A.7.5 Model Analysis Code User’s Guide 3
User’s Guide for fnc_model_analysis.m
Written by Justin M. Rhodes
Revision 3.0 – 22 February2008
The function fnc_model_analysis.m is a derivative of the main_loop.m code. The main body of the parent code is preserved and is wrapped in a function call to allow automated calling of the code. For detailed information on the inner workings of this code, please see the main_loop.m User’s Guide.
Call line:
The function can be called with the following line of code:
[trajectory_input, argout_count, varargout] = fnc_model_analysis(delta_v,payload_mass,stages,propellant_type,tank_material,launch_type)
All of the variables that are passed into the function are described below:
Variable Name / Descriptiondelta_v / Row array of final delta V values. [m/s]
payload_mass / Payload mass [kg]
stages / Number of vehicle stages
propellant_type / Row array of propellant types associated with the stage number in the form [ type_stage(i) ]
tank_material / Row array of tank material types associated with the stage number in the form [ type_stage(i) ]
launch_type / Launch type: (G)round, (B)alloon, or (A)ircraft
All of the variables that returned by the function are described below:
Variable Name / Descriptiontrajectory_input / String of trajectory input data generated by the code
argout_count / Number of output arguments in the varargout array
varargout / Variable length array of output variables.
User’s Guide for fnc_analyze.m
Written by Justin M. Rhodes
Revision 1.0 – 17 February2008
The function fnc_analyze.m allows a user to input a MAT model name in the form XX-XX-XX-XX and an array of delta V values to run through the MAT analysis code. The results of each model case are stored in a comma-delimited file.
Call line:
The function can be called with the following line of code:
fnc_analyze(model_name, delta_v)
Important notes:
The model name format is in the following form:
(Payload Size)(Launch Type)-
Payload Size can have the values of (S)mall, (M)edium, or (L)arge.
Launch type can have the values of (G)round, (B)alloon, or (A)ircraft.
StageNPropellant can have the values of (C)ryogenic, (S)torable soli(D), or (H)ybrid.
StageNTank can have the values of (S)teel, (A)luminum or (T)itanium.
The wildcard value (X) can be substituted for any part of the model name. This will cause the code to analyze all possible options for that position.
All of the variables that are passed into the function are described below:
Variable Name / Descriptionmodel_name / MAT model name in the form described above.
delta_v / Row array of delta V values [m/s]
The function writes a comma delimited file. The filename consists of the model set run and the date and time of execution.
Example file name: ModelAnalsysis_XX-CX-XX-DX_Mar222008_202723.txt
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