87th International Conference of SIEC-ISBE

Assembly of Delegates

Second Meeting

Friday, July 31, 2015

AGH University of Science & Technology

Krakow, Poland

Welcome and Introductory Comments

President Petra Bragadottir called the second meeting of the SIEC-ISBE Assembly of Delegates to order at 11:30 a.m.

The agenda was approved as presented. There was no business brought forward from the first Assembly. Ballots for the election of the International President were distributed to the National Presidents.


Professional Development Committee Report. Chairperson Tamra Davis reported that the pedagogical sessions were successful. The PDC held its second meeting and a social media liaison was appointed. The Committee is working and moving forward. Friederike Soezen assumes the position of PDC Chair after the Conference.

Executive Committee & Board Reports. Bragadottir reported that the second meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Board will be held in the afternoon. At this time, there is nothing further to report.

Elections/Appointments – 2016

The only election/appointment for 2016 will be the German-speaking Chapters’ Vice President to SIEC-ISBE.

Future International Conferences

Scheduled future conferences include:

2016 88th International Conference Graz, Austria

2017 89th International Conference San Juan, Puerto Rico

The Executive Committee is accepting bids for the 90th International Conference in 2018 and for conferences beyond 2018.

Invitation to the 88th International Conference – 2016

Hermine Sperl, President of the Austria Chapter, welcomed the delegates to Graz, Austria and the 88th International Conference. The Conference will be held July 31-August 5, 2016; the theme is “Entrepreneurship Education—Regional and International.” The conference is a cooperative effort between ISBE Austria, the University of Graz, and the University of Applied Sciences Joanneum Graz, with meetings held at the University of Applied Sciences. One day of the conference will be held in Maribor, Slovenia which will provide the opportunity to experience business education and culture in Slovenia. Elisabeth Riebenbauer distributed a brochure highlighting the conference and its activities and presented an overview of the Conference including tentative programs for delegates and accompanying persons and information regarding accommodations and pre- and post-conference tours (to be booked individually). Registration fee is 590 Euros if registered by June 1, 2016. A three-day option is available.

Recognition of Retiring Executive Committee Members

Bragadottir recognized three EC members who have completed their terms of office: John Lightle, US Vice President, Liisa Sjöblom, Nordic Chapters Vice President, and Tamra Davis, Professional Development Committee Chair. She thanked them for their contributions to SIEC-ISBE and presented them with certificates of appreciation and gifts.

Election of International President

Olson-Sutton announced that Petra Bragadottir has been elected to serve as International President for the next two-year term.

Invitation to the 89th International Conference – 2017

Loida Melendez invited the delegates to come to the 89th International Conference to be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, July 23-29, 2017.

Other Business

Olson-Sutton announced that Pauline Newton, US Chapter, who was a faithful ISBE member and attended many international conferences had passed away.

Mona Engberg invited the attendees to attend the Nordic Conference in Koge, Denmark, April 14-17, 2016. She distributed the program and gave an overview of the program and speakers.

Closing Remarks

Bragadottir thanked the delegates for their support and for electing her to serve for the next two years. On behalf of SIEC and all the delegates, she thanked Leszek Preisner, Conference Chairperson, and Anna Dubel, Poland Chapter President, for all their work and hospitality; the delegates enjoyed their week in Krakow.

Delegates were reminded of the EC meeting at 2:00 p.m. and the Board meeting at 3:15 p.m.

Preisner and Dubel presented the SIEC-ISBE flags to Hermine Sperl, President of the Austria Chapter, for display at the 88th International Conference.


The second meeting of the 87th Assembly of Delegates was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy Olson-Sutton

Judy Olson-Sutton, Ph.D.

SIEC General Secretary