
RE: Israeli/Palestinian War

I have become aware of a revolutionary approach to solving this terrible problem. This is being proposed as an Internet-based solution. I wish to introduce this to you and request you bring this to the attention of policy makers. I would be grateful for your support. We must find other solutions to end this War!

This war has vexed every American President since Harry Truman. We want to keep this short, so we can’t explain all:

A. Problem: Palestinian leadership is controlled by terrorists.

HIERARCHIES! Solution: Remove peace activism and negotiation from their hands and place it with hundreds or even thousands of individual Palestinian negotiators and verifiers.

B. Problem: Palestinian grass-root negotiators have been murdered:

HIERARCHIES! Solution: Provide complete Internet-based anonymity to all non-governmental Palestinians taking part in the peace process. HIERARCHIES! auditors are paid employees of the project. (They can be paid secretly).

C. Problem: Previous negotiations were not designed to monitor agreements as a “continuous operation of a living program.” “Right of return” could not be negotiated because there would be no verification or control of the numbers of Palestinians re-entering.

HIERARCHIES! Solution: Provide a new statistical format for constant auditing of compliance by both sides as an on-going process, including right of return participants.

D. Problem: Palestinians teach Israel-hate to their children—spreading anti-Semitism to each new generation

HIERARCHIES! Solution: Provide a new cadre of “auditors” to inspect Maddrassas incognito and report anonymously on the HIERARCHIES! PEACE PROCESS WEB SITE (HPPWS)


*HIERARCHIES! is an uncomplicated commercial software product used for employee evaluation and monitoring. As a database it can be easily translated into multiple languages.

The developer does not have a desire to make this use of HIERARCHIES! a commercial enterprise for himself.

In the darkest days of WWII, Winston Churchill called for “new ideas and inventions” from England’s citizens. Most were unworkable, but some provided an “edge” that allowed England to survive until America finally entered the War.

Policy makers are frustrated and looking for solutions. There are no guarantees that this or any other program will work. There is nothing to lose. We need your help in bringing this to their attention. We believe that this revolutionary process provides a possibility for success if used over a long-term basis. So far, a technology-based solution has never been suggested nor attempted.


Once HIERARCHIES! is started it would be unstoppable. The inventor would be irrelevant. It becomes an “Internet based peace virus” for all to see and monitor.
