Biology I

Plants –Chapters 20-22


Use the biology book to define the following terms:

  1. Characteristics of all plants-multicellular, eukaryotic, autotrophic, have cell walls made of cellulose, perform photosynthesis
  2. cuticle pg. 614
  3. fruit pg. 622
  4. pollination pg. 620
  5. cotyledon pg. 625
  6. wood pg.627
  7. flower pg.622
  8. seed pg. 614
  9. parenchyma cell pg.640
  10. collenchyma cell pg. 640
  11. sclerenchyma cellpg. 140
  12. dermal tissue pg. 642
  13. ground tissue pg. 642
  14. meristem pg. 648
  15. root cap pg. 648
  16. fibrous root pg. 649
  17. taproot pg. 649
  18. blade pg. 652
  19. petiole pg. 652
  20. sporophyte pg. 664
  21. gameophyte pg. 664
  22. gibberellin pg.680
  23. ethylene pg. 681
  24. cytokinin pg. 681
  25. auxin pg. 681
  26. Two main divisions in the plant kingdom- Vascular and Nonvascular
  27. Bryophytes- also known as Nonvascular plants
  28. Tracheophytes- also known as Vascular plants
  29. The 3 divisions of Bryophytes- Bryophyta, Hepatophyta, Antheocerophyta
  30. Division Bryophyta- Mosses
  31. Division Hepatophyta- Liverworts
  32. Division Antheocerophyta- Hornworts
  33. Vascular tissue- found in vascular plants, tissues that transport material throughout the plant
  34. Two types of vascular tissue- Xylem and Phloem
  35. Xylem- carries water and minerals from the roots to the stem and leaves
  36. Phloem- carries sugar form the leaves to where it is needed in the plant
  37. Seedless Vascular Plants- do not form flowers and seeds for reproduction , instead form SPORES
  38. Seed Producing Vascular Plants- produce seeds or flowers for reproduction, 2 divisions Angiosperms and Gymnosperms
  39. Angiosperms- Flowering plants that have seeds enclosed in fruit
  40. 2 divisions of Angiosperms- Monocots and Dicots
  41. Monocot- Angiosperms that have one seed leaf, have parallel veins, and flower parts come in 3’s Ex. grasses, bananas, corn
  42. Dicots- Angiosperms that have two seed leaves, have netted veins, and flowers come in 4 or 5’s Ex. Trees, roses, daisies
  43. Gymnosperms- produce seeds that are naked and not protected by fruit
  44. Sepal – encloses the bud and protects the flower while it is growing
  45. Petal- brightly colored, used to attract insects and other pollinators
  46. Stamen- the male part of the flower, 2 parts (Filament and Anther)
  47. Filament- supports the anther
  48. Anther- contains the pollen
  49. Pistil- the female part of the flower, 3 parts( Stigma, Style, Ovary)
  50. Stigma- sticky portion found at the tip of the style where pollen grains land
  51. Style- supports the stigma
  52. Ovary- where the eggs of the plant are found
  53. Mesophyll- contains chloroplast and is where nearly all photosynthetic activity take place in most plants
  54. Stomata- pore-like openings in the leaves of plants that allow CO2 and O2 to diffuse in and out of the plant
  55. Guard Cell- Control the opening and closing of the stomata