US History Disclosure
Mrs. Whiting
Introduction: Rules and procedures are fundamental in life. We follow rules and procedures in our daily lives for things such as approaching a traffic light or starting a car and driving. There are also rules and procedures in this classroom. These rules and procedures will help ensure a positive atmosphere in the classroom. They contribute to a positive learning environment for everyone.
Course Description: United States History for 8th grade covers events and issues from the Age of Exploration through Reconstruction and the westward movement, emphasizing the 18th and 19th centuries. Topics covered will include: exploration, colonization, the Revolutionary War, the Constitution, nation building, the Civil War, Reconstruction and the westward movement. (Utah State Core, United States History I, USOE). Additionally, the role of geography and the study of CURRENT EVENTS will be integrated throughout the school year in this course.
Grading Scale:
A 100-93 B- 83-80 D+ 69-67
A- 92-90 C+ 79-77 D 66-64
B+ 89-87 C 76-74 D- 63-60
B 86-84 C- 73-70 F 59-0
Late Work and Absent Work: Late work will be accepted. If a student is absent for illness or other excused absences, they will be able to turn in the work that they missed while absent. Students are encouraged to be in class whenever possible. Most assignments will be assigned, discussed, done and corrected in class.
Extra Credit: Extra credit will be available for each term. The assignments will be posted on my website as well as in the classroom. Often extra credit may be available on assignments in class if the students do an extra element or go the extra mile on a project. Also, students who score poorly on certain assignments or tests MAY be given the opportunity to redo the work to show that they understand better. This will be by a case by case basis.
Citizenship Policy: The basic citizenship policy will follow the school wide Citizenship Rubric. Some of it is based on attendance, but behaviors certainly are taken into consideration. Students can only make up ONE tardy each term.
H= Attends class on time, NO tardies, ALL assignments turned in on time, participates in class activities, good example to peers, obeys class rules, goes the “extra mile”
G= Attends class on time, 0-1 tardy, All assignments turned in, participates in class activities, good example to peers, obeys class rules
S= Attends class on time, 1-2 tardies, assignments turned in, participates in class activities, obeys class rules
N= Attends class, 3 tardies, most assignments turned in, participates in class- sometimes, obeys most rules, absent more than 5 times, unexcused absences, ONE cell phone violation
U= More than 5 absences(uncleared), 4 tardies, sometimes turns work in, sometimes participates, obeys only some rules, one truancy, more than ONE cell phone violation, any severe rule violation (cheating, fighting, disrespect to substitute or other adult in class, swearing, harassment, etc.)
Class RULES:
Respect—other students, self, teacher, school, property
Responsibility- takes responsibility for own actions and accept natural consequences. Be prepared, and ask questions when you don’t understand. Pay attention during class.
Rules- obey school and class rules and procedures
When We Have a Visitor: When we have someone come into our classroom who is not part of our class (teacher, administrator, student, parent) you are expected to follow the same classroom rules and procedures. You are expected to be polite to the visitor. Do not talk to the visitor unless he/she is talking to you directly. Continue working on your assignment as usual. If the visitor needs to speak to me privately, I expect you to remain in your seat without talking until I finish speaking with the visitor.
Materials Needed:
***Lined paper (loose, with 3 holes)
***3 ring binder (1 or 1.5inch) with dividers (can be handmade)
***One 70-80 page Spiral Notebook (10.5 x 8 in) to be left in class (for notes and assignments)
***Two working pens and Two Pencils
***Planner (school provided)
12 pack colored pencils (OPTIONAL)
Hand held pencil sharpener if students use pencil
Please feel free to contact me via email at or you can leave me a message by phone at 402-6800. My website is and then click on faculty and select my name. Then save this in your favorites. Handouts, agendas, homework will be posted here. Please check the internet for upcoming homework and your child’s current grade. I will have grades updated once a week. I look forward to working with your student and helping them have an enjoyable and successful 8th grade year.
Mrs. Whiting