Date: 5/28/11
Location: Email
Motion: To separate the current Treasurer/Secretary position into two distinct positions and accept job duties as outlined.
Effective with the elections to take place at the USAF Executive Board Meeting August 2011,and going forward until amended to the contrary the current single position of Treasurer/ Secretary, will become two separate positions, one being the USAF Treasurer and the other being the USAF Secretary. Both positions will follow the most current election and terms process as dictated by our constitution. Two separate job descriptions for each of these two positions are attached.
Motion Made By: Karen Bean
Second By: John Burgeson
Simon Berriochoa - NAP
Bill Cox - IAF
Gerry Cox - IAF
Karen Bean - WWC
Bill Collins - NAP
Bob Brown - USAA
Leonard Harkless - USAA
Authored by: Simon Berriochoa President USAF
Regarding:Job Description of the USAF Secretary
General:The USAF Secretary is responsible for controlling and documenting all historical, and administrative items of the USAF, to include but not limited to; the USAF constitution, motions, documents, writings of processes, procedures as well as the minutes and all happenings within the USAF.
The Secretary is responsible for recording and formally documenting all meeting minutes.
The USAF Secretary is responsible for:
Managing the USAF Constitution, detailing and facilitating the authorized changes to the USAF
Constitution in a timely manner, subsequently republishing the updated Constitution to the public forum
and the USAF board. Further the Secretary is responsible for producing as needed, relevant or questioned
Constitutional precedents regarding any open discussions or actions that may call into question the
existing regulations, procedures, or processes of the USAF.
Managing all other USAF documentation, this is to include but not limited to; forms, letters, bid packets,
applications, contracts, waivers, consent forms, entry forms, documents of statement, instruction, action
or decree as well as assisting in international documentation requirements for the USAF, its athletes or as
required for the WAF or the USAF’s hosting of the WAF event. Further the Secretary is responsible for
producing and printing all required documents for all activities of the USAF, this includes producing no
fewer than 8 copies of all of the USAF’s updated documents to be provided to the executive group in
advance of the annual USAF Board meeting. All USAF National Championship event documents must
be given to the USAF Secretary before we depart that year’s event. The USAF Secretary must make
copies of all such event documents at the currents year’s event and provide them to the Treasurer for the
purpose of auditing the financials of that USAF National Championship event.
Controlling the actions of motions and other administrative tasks in conjunction with documenting the
activities of the USAF, to include but not limited to; establishing that a motion has been properly
submitted for consideration, per the Constitution, been seconded, then setting the date and time when
email motions close, or as is applicable, managing the voting and conclusion for all live motions that are
in consideration. The USAF Secretary is further responsible for tabulating and formally announcing the
outcome of the vote regarding any motion or activity, then as time allows the Secretary is responsible for
reviewing the motion against the existing Constitution and other applicable documents of the USAF to
ensure there are no conflicts or changes that need to be made or further addressed in order to bring
appropriate consistency to our full suite of writings, processes, procedures and forms.
Providing the new additions and changes regarding our documentation to the group as well as in a manner
that may be posted upon the USAF website as defined by the USAF Constitution. The USAF Secretary
is further responsible for fielding and researching member and athlete questions that stem from the
documents and history that they are responsible for. These inquires should be made public to the board
prior to answers being given to the community, formal responses are to be given by the USAF President.
Exception…… Individually authored motions must be created and written by the individual board member in their own words for submission and consideration, the USAF Secretary is not responsible for writing any members proposed motion, except for those that they personally wish to author and submit. Further any USAF Board member may at their own discretion author any document, statement or form they feel the USAF is in need of, however if the document is put into use, then it becomes the responsibility of the USAF Secretary.
Authored by: Simon Berriochoa President USAF
Regarding:Job Description of the USAF Treasurer
General:The USAF Treasurer is responsible for controlling and documenting all incoming funds and expenses of the USAF including the Annual USAF National Championships as well as the USAF Team USA accounting. Additionally the Treasurer is responsible for filing any and all documents with local, state and federal entities regarding all business and financial requirements of the USAF.
The USAF Treasurer is responsible for:
Maintaining the USAF Bank Account, Balances and Transactions, pays all invoices and expenses,
(as defined by the USAF Constitution) and enforces the USAF rules and regulations around expenses, income and
expenditures, this is to include, who, how and what are acceptable financial practices under the constitution of the
USAF. Further the Treasurer is responsibility to identify, document and enforce the appropriate audit procedures
for any USAF transactions.
Preparing and publishing monthly statements of the current balances and previous calendar month worth
of transaction from the USAF banking accounts and another accounts associated with the USAF, such as
credit card processing and payment clearing accounts.
Collecting all sponsorship amounts from the Host or their sponsors on time and in accordance to our
Constitutional regulations and requirements around the USAF National Championship event.
Additionally the Treasurer is responsible for paying all approved invoices and expenses (as defined by the USAF
Constitution) allocated to the USAF regarding the USAF National Championship event. All outlays of expense
and income either as deposits or true income, are the domain and responsibility of the USAF Treasurer.
Collecting all funds regarding the USAF National Championship event from all individuals who possess such funds,
including but not limited to, the host, sponsors, staff, vendors and officers of the USAF, these funds are to include
but not limited to entry fees, door charges, additional sponsor funds, booth fees, USAF proceeds from sales of event
paraphernalia, as well as food and beverage sales. Additionally the Treasurer is responsible for paying approved
expenses (as defined by the USAF Constitution) and documenting any and all transactions rightfully associated with
costs for running the USAF National Championship event and within the confines of our explicit responsibilities.
The reconciliation of all expenses, incomes, credits and debits regarding the USAF National Championship event, for establishing the P&L of said event, and presenting the final accounting of the statement to the USAF President. Upon approval the USAF Treasurer is tasked with compensating the Host of that year’s event with their appropriate and agreed upon portion of the net proceeds of the event. The Treasurer may bring into consideration items of concern regarding the transactions associated with the event and offer direction on how to best resolve these matters amicably between all parties considered.
The ultimate collection, control of funds/fees forwarded to the USAF for the development and outfitting of the USAF Team USA. The subsequent payment of all approved invoices (as defined by the USAF Constitution) associated with all materials and costs that are appropriately incurred in conjunction with Team USA, and or financial obligations to the management of the team and responsibilities to the WAF.