Arts & Architecture

Joint Finance Office/Human Resources Meeting Minutes

March 27, 2014

10:00am – 11:30am

In attendance: Rosalie Bailey, Janet Bergamaschi, Steve Bumbarger, Mary Cavanaugh, Vickie Clauer, Dyann Confer, Chris Cooper, Ronda Craig, Barb Cutler, Dawn Datt, Cori Donaghy, Annie Doncsecz, Jen Feehan, Dan Heckman, Dee Heichel, Megan Hill, Diane Kerstetter, Judy King, Cynthia Mannella-Nickell, Shelly Marquardt, Flora Marynak, Lynne McCormack, Kendra Rackovan, Wanda Scaife, Tracey Spicer, Kathy Walker, Betsy Warner, Linda Wheeland

Finance Office:

·  Autoposts

o  Please notify our office as to why there will be autoposts in your unit.

o  Also remind cardholders that the p-card transactions need to be reconciled within the 30 day period. Cardholders not able to meet this requirement can be subject to suspension of their P-Card privileges in accordance with University Policy.

·  Group Meal/Meeting Form needs completed when reconciling transactions in IBIS.

·  P-card receipts need to be original (if faxed, please indicate why the original is not attached).

·  P-card receipts also need to be signed and dated by cardholder.

·  Update

o  Requests for gift cards – the University is looking at adding a vendor to eBuy. More information will follow when the system is in place. As required by University Policy, please send Dan an email prior to ordering any gift cards through this new function in the eBuy system. Remember to use OGE funds when entering the budget information.

o  Payroll Transfers are processed by our office.

§  General and Endowment Funds – an email can be sent to the Finance Office from the Unit Budget Administrator or delegate requesting a redistribution of salary to a different budget. This request should include a detailed description of why the redistribution is needed, the pay period effected, new budget information and the specific amount needing redistributed.

§  Sponsored Research (Restricted) Funds – These requests are similar to the General and Endowment funds, however these requests must be approved by the designated Principal Investigator on the project. The request must also include a detailed description of why the redistribution is needed, amount, pay period and new budget information. Any redistributions over 30 days require approval from the University’s Controller’s Office. For areas that manage their own Sponsored Research Funds, Barb Cutler can be used as a resource for standardized forms available for these redistributions.

Human Resources:

·  HR102 Separation and Transfer Protocol

o  Separation Checklist and A&A Instructions have been uploaded to our website. Please complete this form when there is a transfer/separation or termination to your unit. All forms should be sent to the College HR office and will be kept in their personnel file. Graduate Students should be kept in the unit file.

·  Veterans and Individuals with a Disability Self-Identification Forms

o  Have been uploaded to our website and will be effective March 24, 2014. Please keep in mind that if an individual was not hired through EJMS, all three asterisks apply. If individual was hired through EJMS, please follow the hired asterisk as the other two will be handled automatically through EJMS.

*Apply for Position

Clery Notification – Form 1

Affirmative Action Application Data Card – Form 2

Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability – Form 3

Voluntary Protected Veteran (Pre-Offer) – Form 4

*Offered Position

Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability – Form 3

Voluntary Protected Veteran (Post-Offer) – Form 5


Clery Notification – Form 1

Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability – Form 3

Voluntary Protected Veteran (Post-Offer) – Form 5

·  Wage Job Postings

o  Will be posted on the Electronic Jobs Management System (EJMS)

April 2, 2014. Please provide HR with a job advertisement for your unit. Please notify HR if an individual is hired or if any changes need to be made to the position posting.

·  Academic Job Postings

o  Are now posted on EJMS-applicants may now apply online for faculty positions. Applicants will automatically receive an email notification after applying.

§  FT1, FTM & Tenure Track applicants may load additional materials if requested by unit

§  FT2 applicants will be unable to load additional materials

§  Form A will not be needed if using EJMS

§  Form B will be sent to Shelly, who will forward to the Unit for the following information

*Unit contact name

*Search Committee information

*No need for advertisement

*No need for advertising information

- Form C when employee is hired, notification is automatically

sent to Cindy Harter in the Affirmative Action Office

o  Effective July 1, 2014, FT1 appointments have to teach a 4-4 course load (teaching 12 credits in the Fall/12 credits in the Spring) to be eligible for benefits or they will be considered a FT2 without benefits.

o  Shelly has posted the FT2 faculty position for 2014/15 academic year on EJMS, Job# 42242. All applicants will need to apply online and upload their cover letter and cv. Shelly will be giving access to the Administrative Assistants to view the materials from the candidates.

o  If you are reappointing a FT2 appointment, Shelly will need a Notification of Appointment form completed to reappointment them.

Next scheduled meeting: April 24, 2014 at 10:00am – 11:30am in 121 Borland Bldg. Conference Room.