Using Compass Odyssey for Grade Recovery

If you received a D or an F for a quarter grade, you have the opportunity to recover that grade to a C.

Per the Duval County Pupil Progression Plan:


Grade Recovery is meant to assist students who have made an effort to be successful in a course but have failed to make adequate progress to meet standards during a grading period. Grade Recovery is not a vested right automatically conferred upon a student who receives a failing grade.

To be eligible for Grade Recovery, a student:

* must have earned a “D” or “F” as a quarter or final grade;

* must have made a good faith effort to timely perform classroom work or have

accepted additional assistance offered to them during the applicable grading


* must have completed all work that was missed due to a violation (or a sanction

for a violation) of the Student Code ofConduct and must comply with

theattendance policy as determined in the School Board Policy Manual.

* must complete Grade Recovery in the district-approved program following

procedural guidelines prior to the end of the following grading period. The time

may be extended at the discretion of the principal. Students making less than

satisfactory progress at any point during the 4th quarter must begin immediate

recovery and must complete that recovery prior to the end of the school year,

unless the principal determines that an extension of time is appropriate; and

* must not have engaged in plagiarism or cheating specifically identified by the

teacher which resulted in theunsatisfactory grade.

The recovery grade will improve to a “C” when the standards are mastered. A grade of “D” may be assigned if the teacher determines that progress is made toward the standard(s).

Standards Mastery: Will be determined by averaging all scored activities within the Compass Folder for the given quarter.

Students whose average is 70% or higher will recover the grade to a “C.”

Students whose average is 60% - 69% wil recover to a “D.”

Students whose average is below 60% will maintain the existing grade.

Where to find Recovery Assignments: Log onto Compass Odyssey. Click into your ALGEBRA folder. You should see the appropriate quarter. All activities within the quarter folder must be completed.

QUARTER TO BE RECOVERED: 1st Quarter Deadline: Jan 15, 2009

Initial Grade:


Using Compass Odyssey for FCAT Prep:

All students have been assigned to an FCAT Prep Learning Path based on last year’s FCAT scores. Students will be working to strengthen their weakest strand first, and then move to the next strand.

Class time will be allotted at least twice a quarter to allow students to take the assessment and work on their strand.

To locate the folder:

  1. Log onto Odyssey as directed.
  2. Open Math Folder
  3. Identify the FCAT Prep Assignment
  4. Complete all items in your learning path.
  5. If you are a student in Intensive Math, you may already have multiple strands assigned. See Ms. McDonald to determine which to finish first.

Deadline for 1st Strand to be Completed is December 17.

This will be a grade in the “Reference and Research” section of the grade. All scored activities will be averaged to determine the grade. Students may retake learning activities to improve the score.