 = poor, 5 = excellent)
Thursday 8th September 2015 / Attended (Y/N) / Content(1-5) / Presentation
(1-5) / Usefulness
Opening Address: Overview of NAPICU in 2015/16; Dr Stephen Pereira
Chair’s Welcome; Dr Faisil Sethi
Mental Health in England: Moving to Action on Standards and QualityMrs Jane Clegg, Chief Nurse NHS England
SPICESDr Alex Tulloch, SPICES, Consultant Psychiatrist, South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
PICU Design PrinciplesSpeaker; Mrs Jenny Gill, Chairman Design in Mental Health
Seclusion Best Practise; CQC DoHMr Roland Dix,Approved Clinician,Consultant Nurse in Psychiatric Intensive Care & Secure Recovery,2gether NHS Foundation Trust andEditor-in-Chief Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care & Low secure Units. NAPICU Executive Member
Breakout Session 1: NAPICU Team of the Year Presentations 2016
Breakout Session 2:Personality DisordersDr Oliver Dale, Consultant Psychiatrist, Hammersmith and Fulham Personality Disorder Service, Clinical Lead Personality Disorder Pathway and Dr Julia Blazdell, Manager, Emergence
Breakout Session 3:Physical Health CQUIN targetsMiss Remy Wesolowski, Physical Health Programme Specialist, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Breakout Session 4: An innovative approach to care planning the use and reduction of restrictive interventionsMr Bill Fox, Chairman of MAYBO, Conflict Management Training
Breakout Session 5:Development of a new CAMHS PICUMs Carmain Gibson,Head of Child and Adolescents inpatient services, Nottinghamshire Health Care and Dr Katherine Huke, Psychologist, Nottinghamshire Health Care
Breakout Session 6: Working towards AIMS PICUMr Paul Deacon, NAPICU Executive Committee Member and Mr Nick Dube, Kewstokes Team, Cygnet Healthcare
Chair’s Welcome to the Afternoon Session; Mr Andy Johnston
Jimmy Saville enquiry - Lessons learned around governance, safety
Mr Ray Galloway, Director Blue Light Investigations and Training LtdNew Commissioning Guidance DocumentDr Faisil Sethi,Consultant Psychiatrist (PICU) and Associate Clinical Director, Maudsley Hospital, South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and NAPICU Vice-Chairman /
Breakout Session 7: Fitness to be interviewed and Fitness to pleadDr Brad Hillier,Locum Consultant in Forensic Psychiatry, South West London and St George's NHS Trust
Breakout Session 8:Personality DisordersDrOliver Dale, Consultant Psychiatrist, Hammersmith and Fulham Personality Disorder Service, Clinical Lead Personality Disorder Pathway and Dr Julia Blazdell, Manager, Emergence
Breakout Session 9: Physical Health CQUIN targetsMiss Remy Wesolowski, Physical Health Programme Specialist, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Breakout Session 10: An innovative approach to care planning the use and reduction of restrictive interventions Mr Bill FoxChairman of MAYBO, Conflict Management Training
Breakout Session 11: Development of a new CAMHS PICUMs Carmain Gibson, Head of Child and Adolescents inpatient services, Nottinghamshire Health Care and Dr Katherine Huke, Psychologist, Nottinghamshire Health Care
Breakout Session 12: Working towards AIMS PICUMr Paul Deacon, NAPICU Executive Committee Member and Mr Nick DubeKewstokes Team, Cygnet Healthcare
Friday 10th September 2016
Chair’s Introduction
Mr Peter Pratt, Chief Pharmacist, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust and NAPICU Executive Committee Member
Positive and Safe, Restrictive RestraintsMr Guy Cross, Department of Health
(Y/N) / Content
(1-5) / Presentation
(1-5) / Usefulness
Positive Association of Sport and Mental Health Care Mr Malcolm Rae, NAPICU Fellow and Dr Wesley O’Brien;
Patient PerspectiveDr Aileen O’Brien, Reader in Psychiatry & Education and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist (PICU), St. George’s University of London and NAPICU Director of Educational Programmes and Mr Simon Hancock, Patient Representative
Interactive Audience and Panel Session – THE PATIENTS LIFE STYLE ON THE WARDPanel
Chair;Dr Sakya, NAPICU Carer Representative
Ms Laura Woods, Senior Mental Health Nurse, Pavilion PICU, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Mr James Lewis Watkins,Team Leader, Greyfriars PICU, 2gether NHS trust for Gloucestershire
Mr Bernard Fox, NAPICU Patient Representative
Mr John Davies,Psychologist,Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
Ms Pam Delemere,Inpatient Occupational Therapy team manager, Central & North West London NHS Foundation Trust
NAPICU Conference 2016 Awards: Winning Poster and NAPICU Team of the Year Mr Thomas Kearney, Associate Director of Commissioning Swindon CCG and NAPICU Director of Policy /
Summing up and Thanks Dr Stephen Dye, Consultant Psychiatrist (PICU), Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust and NAPICU Director of Research
Please continue to answer the following questions using the 1 – 5 scale (1 = poor, 5 = excellent)
2. How do you rate the venue for the conference?3. How do you rate the overall chairing of the conference?
4. How do you rate the Audio Visual Standard at the conference?
5. How do you rate the administration/organisation of the conference?
6. How do you rate the catering at the conference?
7. How do you rate the gala dinner?
8. How do you rate the theme at this year’s conference?
9. Do you have any suggestions for themes for future conferences?
10. Do you have any suggestions for themes for future Pre-Conference Training Events? (e.g. clinical skills; models and approaches; developing evidence bases and research, etc)
11. Are you a NAPICU Member? / Yes / No
If yes, do you have any suggestions on how NAPICU could further develop membership?
If you are not a member and would like to receive membership information, please provide your email address
12. Please state your profession and location:
13. Please leave any general comments in the box below:
Please return completed form to the Registration Desk to receive your Certificate of Attendance
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