EPaCCs Data Items Reference for Yellow Folders

The following data items are recorded in the patients EPaCCs record. Items ticked are mandatory. Clinicians caring for the patient should regularly review the data items to determine if any information has changed. If data has changed, the clinician should change the patients SystmOne record directly if they have write access, or if not, notify St Elizabeth Hospice using the Word template, available from the CCG web sites.

No / ISB 1580v3 Ref / Mandatory Item / Data Item
1 / 4 / ü / Patients family name
2 / 5 / ü / Patients forename
3 / 6 / Patients preferred name
4 / 7 / ü / Patients birthdate
5 / 8 / ü / NHS number
6 / 9 / Patients gender
7 / 13 / ü / Patients address
8 / 14 / Patients telephone numbers
9 / 18 / ü / GP name
10 / 19 / ü / Practice details including contact numbers
11 / 1b / ü / On End of Life Care Register
12 / 1b / ü / Record creation date
13 / 25 / ü / Primary End of Life Diagnosis
14 / 1a / ü / Consent status
15 / 30 / ü / On gold standards palliative care framework
16 / Local reqt / ü / GSF status
17 / 34 / ü / DNACPR decision
18 / 35 / ü / DNACPR Decision Date
19 / 37 / ü / DNACPR document location
20 / 38 / ü / Advanced Decision to Refuse Treatment (ADRT)
21 / 38 / ü / ADRT decision date
22 / 39 / ü / ADRT document location
23 / Local reqt / ü / Integrated care priorities for end of life
24 / Local reqt / ü / Patient aware of prognosis
25 / Local reqt / ü / Awareness date
26 / Local reqt / ü / Preferred place of care
27 / Local reqt / ü / Date of preferred place of care decision
28 / 32a / ü / Preferred place of death
29 / Local reqt / ü / Date of preferred place of death decision
30 / Local reqt / DS1500 Disability Living Allowance Status
31 / Local reqt / Date of DS1500 status
32 / Local reqt / Housing Details
33 / Local reqt / Date of Housing detail status
34 / 23 / Professionals involved in care
35 / 41 / Authority of Lasting Power of Attorney
36 / 15 / Informal Carer
37 / 15 / Date of informal carer entry
38 / 17 / Informal carer aware of prognosis
39 / 17 / Date of prognosis awareness entry
41 / 16 / Record main carer (name, address, contact details)
41 / 20 / Record key worker (name, address, contact details)
42 / Local reqt / Record relationship (name, address, contact details)
43 / 14 / Record telephone numbers (for patient)
44 / 13 / Record new address (for patient)
45 / 12a / Disability
46 / 10 / Need for an interpreter
47 / 11 / Main spoken language
48 / Local reqt / Special Patient Note recorded