Pursuant to Article 52, paragraph 4 of the Law on Culture ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 72/09),
The Government adopts
(“Official Gazette of RS No. 40/10)
The principal text in force since 19/06/2010, implemented since 19/06/2010
The Subject of the Regulation
Article 1
This Regulation shall regulate in more detail the requirements, criteria and ways of acquiring and/or revoking the status of cultural institutions of national importance.
Article 2
A cultural institution (hereinafter: Institution) can acquire the status of ‘Cultural Institution of National Importance’ if it has a national and representative role in discovering, creating, researching, studying, representing, disseminating and preserving national cultural values and if it has been established that it has permanent contribution to the development of culture in the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with Law on Culture.
The Requirements for Acquiring the Status of Cultural Institution of National Importance
Article 3
An institution can acquire the status of the cultural institution of national importance if it fulfils the following criteria:
- that it is registered for performing cultural activities in the territory of the Republic of Serbia;
- that it is established by national legal or naturalized person;
- that it has performed cultural activities for at least five years before submitting the application for acquiring the status of cultural institution of national importance;
- that is has accomplished very important achievements in performing cultural activities which is reflected in the accomplished quantity and quality of the programmes and projects that have made a special contribution to the development of culture in the Republic of Serbia;
- that in the last five years it has properly used funds which were allocated from the budget of the Republic of Serbia and other sources of financing for performing cultural activities.
Article 4
On the fulfilment of the requirements of Article 3 of this Regulation, the institution shall submit the following proof:
- founding act and/or decision on its registration with the competent body and the statute;
- the decision of the competent body on the fulfilment of the requirements for the commencement of work and performing activities, when that decision is stipulated by law;
- statement from Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia;
- work report for the last five years;
- financial report for the last five years;
- development strategy and work programme for the following five years;
- proof of permanent contribution to the development of culture in the Republic of Serbia (international, national, metropolitan, and expert awards and recognitions; expert public opinion – reviews by experts and reviews published in the relevant media).
The Criteria for Acquiring the Status of Cultural Institution of National Importance
Article 5
(1) The status of ‘cultural institution of national importance’ is established by the following criteria:
- outstanding quality and importance of the programme and projects for the development of the cultural and artistic creation in the Republic of Serbia;
- outstanding contribution to researching, studying, protection, preservation, use and/or representation of cultural heritage;
- outstanding contribution to the researching, preservation and representation of the property of particular importance for the culture and history of Serbian people living outside of the territory of the Republic of Serbia;
- outstanding contribution for nurturing and stimulating a variety of cultural expressions;
- - outstanding contribution for creating conditions for more intensive and even cultural development in the Republic of Serbia;
- outstanding contribution to the promotion and affirmation of culture and cultural diversity in the Republic of Serbia and the rest of the world;
- outstanding contribution for the implementation of regional and international cultural cooperation of importance for the Republic of Serbia;
- outstanding contribution in the area of scientific research work in the field of culture and art;
- outstanding contribution to the fulfilment and preservation of cultural identity of Serbian people as national minority members in the Republic of Serbia;
- outstanding contribution in the application of contemporary standards, methods and new technologies in culture, especially information technologies and digitalisation;
- outstanding contribution for establishing cooperation and new partner relations between cultural institutions and public, private and non-governmental sectors in implementation of programmes and projects;
- outstanding contribution in stimulating children's creation and creative work for children and youth in the field of culture;
- outstanding contribution in stimulating cultural and artistic creation of persons with disabilities and the availability of complete cultural offerings for persons with disabilities;
- outstanding contribution in fulfilling requirements for availability of cultural offerings for a wide public and citizens, especially for persons with disabilities, children and youth.
(2) For acquiring status of ‘cultural institution of national importance’ it is necessary for the institution to fulfil at least three criteria from paragraph 1 of this Article.
The Way of Acquiring the Status of Cultural Institution of National Importance
Article 6
(1) The fulfilment of requirements and criteria from Articles 3 and 5 of this Regulation shall be established by the Commission for acquiring and revoking the status of ‘cultural institution of national importance‘ (hereinafter: Commission) which shall be established by the Government on the proposal of the Ministry in charge of culture (hereinafter: Ministry).
(2) The Commission shall have nine members (elected from among prominent and established experts and artists in the field of culture and art), serving for a three-year term, comprised of as follows:
- six members proposed by the Government’s;
- three members on the proposed by the body competent for cultural affairs from the Autonomous province Vojvodina.
Article 7
(1) The Commission shall make the assessment of submitted proposals of the institutions based on the fulfilment of requirements and criteria for acquiring the status of ‘cultural institution of national importance’.
(2) Professional and administrative-technical support to the Commission is provided by the Ministry.
(3) On the proposal of the Commission, with the previously obtained opinion of the National council for culture, the Ministry shall propose an act to the Government for the institutions acquiring the status of the ‘cultural institution of national importance’.
Article 8
(1) Commission shall establish the proposal of the institutions on the basis of the public call that is announced by the Minister in charge of cultural affairs.
(2) The public call from paragraph 1 of this Article is published in the official Internet page of the Ministry and in some of the daily public gazettes that are published in the entire territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Article 9
The Government adopts a decision on the institution/s acquiring the status of ‘cultural institution of national importance’.
Revoking the Status of Cultural Institution of National Importance
Article 10
The institution can have the status of ‘cultural institution of national importance’ revoked if:
- it should fail to fulfil the requirements for performing activity;
- it should stop fulfilling the requirements from Article 3, and/or necessary criteria from Article 5 of this Regulation.
Article 11
The act of revoking the status of ‘cultural institution of national importance’ shall be proposed by the Ministry to the Government on the proposal of the Commission, with the previously obtained opinion of the National Council for Culture.
Article 12
The decision on revoking the status of a ‘cultural institution of national importance’ shall be adopted by the Government.
Regulation Enters into Force
Article 13
This Regulation shall come into force on the eighth day from the date of publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia.
05 No 110-4022/2010
In Belgrade, June of 3rd, 2010
First Vice President of the Government - Deputy Prime Minister,
Ivica Dačić, signature