Community Information Notice

25 September 2008


Investors – Please ensure your tenant(s) receive a copy of this notice.


STORAGE ROOMS: There is one storage room left for rent! There is a $100 non-refundable application fee and $100 security deposit required, as well as a one-year lease. The rental is open only to Unit Owners and the rent is $100 per month. If you are interested, please contact Andi Reed-Lenane by e-mail with your information.

PARKING TAGS: If you have not already picked up your parking tags, please do so immediately, as the new parking policy that has been distributed is in effect and towing has begun.

PARKING: Parking is not allowed in the rear of the building. The lot is being patrolled and anyone who is found to be parked in this area will be towed without further notice and at the expense of the Unit Owner.

VANDALISM: There has been a lot of recent vandalism to the laundry equipment in the building, which has now begun to cost the Association money on repairs, which is in turn an expense that is shared by everyone. Please keep an eye out for suspicious activity and immediately contact the Hooksett Police Department and Management if you witness any incidents.

PET CARE: Proper disposal of pet waste and pets being off leashes has been an ongoing problem in your community. Those of you not picking up after your pets are making it uncomfortable for other residents and leaving the property looking unsightly. Dog owners, please make sure to bring a bag along with you or use one of the dog stations provided for you by the Association. Thank you to all responsible pet owners who pick up after your dogs! We appreciate it and so do your neighbors. Please be sure that your pet is on a leash no longer than 6 feet at all times while in the common areas. This prevents conflicts with other animals and other Unit Owners.

CIGARETTE BUTTS: Residents are reminded that it is your responsibility to properly dispose of cigarette butts and that smoking in the hallways of the buildings or directly outside of the common area doors is not permitted. Please step away from the building when smoking so that other residents can open their windows without fear of smoke coming in. Residents are encouraged to make Management aware of any resident(s) who are throwing cigarette butts on the ground so that these individuals can be assessed all costs associated with clean up.


Questions/Comments: Please contact Jeffrey Robinson or Andi Reed-Lenane, Evergreen Management, Inc. Phone: 603.622.7000, Email: or .