- Yellow Journalism
- Spanish American War
- Open Door Policy
- “Big Stick” Policy
- Monroe Doctrine
- Roosevelt Corollary
- Panama Canal
- Roosevelt
- Taft
- Roosevelt
- Muckrakers
- Meat Inspection Act/Pure Food & Drug Act
- Election Reform
- Recall
- Referendum
- Initiative
- Bull Moose Party
- Election of 1912
- Bull Moose Party
- Suffrage Movement
World War I
- Sussex Pledge
- Zimmerman Telegram
- Propaganda
- War Bonds
- 14 Points
- Treaty of Versailles
- League of Nations
- Machine guns and Trench Warfare
- Harlem Renaissance
- Isolationism
- Red Scare
- Immigration Restriction
- Stock Market Crash
- Espionage Law and Freedom of Speech
- Flappers and freedom of expression
- Organize crime and Prohibition
- Scopes Trial
- 1932 Election
- Dust Bowl/ impact on the Great Plains and peoples migration to California
- Causes of Stock Market Crash (buying on Margin, Speculation)
- Causes of the Great Depression (Stock Market Failure, Declining Farm Prices)
- Hoover’s lack of support for struggling Americans during the Great Depression
- Bonus Army
- Reconstruction Finance Cooperation (RFC) - Focused on helping big business not individual
- Election of 1932 blamed the Republican Party for the Great Depression, blamed Hoover and new leadership wanted
- Fear of shifting from Gold Standard and deflation of the dollar
- Bank Holiday
- Supreme Court Packing Scandal (declaring New Deal Unconstitutional)
- New Deal
- Critics
- Relief and Recover 1st New Deal Reform 2nd New Deal
- NRA - Cooperation between business and Government
- Isolationism
- Neutrality Acts
- Lend-Lease Act
- Recognition of USSR to slow Japanese aggression
- Destroyers for bases deal with UK
- Policy of Appeasement a cause of WWII
- Selective Service Act (peacetime draft)
- Homefront
- Rosie the Riveter
- War Bonds
- Rationing (oil, food etc.)
- Japanese Internment
- European Theater
- North Africa
- Defeat German first not Japan
- D-Day (Operation Overlord)
- Battle of the Bulge
- VE Day
- Holocaust (Auschwitz largest concentration camp)
- Potsdam Conference (Division of Germany after WWII)
- Pacific Theater
- Pearl Harbor
- Coral Sea (slowed and stopped Japanese expansion in the Pacific)
- Midway (slowed and stopped Japanese expansion in the Pacific)
- Island Hopping
- Atomic Bomb (Manhattan Project development of Atomic bomb)
- United Nations created after war
Early Cold War
- The impact of Atomic Powers and how they interacted with each other internationally
- Truman Doctrine (Greece Turkey)
- Marshall Plan
- Berlin Blockade and the Airlift
- Korean War (38th Parallel)
- Douglas MacArthur (Challenging Truman’s Authority over Atomic weapons use)
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Domestic Issues of the 1950’s
- Economy strengthened because of Cold War Military Spending
- GI Bill
- Growth of Suburbs
- Senator Joe McCarthy and the Red Scare
- Eisenhower’s Highway Public Works project most expensive in history
Civil Rights ERA
- Brown v. Board of Education
- Rosa Parks
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Freedom Riders
- Civil Rights Act 1964 and Voting Rights Act 1965
- Black Power and Stokely Carmichael
- Malcolm X
JFK Presidency
- Ask not what your country can do for you (Inaugural address speech)
- Let every nation know pay any price (Containment speech)
- Bay of Pigs
- Cuban Missile Crisis
Vietnam ERA
- American aid to maintain French Empire in French Indo China
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
- Television and the Medias impact on the Vietnam War
- Tet Offensive
- Opposition to the Draft
- Vietnamization Policy
- Invasion of Cambodia
- Pentagon Papers
- Lyndon B Johnson chooses not to run for reelection
- The impact of Congress cutting off funding for the Vietnam War
- War Powers Act
Middle Easter Affairs
- Arab oil embargo against the United States
- Camp David Accords
- Iran Hostage Crisis
- Watergate Scandal
- Gerald Ford
Reagan Years
- Supply Side Economics
- Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)
- Sandinista Scandal in Nicaragua
George H. Bush Years
- Operation Desert Storm (importance of Mideast oil)
- Berlin Wall is torn down
Clinton Years
- Budget standoff in 1995 between Clinton and Republican controlled congress (Government shuts down due to lack of funds)
- Impeachment (perjury and obstruction of justice)
George W Bush Years
- 9/11
- Giving up civil liberties to protect the nation