US History Semester Final Exam Study Guide

1.John Locke’s philosophy of social contract said?

  1. The Declaration of Independence was influenced by what Enlightened thinker? Stated what about government & rights?
  2. The Government under the Articles of Confederation included what branches? Denied government what powers?
  3. The cause and effect of Shay’s Rebellion?
  4. The Virginia Plan based representation in Congress on?
  5. The Great Compromise, created by Roger Sherman did what?
  6. The Anti-Federalist
  7. The Constitution created a government with what branches, and was based on what principles?
  8. The Federalists
  9. The decision of the Supreme Court under Justice John Marshall in the case of Marbury v. Madison established what precedent?
  10. The results of the War of 1812?
  11. The Monroe Doctrine
  12. According to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the question of slavery in the new territories would be decided by?
  13. The Louisiana Purchase was significant for what reasons?
  14. Jacksonian Democracy argued?
  15. The term “Trail of Tears” refers to?
  16. The abolitionist movement included?
  17. The major causes of the Civil War?
  18. The battle that is considered to be the “turning point” of the Civil?
  19. The purpose of the Seneca Falls Convention
  20. What did the Supreme Court declare in the Dred Scott decision?
  21. Reform movements inspired by the Great Awakening during the first half of the nineteenth century attempted to?
  22. The purpose of the Black Codes was to
  23. The 13th Amendment
  24. The term gilded age refers specifically to a time when
  25. The effect of the rise of corporations in America
  26. The workplace of the late 1800s included
  27. Sweatshops were most common in what industry?
  28. The purpose of the settlement house movement
  29. Social Darwinism?
  30. Theperiod of reconstruction from 1870 – 1877
  31. The “new immigrants” were from?
  32. The main goal of muckrakers
  33. The Nineteenth Amendment
  34. The Democratic Party of the late 1800s was strongest with what group of Americans?
  35. The railroad building boom during the nineteenth century contributed to?
  36. Republicans of the late 1800s identified their party with?
  37. Who were nativist?
  38. The term “Great Migration” refers to?
  39. Factors thatstimulated U.S.imperialism?
  40. The Open Door Policy?
  41. "Speak softly and carry a big stick"
  42. Mahanism emphasized
  43. The yellow press
  44. Advantages of building the canal?
  45. The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine called for?
  46. President Taft’s policy of “dollar diplomacy”?
  47. Immediate cause of the United States entry into the First World War?
  48. Selective Service Act
  49. The Espionage and Sedition Acts affected freedom of speech because?
  50. Gains made by American women during World War I
  51. The War Industries Board was established to?
  52. The government funded the war effort through what methods?
  53. What reason did Senators give for opposing U.S. membership in the League of Nations?
  54. The “Red Scare” in the United States immediately following World War I was a reaction to?