June Lesson #2
00-02 Minutes
Hello Song
Use the Knock Knock Hello Song and motions from Super Simple Songs #1.
Hello. (Hello)
Wave with right hand.
Hello. (Hello)
Wave with left hand.
Come in.
Make a motion to come into the room.
Let’s sing.
Sing into a pretend microphone.
Let’s play.
Run in place
Hello! (Hello!)
Wave with right hand.
Hello! (Hello!)
Wave with left hand.
Knock, knock, knock.
Knock on a pretend door.
Come on in!
Make a motion to come into the room.
Let’s sing.
Sing into a pretend microphone.
And play.
Run in place.
And learn together.
Tap your finger to your temple.
Knock, knock!
Thrust your fist in the air.
02-07 Minutes
Short Conversation
Objective: Students learn to answer basic questions.
This month, we'll alternate the questions that we ask the students, based on the three patterns that they've learned in class already:
- What's your name?/My name is Lee.
- How old are you?/ I'm 2.
- How are you?/ I'm fine, thank you.
Today, ask "How old are you?" Prompt students to answer in a full sentence.
07-08 Minutes
Weather (Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy, Snowy)
Objective: Students learn the words for the weather.
- Show students a sign with pictures of the four types of weather.
- Point to "Sunny" and say it once, encouraging students to repeat it, then say it three times fast and encourage them to also repeat it three times fast. Do this for all four words.
- Point to the window and ask, "What's the weather?" Students will point to the picture or say the word associated with the day's weather. Say, "That's right! It's sunny today." (or whatever the weather is).
- Allow one student to place a marker that says "Today" on the sign in the correct place. Keep track of who has had a turn, so that each student will get a turn on different days.
08-10 Minutes
ABC Song
Objective: Students learn the ABC song and start to associate the printed and spoken letters.
Sing the ABC song. You should have the alphabet posted in the room in a place where the students can easily view it. As you sing the song, use a pointer to point to each letter.
Note: Use the version of the ABC song that does not blend "LMNOP" together too quickly. This is confusing for even native English speakers and even more confusing for Korean children. Use the version of the ABC song that keeps each letter separate.
If you have time, point to the letter that starts each child's name, saying something along the lines of "Look at this. This is 'D'. It's Diane's D."
10-12 Minutes
Easy Basics--Counting 1-5
Objective: Students learn to count from 1 to 5 in English.
- Build a tower with blocks, counting each block that you put on slowly.
- Students should repeat the number after you say it. If they know their numbers, they can count along with you.
- When you've built the tower, knock it down, making a funny noise as the blocks fall.
12-15 Minutes
Easy Basics Review Game--Build a Block Tower
Items Needed: Blocks
How to Play:
- Call a student to build a block tower and count as he does it. Since he just watched you do it, he should understand what you want him to do. You may want to help hold the tower steady so that it doesn't knock over too soon.
- Once the tower is built, allow the student to knock it over. Make a funny noise as all the blocks tumble down.
- Give each student a chance to do this. If you go over time, eliminate one of the other activities later on. If a student doesn't get a turn, he will be very disappointed, which is difficult at this age.
- Help the student count, especially if he is new and doesn't know his numbers very well.
- Give more practiced students the opportunity to count on their own.
- To keep the whole class interested, ask everyone to count the blocks together while one student builds the tower.
- If you are short on time, have each student add one block to the tower.
15-18 Minutes
Song #1: Eensy Weensy Spider
Use the version on Super Simple Songs #2 CD or your own favorite version. This is a favorite kids song with easy finger motions.
The eensy weensy spider went up the water spout
Put your hands together with thumbs touching index fingers. Walk them up by alternating which pair goes on top.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Wiggle your fingers and move them down, to show raining.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
Put your arms in a circle to show the sun.
And the eensy weensy spider went up the spout again
"Walk" your fingers up again like in the first line.
18-21 Minutes
Vocabulary #1--School Supplies (Bag, Pencil, Crayon, Scissors, Desk, Glue)
Objective: Students learn the words for the items they'll use in the classroom.
- Go through the deck of flash cards. Say the word once and have students repeat it. Say it again and have students repeat it. Say it three times fast and have students try to say it three times fast. This improves pronunciation and makes it fun.
- Go through the deck a second time, this time pausing when you show each item to see if any of the students know the word. Encourage them to call it out if they do.
21-26 Minutes
Vocabulary #1 Game--Cards Around the Floor
Items Needed: Flash Cards
How to Play:
- Stand up and review how to say the words on the cards one last time. As you say the word, place the card face up on the floor. Spread the cards far throughout the room, not just directly in front of the students.
- Call a student up for her turn. Ask her to find the card that you say.
- Allow her to walk around the room looking for the card. If she doesn't know the word, give her a hint by tapping the card with your toe.
- Give her a high-five when she finishes.
26-29 Minutes
Song #2--Happy and You Know It
The traditional version of this song doesn't teach much English, so use the Super Simple Songs version (CD #1), which makes more sense to young English learners.
The verses of the song go like this:
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands, clap your hands
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands.
Others follow a similar pattern. Do these actions
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands.
Smile big with your fingers at your cheeks, then clap your hands.
If you're angry, angry, angry, stomp your feet.
Make an angry face and cross your arms over your chest, then stomp your feet.
If you're scared, scared, scared, say, "Oh no!"
Make a scared face, then clasp your hands to your cheeks when you say "Oh, no!"
If you're sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, take a nap
Show a sleepy face, then put your hands together and rest one cheek against it.
If you're happy, happy, happy, clap your hands.
Smile big, with your fingers at your cheeks, then clap your hands.
29-32 Minutes
Vocabulary #2--Places (Home, School, Supermarket, Hospital, Park, Restaurant)
Objective: Students learn the names of common places around town.
- Go through the deck of flash cards. Say the word once and have students repeat it. Say it again and have students repeat it. Say it three times fast and have students try to say it three times fast. This improves pronunciation and makes it fun.
- Go through the deck a second time, this time pausing when you show each place to see if any of the students know the word. Encourage them to call it out if they do.
32-37 Minutes
Vocabulary #2 Game--Let's Go to the ~~
Items Needed: Flash Cards
How to Play:
- Spread the cards around the floor.
- Everyone stands up.
- Say, "Let's go to the school/supermarket/etc."
- Students respond, "OK!"
- Everyone rushes to that card.
- Choose a different place to go.
- At the end, say, "Let's go home!"
37-40 Minutes
Song #3--Ants Go Marching
This is a traditional kids song. During each verse, the "little one" does something that rhymes with the number. Throughout the song, march around the classroom--in a line if you can--and then stop and mime the action that the little one does. During the part that goes BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, you should also clap hands and have the children shout that part out.
The verses look like this, with each number following a similar pattern:
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching one by one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb
And they all go marching down around the town
All verses:
The ants go marching one by one, the little one stops to suck his thumb
The ants go marching two by two, the little one stops to tie his shoe
The ants go marching three by three, the little one stops to climb a tree
The ants go marching four by four, the little one stops to shut the door
The ants go marching five by five, the little one stops to take a dive
The ants go marching six by six, the little one stops to pick up sticks
The ants go marching seven by seven, the little one stops to pray to heaven
The ants go marching eight by eight, the little one stops to shut the gate
The ants go marching nine by nine, the little one stops to check the time
The ants go marching ten by ten, the little one stops to say "The End"
40-48 Minutes
Book--One Hungry Monster by Susan Heyboer O'Keefe
This is a counting book with creative drawings. Students can help counting the monsters and the foods that they're eating (like "5 pickled pears"). In addition to the counting, you can ask the students what they think the monsters or the little boy are feeling. (Is he scared? Is he angry?)
Extra Book--The House that Jack Built by Simms Taback
This is a book that uses repetitive English as each page builds on the last. Make it funny by reading fast and rhythmically and using a funny sound for each new item that comes along.
48-50 Minutes
Goodbye Time
Give each child a sticker, then sing a goodbye song, such as:
Bye-bye, see you the next time
Bye-bye, see you the next time
Bye-bye, see you the next time
Bye-bye, bye-bye