EBP Action Plan Template

This template helps you identify key stages of an EBP initiative and articulate a plan for action.

Use a separate template for each EBP initiative.

Complete each of the following EBP stages: /
Who is responsible / Resources required /
1. Aspect of school library program you wish to measure for impact:
Information literacy skills among students
Enhance students’ ability to independently evaluate Internet resources for credibility and expand student understanding of the qualities of reliable resources that are most appropriate to use to gather information for research. / Library Media Specialist / Evaluation tool/checklist
Domain Exit Ticket
Device/Internet access
Digital presentation tools
Student/teacher surveys
BCPS curriculum/resources / Five 50 minute class sessions
2. Research literature documenting evidence/impact of this aspect of school library program:
Teacher surveys reveal students lack an understanding of how to evaluate websites for credibility.
Student surveys reveal students lack an understanding and confidence in their personal ability to appropriately evaluate a website for credibility.
Internet users (students) need to be taught:
·  To read information on the Internet like they are fact checkers
·  To not assume Google ranks their results based on reliability
·  To look at a variety of sources versus just one source to gather information from
·  To evaluate resources for quality not quantity
School libraries/librarians have the ability to work directly with Internet users (students) on learning and better understanding these important 21st Century Skills by:
·  Providing evaluation tools and criteria to users
·  Modeling evaluation strategies for users
·  Supporting independent use of the evaluation process when researching and gathering information
·  Promoting the use of databases versus Google when researching for more reliable resources
·  Providing Internet access to all users
Students need to acquire a proper understanding of how to evaluate Internet resources for credibility in order to better prepare them for college and their life as an adult.
3. Type(s) of evidence required to demonstrate impact of this aspect of school library program:
Student evidence:
·  Student feedback (surveys)
·  Ability to identify key factors/elements of a resource to determine the credibility
·  Success in utilizing the evaluation tools (5W strategy, domain evaluation, etc.) to analyze the credibility of a website
·  Ability to independently select reliable resources through independent evaluation
Program evidence:
·  Increased use of BCPS databases
·  Reliability/quality of student work when researching / Library Media Specialist
Fourth grade students / Surveys
5w criteria checklist
Devices/Internet access
Who is responsible / Resources required /
4. Strategies & techniques to collect data:
·  Photo/Video records
·  Student/Teacher surveys (pre/post)
·  Pre-assessment/Post assessment on evaluation of resources and credibility
·  Exit tickets
·  Teacher observation of selection of resources/evaluation process / Library Media Specialist / Recording device
Assessments/exit tickets
5. Strategies & techniques to analyze data:
·  Compare pre and post assessment data
·  Compare student feedback on knowledge and understanding prior to the unit and then after the unit
·  Evaluate classwork and exit tickets based on student knowledge of key concepts and skills taught throughout the unit (5w strategy, domain evaluation) / Library Media Specialist
6. Reporting evidence to school community:
Students, teachers, parents
Presentation methods:
·  Library Twitter feed
·  Student generated evaluation presentation (QR Codes)
·  School monthly newsletter
·  Communication with teachers on skills and share resources/criteria used within the library program for evaluating resources
·  Professional Development / Library Media Specialist / Library Twitter
QR code generator
Monthly newsletter blurb/evidence from student learning
7. Reporting your evidence at local/state/national levels & beyond:
·  Library Twitter feed / Library Media Specialist / Library Twitter

School Library EBP Program Plan Template

This template helps you develop a longer term plan for building an EBP program. Complete each section by the end of the previous semester.

A. EBP target(s) to achieve in Third Quarter, 2017 / -Students will gain a deep understanding of what it means for a resource to have credibility
-Students will gain a deep understanding of how to INDEPENDENTLY evaluate a website and ensure they are selecting a reliable site to gather information.
B. EBP target(s) to achieve in Fourth Quarter, 2017 / -Students will have more independent research opportunities
-Students will utilize the evaluation tools to independently select website through various sources (Webpath Express, BCPSOne databases) to gather creditable information
C. Ideas to consider for 2017-18 School Year Implementation beginning First Quarter 2016 / -Introduce Information Literacy unit earlier next year to teachers and students so they can utilize the strategies and skills more
-Break down each W (who, what, where, when, why) so students gain a clearer understanding of why each W is important to consider when evaluating a website
-Familiarize students more with vocabulary- domain, credibility, reliability, etc.

TODD/HAY – EBP Action Plan & Program Plan Templates from Syba Academy’s School Libraries Making A Difference Seminar Series
Revised and adapted November 2015 for AASL 2015 Conference, Columbus, OH 4