Document version / 0.1
Last modified on / 08.06.2016
Applies to OP versions / 3.3.730+, 4.5.725+

User guide on Presets management and usage process


Preset - a saved set of different Tsikl Operating Program (OP) parameter values .

The presets are designed to quickly change a large number of settings to manage the program without manual editing in the corresponding forms.

Any combination of the following parameter sets can be stored and later applied as a preset:

  • Picket passport
  • Receiving sensor
  • Transmitter
  • Measurement
  • Measurement technology
  • Files

For preset management in the OP there is a special window that can be open via the main menu : Tools- > Manage presets .

Preset files are stored in the Presets folder next to the OP executable file.

Preset attributes

In addition to the values ​​of the included parameter blocks each preset object has the following attributes:

• Name - The name of the preset used for identification and as a file name when saving it to disk.

• Appliance condition - allows an operator to specify the COM port name that is used to connect to the target receiver. This attribute is optional and is used in multi-channel mode for the selective application of presets.If left blank, the preset will be applied to all active receiver objects.If the value is set, the presetis applied only to the active receiver object connected to the provided port.

CommonPreset use cases

Preset creation

  1. Determine which blocks of parameters must be included in the preset.
  2. Open the dialog for each of the selected parameter blocks and specify required values ​in the target fields​, press OK to apply changes.
  3. Open the Parameters presetmanagement dialog (MainMenu-Tools-Manage presets…).
  4. Specify the preset name and the condition of applicability if needed.
  5. Check corresponding boxes for selected parameter blocks.

  1. Click the Create button.

Important: the structure of parameter blocks of the sensor, the transmitter, measurement settings and measurement technologysignificantly differ for receivers Tsikl 7, Tsikl R8 and Tsikl-IP. For the preset management mechanism to work as expected when saving and loading parameters the operator should open COM-ports dialog to make sure that the right type of receiver is selected. If not, select appropriate item, click Check button and press OK. After these actions are performed all parameters dialogs will be shown in the correct form. Similarly, when going to apply a preset an operator should check and select the target type of receiver if necessary.

  1. Result: a file with the name “<preset_name>.xml” will appear in the Presets folder located next to the OP executable file.The file will store the selected parameter blocks with customized values.

Applying a preset (one channel mode)

  1. Ensure that the preset file is present in the Presets folder.
  2. Open the Apply presetdialog.
  3. Select the desired preset from the list.
  4. Preset name field will be populated with the name of the selected preset and the parameter block checkboxes will become checked according to the parameter blocks contained in the preset file.
  5. Click the Apply button to set up the values ​​of the corresponding parameter blocks according to the preset data.
    Important: the structure of parameter blocks of the sensor, the transmitter, measurement settings and measurement technologysignificantly differ for receivers Tsikl 7, Tsikl R8 and Tsikl-IP. For the preset management mechanism to work as expected when saving and loading parameters the operator should open COM-ports dialog to make sure that the right type of receiver is selected. If not, select appropriate item, click Check button and press OK. After these actions are performed all parameters dialogs will be shown in the correct form. Similarly, when going to apply a preset an operator should check and select the target type of receiver if necessary.
  6. Result: all parameter blocks of the OP that have corresponding data in applied preset will have all their attributes populated with the values loaded from the preset file.

Modifying preset parameter values

For existingpresets an operator can change the values of specific settings (but not add or remove parameterblocks) and save them.

1. Perform the steps of Applying a preset (single-channel mode) processfor the preset you want to modify.

2. Open corresponding dialogs and change the values of the parameters saved aspreset as required.

3. Open the Parameters presetmanagement dialog.

4. Select the preset applied at step 1.

5. Press the Save button.

Result: the file with the name “<preset_name>.xml” in the Presets folder located next to the OP executable file is populated with newly set values.

Applyingpresets (multi-channel mode)

Important: described functionality is available for OP versions 4.5.725 and higher.

When working in a multi-channel measurement mode, the use of presets allows to remove repetitive work on filling the parameter blocks for each channel. At the same time to avoid side effects from the massive use of presets responsible person should carefully plan the contents of the presets and the order of their application.

Due to the fact that there is a need to apply at the same time a group of similar presets, which differ in a number of parameters that are specific to a particular receiver, OP has a mechanism of grouping presets and conditional presets application.

Grouping is performed by placingpreset files in the subdirectory of Presets folder with the name of the group (for example, HighCurrent).

Conditional use of presets is implemented by comparing the name of the COM port that is used to connect to the receiver, with the value of the “Appliance condition” field.

Preset group creation
  1. Select the name for the group (for example, HighCurrent)
  2. Create a preset for each channel ( see “Preset creation” chapter )
  3. Specify the preset name that uniquely identifies it in group.
  4. Specify receiver COM-port name as Appliance condition value;
  5. Set appropriate measurement / sensor / file / etc parameters.
    For example, one should want to provide specific Receiver delay, us for each channel according to the sensor being used for that channel.

3. Create a directory in the Presets folder with name selected at step 1.

4. Place all preset files created at step 2 to the new directory.

Applyingpreset group

1. Open the multi-channel measurement window.

2. Select the menu Actions-> Load presets


4. Submenu items will correspond tosubfolders in the Presets directory.

5. Item selection (for example, HighCurrent) will cause the presets to be loaded from the specific directory and applied, taking into account the appliance conditions.

Modifying group member presets

1. Copy the file of the target preset from the appropriate Presets subfolder to Presets directory.

2. Perform the steps of the “Modifying preset parameter values” process.

3. Copy the file back to the appropriate Presets directory subfolder.