Template for the submission of a manuscript for SFE 2014
T. Dupont1*and M. Durand2
1 Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d'Energie - LAPLACE
Bât. 3R3, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex, France
2ABCD Inc., D-444 86 Electricville, USA
* E-mail :
Abstract: The abstract should not be more than 200 words in length. Begin with the heading "Abstract:" in 10 pt bold font. The text should be in normal 10 pt font justified and contained within a single paragraph. Do not indent,do not cite references, avoid abbreviations.
The layout of this document demonstrates how you should prepare the manuscript.Manuscripts are limited to 6 pages, including text, references and figures.
Page layout
Paper size This should be set to A4 (210297 mm). The margins width should be set to 20mm (right and left), 25mm (top) and 27mm (bottom).
Columns Manuscripts should have a two-column format. Column width should be 8 cm and the space between them should be 1 cm. The length of the columns should be 24.5 cm (except for the first page). Single line spacing should be used. There should be a void line space between paragraphs.
Font and font size The font ‘Times New Roman’ of size 10 points should be used. For Greek letters and symbols, the font ‘Symbol’ should be used.
Title Page
The title should be typed as capitalized words, except for articles, conjunctions and prepositions, with bold style of size 12 points, on the second line from the top of the frame. The page justification should be one-column, centred as shown on the current page.
Two lines below the title, the author(s)’s name(s), affiliation, mailing address and e-mail address should be given with central justification, in the same format as in the current page. The name of the affiliation should be given in full and should not be abbreviated. If an author holds multiple affiliations, please include only a single primary affiliation. The e-mail address of only the corresponding author should be given.
/ limit of column /
Main Text
The text is separated by 2 void lines from the author’s affiliation. No page numbers. Sections, subsections, etc. should not be numbered but indicated as follows: First-rank headingsare typed in bold capital letters. Except at the start of the text and at the top of a new column, a first-rank heading is preceded and followed by a void single-line spacing. See current document for second-rank and third-rank headings. Footnotes should be avoided.Equations should be consecutively numbered with Arabic numbers in parentheses, placed at the right-hand margin.Authors must use SI units.
References These should be given in the text as [1]. A numerically ordered list should be placed at the end of the paper typed in single line spacing. The format is: Number, Name of Author(s), “Title of the article” in quotation marks, the abbreviated name of the journal/conference, the volume and page numbers, the year of publication (see examples below).
Tables These should be self-contained and numbered consecutively. Please type headings above the tables.
Figures Figures should be inserted in the text. Some figures may take up the full width of a page.Each figure should have a figure number and caption that should be written right under the figure. The figures should be referred to in the text as “Fig. ”. Any explanatory matter should be placed between the figure and the caption.
[1] W. Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White, The Elements of Style, New York, NY, USA: The Mcmillan Cy, 1959.
[2] K.S. Cole and R.H. Cole, "Dispersion and absorption in dielectrics I. AC characteristics," J. Chem. Phys., vol. 9, pp. 341–351, 1941.
[3] E. Detyna, "Perfect inviscid fluids and gauge theory," in Mathematical Methods in Hydrodynamics and Integrability in Dynamical Systems, no. 88 in AIP Conference Proceedings, (New York), pp. 99–107, American Institute of Physics, 1982.