Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall A
9.00 am to 11.05 am
Symposium on Paediatric Ophthalmology:
Dreams & Realities of Eliminating Avoidable Childhood Blindness
Chairman:Dr. Leila Mohan
Co-Chairman:Dr. Elizabeth Joseph
Moderator: Dr. Meena C K
Convenor:Dr. Binu Balan
1. Tackling the Brunt of Intrauterine Problems Dr. Padmaja Krishnan 8 mins
2. ROP –Screening and Treatment Dr. MeenaC K 8 mins
3. Vision Screening to Detect Avoidable BlindnessDr Vijayalakshmi M S 8 mins
4. SurgicalIssues in CongenitalCataract Dr. Mohan Rajan 10 mins
5. Unilateral Cataract in Infancy-Issues Dr. Leila Mohan 10 mins
6. Paediatirc Glaucoma -Management Dr. Sirisha Senthil 12 mins
- Drainage Devices Dr. SirishaSenthil 10 mins
7. Issues in Adolescent Children with Low VisionDr. Elizabeth Joseph 8 mins
8. Refractive Errors in Relation to Amblyopia Dr. Ramesh Moorthy 10 mins
9. VKC –Current ManagementDr. Binu Balan 8 mins
10. Issues in Keratoplasty in ChildrenDr. Freddy Simon 8 mins
11. GeneticCounseling, Gene Therapy In Dr. Sunil 10 mins
Retinal Dystrophies in Children
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall A
11.10 am to 12.10 pm
Phaco Fundamentals
Chairman:Dr. Anup Chirayath
Moderator: Dr. Komaldeep Bedi
Convenor:Dr. Rajiv Sukumaran
- Know Your MachineD. Reddy J K8 mins
- Trenching and CrackingDr. Komaldeep Bedi 8 mins
- Stop and ChopDr. Jaison 8 mins
- Direct ChopDr. Anup Chirayath8 mins
- Automated I/A--Pearls and PitfallsDr. Rajeev Sukumaran8 mins
- Making the Transition- SICS to Phaco Dr. SreeniEdakhlon8 mins
- Panel Discussion 10 mins
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall A
12.15 pm to 01.15 pm
Instruction Course onCataract Surgery in Difficult Situations
Chairman:Dr. Jacob S Mathew
Moderator: Dr. Chandrakanth K S
Convenor: Dr. Sai Kumar S J
This is an era where surgical techniques have been refined to such heights that almost any unsurmountable situations in any surgical conditions especially that in the eye can be tackled with the equipments and techniques available. The same holds good in cataract surgery as well, depending on the difficult situation we can adapt either the machine assisted phacoemulsification or else go for the time tested technique of Manual SICS. Depending on the equipments and accessories available one can go for either of these two closed chamber techniques of cataract surgery while one encounters the following difficult situations with the cataract. This discussion involves the views of surgeons who are experts in both Phacoemulsification and Manual SICS, but they would be going about with their opinion as to what would be the best option in their own hands.
Cataract surgery in difficult situations
1. Surgery on Hard Cataract:Dr. Philip Kuruvilla (SICS) 4 mins
Dr. Anup Chirayath (Phaco) 4 mins
2. Surgery on Small Pupil:Dr. Minu Mathen (SICS) 4 mins
Dr. Jaison (Phaco) 4 mins
3. Surgery in Posterior Polar Cataract: Dr. Philip Kuruvilla (SICS) 3 mins
Dr. Chandrakanth (Phaco) 4 mins
4. Surgery in Soft Cataract:Dr. Philip Kuruvilla (SICS)3 mins
Dr. Aravind Venkatraman (Phaco) 4 mins
5. Deep Set Eyes and DifficultiesDr. Sreeni Edakhlon (SICS)3 mins
How to Circumvent these: Dr. Anup Chirayath (Phaco) 3 mins
6. Surgery in Subluxated Cataract: Dr. Sreeni Edakhlon (SICS) 3 mins
Dr. Jacob S Mathew (Phaco)3 mins
7. Cataract Surgery on Post Vitrectomy Dr. Jacob S Mathew (SICS)1 min
and Post Trabeculectomy Eyes : Dr. Aravind Venkatraman (Phaco) 4 mins
8. Cataract Surgery in an Eye with Iris Dr. Minu Mathen (SICS) 4 mins
Coloboma and Associated Zonular Weakness: Dr. Jaison (Phaco)4 mins
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall A
02.00 pm to 03.00 pm
Dr.TK Alexandar Memorial Oration
By Dr. L. Gopal, Chennai
Recent Advances in Retinopathy of Prematurity
Chairman: Dr.Radhakrishnan N
Co-Chairman: Dr.Bhatt B V
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall A
03.05 pm to 05.10 pm
Ophthalmic Premier League
Moderator:Dr. Arup Chakrabarti
Chairperson and Judges:Dr. Varma R R, Dr. Padmaja Krishnan
Match referee and Umpire: Dr. Mahadevan K
The teams are as follows.
1) Dr Philip Kuruvilla (Captain)
2) Dr Thomas George (Vice Captain)
3) Dr Minu Mathen
4) Dr Sonia John
1) Dr Sunil Kumar (Captain)
2) Dr Meena C K (Vice Captain)
3) Dr Jacob Mathew
4) Dr Freddy Simon
1) Dr Rani Menon (Captain)
2) Dr Radha Ramanan (Vice Captain)
3) Dr Anup Chirayath
4) Dr Mahesh Gopalakrishnan
1) Dr Sreeni Edakhlon (Captain)
2) Dr Meenakshi Dhar (Vice Captain)
3) Dr Shaju Asokan
4) Dr Jaison
This programe called the Ophthalmic Premier League (OPL) will be conducted during Drishti 2010 in Cochin. This is akin to the European league games but with a difference as the OPL is connected to ophthalmology. The idea here is to have 4 teams with 4 captains. Each team will have 4 members. Each team member will be given 5 minutes to show the most challenging cataract / complication case. This will be a video based presentation. In the video the speaker will also have to show how he or she has managed this case. There will be a good discussion on each case for the remaining time. All the speakers will have to be top class who can show excellent videos. An appropriate dress code for each team will make the show lively. The bottom line is to combine education with entertainment. The judges’ decision will be final.
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall B
09.00 am to 10.00 am
Management of Malpositioned IOLs
Chairman:Dr. Minu M Mathen
Moderator: Dr. Jacob Mathew
Convenor: Dr. Philip Kuruvilla
This course will be in the form of an interactive video based panel discussion covering
1. Causes and Complications of Malposition of IOLs - PC IOLs and AC IOLs8 mins
2. Decision Making in Managing Them - Conservative / Surgical5 mins
3. Preoperative Concerns and Evaluation8 mins
4. Technique of Explantation of ACIOL, PCIOL, Iris Claw IOLs 10 mins
5. Techniques of Relocation of Malpositioned IOLs - Iris & Scleral Fixation 15 mins
6. Ideal IOL Selection & Techniques of Implantation In Cases of IOL Exchange5 mins
7. Audience Interaction and Discussion5 mins
Dr. Minu M Mathen
Dr. Philip Kuruvilla
Dr. Jacob S Mathew
Dr. Sreeni Edakhlon
Dr. Sudeep Das (Bangalore)
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall B
10.05 am to11.05 am
Ophthalmic Imaging
Morphology Meets Function
Dr. Sobha Sivaprasad
In this section, we will discuss both the clinical and research aspects of OCT in retinal diseases with particular reference to how function can be correlated to or even predicted by OCT in some instances. The present OCT based treatment guidelines for clinical practice and trials will be discussed. Cases that will be included are age related macular degeneration, diabetic maculopathy and genetic eye diseases.
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall B
11.10 am to 01.15 pm
Investigative Modalities for Evaluation of the Posterior Segment: Hands on Indirect Ophthalmoscopy/Slit Lamp/FP
Chairman:Dr. Biju Raju
Co-Chairman: Dr. Manoj S
Moderator: Dr. Shane Mathew
Convenor:Dr. Ashok Nataraj
This instruction course aims at presenting the basic examination techniques and investigative modalities in the diagnosis and management of posterior segment diseases. All the presentations will be practically oriented. There will be hands on / interactive session on the various modalities discussed in the instruction course.
Sl No / Topic / Speaker / Time1 / How to do a Good Indirect Ophthalmoscopy / Dr. Biju John / 10 mins
2 / Slit Lamp Biomicroscopic Evalution of the Retina / Dr. Thomas Cherian / 10 mins
3 / Using the B Scan Effectively / Dr. Mahesh G / 10 mins
4 / Interpretation of OCT Scans / Dr. Manoj S / 10 mins
5 / Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy / Dr. Ashok Nataraj / 10 mins
6 / Diagnostic Pearls in Retinal Vein Occlusions / Dr. Prakash / 10 mins
7 / Diagnosis of AMD / Dr. Shane Mathew / 10 mins
8 / Diagnosis of Posterior Uveitis and Masquerade Syndromes / Dr. Gopal Pillai / 10 mins
Hands on / Interactive session – 30 minutes
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall B
03.05 pm to 05.10 pm
Key Note Addresses
Chairman:Dr. Raju NSD
Co-Chairman:Dr. Augustine Mampilli
Each Presentation: 10 Mins
1 / Dr. Lalit Verma / Retinal Panorama: Lessons Learnt2 / Dr. Sambasiva Rao / E-LASEK = Surface Ablation
3 / Dr. Santhan Gopal / How to Review a Paper for a Journal
4 / Dr. Thomas Kuriakose / “Accreditation Exercise” – A Tool to Quality
5 / Dr. Yogesh Shah / OCT for Anterior Segment Surgeon
7 / Dr. Kunhiraman P P
Dr. Ashad Sivaram / External DCR - A New Approach
Artificial Retina, Present Scenario
10 / Dr. Tejas Shah
Dr. Mohan Rajan
Dr Bhunia J / Ocular Visco Devices
Evolution of Phaco Technology
Toric IOL: It's Not that Risky
11 / Dr. Abhijit Ghosh / Trauma – The Importance of Being Earnest
12 / Dr. Anita Panda
Day 2, 26th November 2010
Hall C
9 am to 10.00 am
Decision Making in Glaucoma and Medical Management
Chairman:Dr. Saikumar S J/Dr. Arup Chakrabarti
Moderator: Dr. Rajesh Radhakrishnan
Convenor: Dr. Susan Philip
1. When to Order for Tests by Looking Dr. Saikumar S. J 7 mins
at the Optic Disc?
2. Initiation of Medical Therapy – are the Dr. Deven Tuli 7 mins
Drug Combinations Different for POAG and PACG?
3. How Looking at the Angle will Make My Dr. Murali Ariga 7 mins
Diagnostic Decisions?
4. How Frequently Should I Follow up My Dr. Rajesh R 7 mins
Glaucoma Patient and What All to do During Each Visit?
5. Enough is Enough, When Should I Think Dr. Susan Philip 7 mins
Beyond Medical Management?
6. Normal Optic Disc and Field, but High IOP, Dr. Andrew Braganza 7 mins
What to do?
7. Normal Tension Glaucoma – Dr. Rani Menon 7 mins
Looking Beyond IOP
8. Panel Discussion 10 mins
Day 2, 26th November 2010
Hall C
10.05 am to 11.05 am
Management of PC Rent and Anterior Vitrectomy in Cataract Surgery
Chairman: Dr. Davis Akkara/Dr. Arup Chakrabarti
Moderator: Dr. Minu Mathen
Convenor: Dr. Mohammed Swadique
Introduction –
1. IntroductionDr. Davis 2 mins
2. Why PC Rent – Risk factors - How to prevent? Dr. Arup Chakrabarti10 mins
3. How do We Recognise PC Rent Early? – Dr. Minu Mathen 8 mins
The Danger Signs
4. Management of Nucleus in Early/ Late PC RentDr. Jaison10 mins
5. Management of Vitreous – How Far is “Good” - ? Dr. Reddy J K 8 mins
Triamcinolone Assisted
6. IOL Implantation in PC Rents – Dos & Don’tsDr. Yogesh Shah 8 mins
7. Discussion 10 mins
Day 2, 26th November 2010
Hall C
11.10 am to 12.10 pm
Aesthetics and Socket Rehabilitation
Chairman:Dr. Ani Sreedhar
Moderator: Dr. Reena Abdul Rasheed
Convenor: Dr. Babu Krishnakumar
1. Evaluation of an Anophthalmic Socket Dr. Reena Abdul Rasheed 8 mins
2. Enucleation, Evisceration with Implants Dr. Kunal Kumar 8 mins
3. Surface Reconstruction of the Orbit - A video Dr. Ani Sreedhar 8 mins
4. Periorbital Aesthetic Surgery Dr. Milind Naik 15 mins
5. Expanding Horizons in Oculofaical SurgeryDr. Milind Naik 15 mins
6. Discussion 5 mins
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall C
12.15 pm to 01.15 pm
Surgical Techniques in Glaucoma: Current Concepts
Chairman:Dr. Radha Ramanan
Moderator: Dr. Rani Menon
Convenor: Dr. Alex Baby
1. Trabeculectomy - Mastering the Technique Dr. Thomas George 10 mins
2. Post Op Management of Trabeculectomy and Dr. Rani Menon 8 mins
How to Prevent Post op Complications
3. SICS with Trabeculectomy Dr. Alex Baby10 mins
4. Phaco- Trabeculectomy Dr. Sai Kumar 10 mins
5. Glaucoma Drainage Devices and Newer Dr. Radha Ramanan 15 mins
Surgical Techniques
6. Discussion 7 mins
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall C
03.05 pm to 05.10 pm
Video Theatre
1.The Good, the Bad and the Ugly- 20 Gauge versus 23 Gauge versus 25 GaugeSurgery
Chief & PresentingAuthor: Dr. Gopal S Pillai
Co Authors: Dr. Natasha R, Dr. Aji Sam Mathews, Dr. Sandhya A, Dr. Tufela Shafi
2.Core Nucleus Separation Technique for Hard Cataract Phacoemulsification
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr A Nagesh
Co Author Dr. Harikrishnan
3. Small Solutions for Big Problems: 23 G Vitrectomy for Advanced Diabetic Eye Disease
Chief & PresentingAuthor:Dr. Unnikrishnan Nair
Co Authors Dr. Manoj Soman, Dr. KGR Nair
4. Management of Uveitic Cataract – A Surgical Challenge
Chief & PresentingAuthor: Dr. Alex Baby
Co Authors: Dr. Teena Ann Varghese, Dr. Thomas Cherian, Dr. Radharamanan B
5.Angle Kappa
Chief & Presenting Author Dr. Amar Agarwal
6.Glued IOL
Chief & Presenting Author Dr. Amar Agarwal
7.Blind Track Turn Around Technique for Instrastromal Rings Segment
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amar Agarwal
8.Out or In: It Is the Same Door
Chief & Presenting Author:Dr. Arup Bhaumik
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall D
09.00 am to 10.00 am
Intravitreal Pharmacotherapy: What You Should Know
Chairman: Dr. Mahesh G
Moderator:Dr. Unnikrishnan Nair
Convenor: Dr. Prakash V S
1. Guidelines for Intravitreous Injections with Dr. Ashok Nataraj 8 mins
Video Demonstration
2. Intravitreal Pharmacotherapy in AMD Dr. Thomas Thachil10 mins
3. Intravitreous Injections in Non AMD Indications Dr. Prakash 10 mins
4. Which Drug to Choose? An Evidence Based ReviewDr. Mahesh G10 mins
5. Newer Agents for Intravitreal Pharmacotherapy Dr. Unnikrishnan Nair 10 mins
6. Q & A Session and Discussion 12 mins
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall D
10.05 am to 11.05 am
Orbit: the Present and the Future
Chairman: Dr. Padmaja Krishnan
Moderator: Dr. Vanaja Raghavan
Convenor: Dr. Ani Sreedhar
1. Orbit - A Birds Eye View Dr. Ani Sreedhar 15 mins
2. Minimally Invasive Orbital Surgery Dr. Ravindra Mohan 20 mins
3. Thyroid Management Principles Dr. Milind Naik 20 mins
4. Discussion 5 mins
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall D
11.10 am to 1.15 pm
Padmabhushan Dr. P. Siva Reddy Award Free Paper Session
Chairman: Dr. Sahasranamam V
Co-Chairperson: Dr.Elizabeth Joseph
1. Corneal Astigmatism may not Represent Total Astigmatism
Dr. Anil Radhakrishnan, Dr. Lakshmi Vijay, Dr. Swapna Nair
2. Acute Comitant Esotropia in Children
Dr. Anju Ninan, Dr. Meena C K, Dr. Elizabeth Joseph
3. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease – Clinical Course, Therapy and Long Term Visual Outcome
Dr. Anna Elias, Dr. Mahesh Gopalakrishnan, Dr. Savita Bhat, Dr. Giridhar Anantharaman
4. High Dose Mitomycin C (MMC) as Prophylaxis for Corneal Haze in Refractive Surgery
Dr. Bastin V A, Dr. K Narayanan Kutty
5. Prospective Study of 5 Bilateral Congenital Cataract Undergoing Phako Aspiration and
Implantation of Multifocal Intra Ocular Lens
Dr. K S Chandrakanth, Dr. Sheeja Viswanathan, Dr. Nirupama Balaji, Dr. Tresa T Mathew,
Dr. M V Ramakrishnan
6. Clinical Outcome of Trabeculectomy with the Subconjunctival Biodegradable Implant
(Ologen) for the Treatment of Refractory Glaucoma
Dr. Deepa Paulose , Dr. S Tony Fernandez, Dr. Freddy T Simon, Dr. Ashok Nataraj,
Dr. Gigi Augustine
7. Choroidal Neovascular Membrane in Pediatric Population – Etiology, Clinical Features
and Visual Outcome
Dr. Jyotiprakash Vyas, Dr. Giridhar Anantharaman, Dr. Mahesh Gopalakrishnan
8. Retinopathy of Prematurity- Incidence and Risk Factors - A Prospective Observational
Dr. Natasha Radhakrishnan, Dr. Gopal S Pillai, Dr. Sunil
9. Spectral OCT Study of Macular Changes in Hyperglycemia Associated Acute Drop in Vision
Dr. Prakash V S, Dr. IttyerahT P, Dr. Rose V Pulikkal
10. Aetiopathogenesis of Posterior Segment Inflammatory Disorders-A RetrospectiveStudy
Dr. Sandhya A, Dr. Natasha Radhakrishnan, Dr. Gopal S Pillai, Dr. Aji Sam Mathews,
Dr. Jisha Vimoj
11. Ocular Findings in Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Patients
Dr. M E Shobha, Dr. Alex Joseph, Dr. H S Adenwalla, Dr. P V Narayanan
12. Probing of the Nasolacrimal Duct in Older Children – A Weighing of Unexpected
Dr. Swapna Nair, Dr. K G R Nair
13. Prognostic Indicators and Visual Outcomes in Post-Cataract Surgery Endophthalmitis
Cases Treated at a Tertiary Referral Centre in Kerala
Dr. Thomas Thachil, Dr.Giridhar Anantharaman, Dr. Mahesh Gopalakrishnan
14. Long Term Outcomes and Prognostic Factors in Management of Polypoidal Choroidal
Vasculopathy (PCV)
Dr. Unnikrishnan Nair, Dr. Manoj Soman, Dr. Lata Ayoob, Dr. Fazil M A Gafoor , Dr.KGR Nair
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall D
03.05 pm to 04.05 pm
Current Concepts in the Management of Diabetic Retinopathy
Chairman:Dr. Gopal S Pillai
Moderator: Dr. Rajesh P
Convenor: Dr. Valsa Stephen
Grandrounds in Diabetic Retinopathy
Clinical Scenarios
1. Diabetic on Diagnosis
2. Diabetic with Early Cataract
3. Diabetic with Dense Cataract
4. Unexplained Vision Loss
5. a) Hard Exudates Near The Macula
b) Focal Leaks And Exudates Away From
Centre of Fovea
c) Diffuse Lekage, Edema OCT
6. PDR with CSME
7. Severe NPDR Changes' Ischemia
8. Bleed In The Vitreous, No View
9. Preretinal Hemorrhage,
10. Traction near the Arcades
11. Traction Retinal Detachment
12. Neovascular Glaucoma
f)Submacular Detachment
g)VMT and TAUT Posterior Hyaloid
h)Recalcitrant Edema
Panel Discussion
Dr. Gopal S Pillai, Dr. Rajesh P, Dr. Valsa Stephen, Dr. Unnikrishnan, Dr. Natasha R,
Dr. Ajit Babu Maji, Dr. Giridhar, Dr. Rejani Battu, Dr. Simi Manojkumar, Dr. Lalit Varma
Day 2, 27th November 2010
Hall D
04.10 pm to 05.10 pm
Prof. K.S. Subramaniam Award
PG Free Paper Session: Final
Chairman:Dr. Battu R R
Co-Chairman: Dr. Meena Chakrabarti