US History- Semester II Final Study Guide

Name: ______date:______

ERA 5: Civil War & Reconstruction 1850-1877 –5.1: The causes of the Civil War 5.2: The course and character of the Civil War and its effects on the American people5.3: How various reconstruction plans succeeded or failed

Chapter 10: The Union in Peril, Chapter 11: The Civil War

  1. Who invented the cotton gin? What impact did this invention have on the Southern economy?
  2. Who was elected President in 1860?
  3. Which Southern state was the first to secede from the Union?
  4. The “rebel” southern states formed the______of______, and they named ______as their President.
  5. The Union army refers to the ______, while the Confederate army refers to the ______.
  6. “…all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are, and henceforward shall be free."This is a quote from what important Civil War document?
  7. “ For score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” This quote is taken from what important civil war document?
  8. The Civil War Began in the Year______and ended in the year______.
  9. Who assassinated President Lincoln? Where was he?
  10. 13th Amendment refers to …

ERA 6: The Development of the Industrial U.S. 1870-1900 –

6.1: How the rise of corporations, heavy industry, and mechanized farming transformed the American people 6.2: Massive immigration after 1870 and how new social patterns, conflicts, and ideas of national unity developed amid growing cultural diversity 6.3: The rise of the American labor movement and how political issues reflected social and economic changes 6.4: Federal Indian policy and United States foreign policy after the Civil War

Chapter 14: A New Industrial Age/ Chapter 15: Immigrants and Urbanization

  1. Name the two men who developed the Bessemer Process
  2. Who invented the incandescent lightbulb? What impact did this invention have on everyday life?
  3. What was the name of Thomas Alva Edison’s laboratory?
  4. Who invented the telephone? What impact did it have on society?
  5. Identify: Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller
  6. Why did European immigrants leave their homelands in the late 1800’s?
  7. Why was child labor acceptable in the late 19th century United States?
  8. Define: urbanization

ERA 7: The Emergence of Modern America1890-1930

7.2: The changing role of the United States in world affairs through World War I 7.3: How the United States changed from the end of World War I to the eve of the Great Depression

Chapter19: The First World War/

  1. What were the four MAIN causes of WWI?
  2. What was the immediate cause of WWI?
  3. Which two nations started the war?
  4. List two reasons why the U.S. joined the “Great War” (World War I)
  5. Who was the American President during WWI?
  6. Identify: Wilson’s 14 points
  7. Identify: League of Nations

Chapter 21: The Roaring Life of the 1920’s/

  1. The American economy during the 1920’s can be described as…
  2. What impact did the Prohibition Laws have on American society?
  3. Identify: 18th amendment
  4. Identify: Volstead Act
  5. Identify: 21st Amendment
  6. In what ways did young women demonstrate their femininity & independence during the 1920’s?
  7. List 2 : celebrities of the 1920’s
  8. Who wrote the Great Gatsby?

Era 8: The Great Depression & WWII1929-1945

Chapter 24: World War Looms/ Chapter 25: The U.S. IN World War II/

  1. World War II began in the year ______and ended in the year______.
  2. Define: Totalitarianism
  3. Define and list 1 example of a fascist regime: Fascism
  4. Define and give 1 example of a communist regime: Communism
  5. Define and give one example of a democracy: Democracy
  6. List the three members of the AXIS powers
  7. List 4 members of the ALLIES
  8. What year did the U.S. join WWII? Why?
  9. Identify: Executive Order 9066
  10. Why is D-DAY significant?
  11. What impact did WWII have on the American economy?
  12. What was the role of American women during WWII?

Era 9: Postwar U.S.

Chapter 27: The Postwar Boom

  1. List three reasons why the G.I. Bill had an enormous impact on American Society
  2. The G.I. Bill is also known as the______.
  3. Why is the National Highway Act of 1956 significant?
  4. Define: Suburb

Timeline: MATCH the event with the year. A. Jamestown colony is established B. the War of 1812 C. Declaration of Independence D. American Revolution ( War of Independence) E. Christopher Columbus sails the ocean blue





55. ______1812

Timeline: MATCH the event with the year. A. WWI B. Pearl Harbor C. Mexican – American War D. Civil War E. WWII




