Construction Company

Minoos 125, P.C. 71305 Heraklion Crete, tel. 2810/370 410 Fax 2810/317 510 e-mail ktistor@ktistor .gr

Athens, 2/10/2017





Regarding the construction of the Wind Park on the Site of «Sparta», in Viotia Prefecture, in Greece, which includes total two (2) Vestas Wind Turbines (W/T), type V117-3,45MW*, we offer you the following:


Α1. Roads 78.000,00 Euros

Α2. Wind Turbines foundations and crane pads 434.390,00 Euros

Α3. Construction of cable trenches 17.458,00 Euros

Α4. Construction of control building 170.000,00 Euros

Α5. Geotechnical Surveys 15.000,00 Euros

Total Α 714.848,00 Euros


Β1. Earthing network of Wind Park 17.500,00 Euros

Β2. Electromechanical works of Wind Park’s underground Medium Voltage line 34.910,00 Euros

Β3. Wind Park’s interconnection works with the 150/20kV Substation “Koronia” 754.370,00 Euros

Total Β 806.780,00 Euros

Total Quotation Price of Civil and Electromechanical works: 1.521.628,00 Euros

GENERAL PROVISIONS: Contractor’s total Quotation Price includes the following:

Α) Supervision and the required topographical works

Β) Two (2) years Guarantee for facilities and infrastructure works.

Total Quotation Price does not include V.A.T., paid separately for each invoice issued by Contractor, as well as expenses regarding land expropriation, archaeological excavations, issuance of building permits and displacement of Utility networks, which are paid by the Employer.

Quotation validity period: 3 months

*Since the foundation study has not yet been completed, an estimate of the required works and materials has been made and will be confirmed once the results of the specific study have been finalized.



A.1. Roads

Includes all works of widening and restoration of existing roads, for the smooth and safe passage of vehicles and Wind Turbine erection cranes. Details are presented in the following table:

No / Unit / Description / Quantity / Unit Price (€) / Total
1 / m / Excavation of new roads which includes excavation in all soil types, backfilling, laying of crushed material 3A for planarity achievement of the new roads, and technical works for rainwater drainage. / 1.000,00 / 75,00 / 75.000,00
2 / pcs / Supply and installation of Safety Markers and Labels / 1 / 3.000,00 / 3.000,00

(Offer Price 78.000,00 Euros)

Α2. Wind Turbines foundations and crane pads

Includes all works necessary to construct crane pads and Wind Turbines’ foundations as specified by their manufacturer and environmental conditions. Details are presented in the following table:

No / Unit / Description / Quantity / Unit Price (€) / Total
1.00 / pcs / Excavation to formation level of 2 crane pads, considering the specific ground conditions (rocky or semi-rocky soil) and main crane boom assembly area / 2.00 / 42,000.00 / 84,000.00
2.00 / pcs / Backfilling of crane pads / 2.00 / 10,500.00 / 21,000.00
3.00 / pcs / Excavation to formation level of the WT’s foundations, considering the specific ground conditions (rocky or semi-rocky soil). The excavation will be executed using mechanical methods or controlled explosion. / 2.00 / 12,000.00 / 24,000.00
4.00 / pcs / Backfilling of WT’s foundations / 2.00 / 4,000.00 / 8,000.00
5.00 / m3 / Blinding concrete C12/15. Production will take place in a concrete mix plant. It is produced to clean and level the bottom of the foundation. Includes placement, vibration and leveling. (10cm layer) / 90.00 / 95.00 / 8,550.00
6.00 / m3 / Reinforced concrete C30/37, for the WT base produced in a concrete mix plant Includes placement, vibration and leveling according to regulations. / 1,080.00 / 105.00 / 113,400.00
7.00 / kg / Corrugated B-500-S steel. Works include cutting, metal formation and placement in the foundation. / 110,000.00 / 1.05 / 115,500.00
8.00 / pcs / Installation and removal of the formwork of foundation of WTs / 2.00 / 4,500.00 / 9,000.00
9.00 / m3 / Laying of crushed gravel for the proper leveling of crane pads. / 1,100.00 / 19.00 / 20,900.00
10.00 / pcs / Assembly and installation of WTs’ anchor cages foundations, cleneaning and removing cast materials prior to grouting / 2.00 / 4,000.00 / 8,000.00
11.00 / m / PVC Φ200 pipe for power cables in the WT. (3 pipes/WT) / 90.00 / 18.00 / 1,620.00
12.00 / m / PVC Φ50 pipe for optic fibers in the WT. ( 2 pipes/WT) / 60.00 / 7.00 / 420.00
13.00 / pcs / BASF MasterFlow grout / 2.00 / 10,000.00 / 20,000.00

(Offer Price 434.390,00 Euros)

A.3. Construction of cable trenches

Includes all works necessary to construct cable trenches inside the park. Details are presented in the following table:

No / Unit / Description / Quantity / Unit Price (€) / Total
1 / m / Digging out cable trenches, of dimensions according to study. The excavation will be executed using mechanical methods or controlled explosion / 470,00 / 16,00 / 7.520,00
2 / m3 / Procurement, delivery and laying of sand backfilling, to protect electrical cables / 188,00 / 25,00 / 4.700,00
3 / m3 / Backfilling trenches with selected material , from quarries, after removal of larger rocks, compaction will be achieved with mechanical methods / 282,00 / 5,50 / 1.551,00
4 / m / Standardized plastic tape to sign the electrical cables’ route, buried in the trenches / 470,00 / 1,00 / 470,00
5 / m / Installation of concrete slabs, dimensions 50cm x 25cm, for the protection of the MV cables / 470,00 / 6,50 / 3.055,00
6 / pcs / Erection of metal or plastic marks, at intervals of 50 m and at changes of direction, to indicate the routes of underground cables / 9,00 / 18,00 / 162,00

(Offer Price 17.458,00 Euros)

Α.4. Control building

Includes the construction of the Wind Park control building, according to study, including all necessary electromechanical equipment. Details are presented in the following table:

No / Unit / Description / Quantity / Unit Price (€) / Total
1.00 / pcs / Formation of surrounding space, including excavation, backfilling including concrete foundations of the Containers and foundation earthing / 1.00 / 34,000.00 / 34,000.00
2.00 / pcs / Prefabricated Control Building, dimensions 12m x 3m (LxW), including electrical installation, lighting protection, fire detection system & UPS 2,2kVA with 2 extension battery modules, according to the study / 1.00 / 20,000.00 / 20,000.00
3.00 / pcs / Prefabricated storage & office room building, dimensions 12m x 2,6m (LxW), including electrical installation, according to the study / 1.00 / 20,000.00 / 20,000.00
4.00 / pcs / Procurement, Installation and commissioning MV Equipment according to study / 1.00 / 90,000.00 / 90,000.00
5.00 / pcs / Supply of all signals & measurements from MV Equipment installed in Control Building in Modbus protocol, including all necessary data cables towards Scada / 1.00 / 6,000.00 / 6,000.00

(Offer Price 170.000,00 Euros)

Α.5. Geotechnical Surveys

Includes the conduction of geotechnical surveys, performed by specialized engineers, to obtain information on the physicalproperties of soil and rock around the WTGs and Control building. Details are presented in the following table:

No / Unit / Description / Quantity / Unit Price (€) / Total
1 / pcs / Geotechnical surveys around the WTGs and Control Building / 1,00 / 15.000,00 / 15.000,00

(Offer Price 15.000,00 Euros)


Β.1. Earthing network of Wind Park

Includes all materials and works for the earthing of the Wind Park and WTGs. Details are presented in the following table:

No / Unit / Description / Quantity / Unit Price (€) / Total
1 / pcs / Installation of foundation earthing according to Vestas standards / 2,00 / 3.500,00 / 7.000,00
2 / pcs / Construction of extra grounding at WTGs’ foundation perimeter as well as grounding at the Terminal WTGs, where necessary, according to Vestas standards / 2,00 / 3.500,00 / 7.000,00
3 / m / Procurement, delivery and installation of stranded copper conductor 50mm2, for the Wind Park’s earthing, including required joints. / 500,00 / 7,00 / 3.500,00

(Offer Price 17.500,00 Euros)

Β.2. Electromechanical works of Wind Park’s underground Medium Voltage line

Includes procurement, delivery, installation and commissioning of underground MV cables and fiber optic cables installed inside PE tube. Details are presented in the following table:

No / Unit / Description / No / Unit / Description
1 / m / Procurement and installation of MV cables, XLPE type, cross section 1x240mm2 / 1.600,00 / 12,00 / 19.200,00
3 / pcs / Termination of the MV cables and installation of cable joints, including the procurement of the required materials. / 1,00 / 5.000,00 / 5.000,00
4 / m / Procurement and installation of single mode fiber optic cables, inside PE tube. / 530,00 / 7,00 / 3.710,00
5 / pcs / Inspection, testing and commissioning of the MV cables and of the fiber optics cables (includes VLF, sheath, tanδ, PD and OTDR tests) / 1,00 / 7.000,00 / 7.000,00

(Offer Price 34.910,00 Euros)

Β.3 Wind Park’s interconnection works with the 150/20kV Substation “Koronia”.

Includes the following works and equipment, to interconnect the Wind Park with the 150/20kV Substation “Koronia”, Viotia, Greece.

No / Unit / Description / Quantity / Unit Price (€) / Total
1 / m / Digging out cable trenches, of dimensions according to study. The excavation will be executed using mechanical methods or controlled explosion / 8.250,00 / 16,00 / 132.000,00
2 / m3 / Procurement, delivery and laying of sand backfilling, to protect electrical cables / 3.300,00 / 25,00 / 82.500,00
3 / m3 / Backfilling trenches with selected material , from quarries, after removal of larger rocks, compaction will be achieved with mechanical methods / 4.950,00 / 5,50 / 27.225,00
4 / m / Standardized plastic tape to sign the electrical cables’ route, buried in the trenches / 8.250,00 / 1,00 / 8.250,00
5 / m / Installation of concrete slabs, dimensions 50cm x 25cm, for the protection of the MV cables / 8.250,00 / 6,50 / 53.625,00
6 / pcs / Erection of metal or plastic marks, at intervals of 50 m and at changes of direction, to indicate the routes of underground cables / 165,00 / 18,00 / 2.970,00
7 / m / Procurement and installation of MV cables, XLPE type, cross section 1x400mm2 / 24.900,00 / 13,00 / 323.700,00
8 / m / Procurement and installation of single mode fiber optic cables, inside PE tube. / 8.300,00 / 7,00 / 58.100,00
9 / pcs / Termination of the MV cables and installation of cable joints, including the procurement of the required materials. / 1,00 / 5.000,00 / 5.000,00
10 / pcs / Inspection, testing and commissioning of the MV cables and of the fiber optics cables (includes VLF, sheath, tanδ, PD and OTDR tests) / 1,00 / 7.000,00 / 7.000,00
11 / pcs / Procurement of IPPM panel and connection/testing of Vestas-ADMIE metering systems. / 1,00 / 45.000,00 / 45.000,00
12 / pcs / Supply of all signals & measurements from protection relays as well as from Voltage & Current Transformers, installed in the Substation’s MV Switchgears, including all necessary data cables towards Scada / 1,00 / 5.000,00 / 5.000,00
13 / pcs / Short circuit & protection coordination study / 1,00 / 4.000,00 / 4.000,00

(Offer Price 754.370,00 Euros)

On behalf of KTISTOR S.A.

Tsikalakis Georgios