Useful resources and links

Home Office documents

Prevent duty Guidance –

Channel duty guidance –

How social media is used to encourage travel to Syria…

Online Training

20-25 minute awareness raising package about Channel – available to all

Home Office e-learning -

Also, the online catalogue of resources is also ready –

Useful websites

Open Your Eyes to Hate - A new interactive film has been launched to counter the growing threat of far-right radicalisation.Toview the Choices film, please visit:

Let’s Talk About It – preventing people becoming terrorists.

A Community Fights Back (Bristol community messaging – includes Community Response video below) if the link doesn’t work, Google ‘a community fights back social shorthand’

Prevent Tragedies, including videos by Syrian mothers and Prevent officers telling of their experience with families of people who have travelled to Syria-

Advice for Schools -

Educate Against Hate -

For Education, promoted/supported by the Welsh government and religious groups. Various videos, teaching modules and advice tackling extremism and hate crime, promoting inclusion and tolerance -

Inspire (a charity campaign group – raising awareness, championing Muslim women’s rights)

Women Against Radicalisation Network (WARN)

Families Against Stress and Trauma (FAST) (links to their YouTube videos)

SAVE (Sisters Against Violent Extremism) Headed by the Women without Borders offices

London Grid for Learning – Counteringthe extremist rhetoric (Islamist and Extreme Right Wing)

Internet Matters (page on Radicalisation)

Far Right information and resources -


‘Conviction’ film. You can request a DVD, lesson plan and facilitator notes for the film (about Andrew Ibrahim), via email:

Advice leaflet for parents (from Tower Hamlets but good) -

‘A Community Response’ - YouTube video by Avon and Somerset police –. A series of community members talking about extremism, jihad and other issues.

Film – ‘Birth of a Terrorist’ (lesson plan available – contact Avon and Somerset Prevent Team)

Short films about tackling Far Right Extremism - in particular ‘The Human Face’, ‘How to Approach Extremism’ and ‘Speaking against Extremism’

Stats about Muslims in the UK (Muslim Council of Britain, 2011 census)

Integrate Bristol, excellent charity campaigning about issues including radicalisation. Two very good videos for young people – Twin Track and Between the Lines:

Extreme Dialogue Canadian website but with useful videos and teaching resources on various extremist themes (Islamist, Northern Ireland and XRW)