Garner Police Athletic / Activities League

Minutes of the Board of Directors for November 7, 2013

In attendance:Bud Davenport, Nancy Anderson, Lt. Chris Clayton, Amaka Flynn, Chuck Killian, Tim Montgomery, Sgt. Chris Adams, Sgt. Mike McIver, Rob Smith and Chief Brandon Zuidema.

Guests: Lt. Joey Binns and David Bailey (potential board member).

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Bud Davenport.

The following business was discussed:

1)Minutes from the October board meeting were presented for review. No discussion. Motion by Tim, second by Nancy, and approved unanimously.

2)Bud discussed the treasurer’s report since Claude was absent. The only issue discussed was making sure the $5000 had been moved to the Capital Improvement Fund. After looking at the account balances, it does appear the money was moved, although it did not show up on the expense report. A motion was made by Tim to adopt the report, second by Amaka, and approved unanimously.

3)Program reports:

  • Avery St. – is beginning to develop more fully. The youth attending are engaged with the core group of officers we have established. Youth are requesting officers play games other than basketball and officers are accommodating their requests.
  • EGMMS –We have added a few and lost a few and have settled to a core group of 15 kids 11 males / 4 females.The smaller group has been a game changer for us so far. We are finding ourselves being able to do a lot more with our time.We have also found that the kids are becoming a tighter knit group. This last month we were able to spread mulch for as a service opportunity for EGMS. PAAL has taken on that responsibility and the students were able to use the equipment that was purchased last year.We also had a Halloween party at which we decorated cupcakes for the assistant principals and principal. The most important activity (to the students at least) was our annual kickball game against the Helping Hands club yesterday.I am happy to report that we were victorious 12-2.Helping Hands then challenged us to an emergency basketball re-match today. We were again victorious 65-54. Although, I take great pride in winning, the best part of the two wins was the PAAL students pulling together. A good part of the EGMS basketball team is with The Helping Hands. What set PAAL apart in both basketball and kickball was our ability to play as a team. I was also impressed in the lack of trash talking and attitude that was shown during the game. Next week we plan on doing a “thank you video” that we will send to WRAL. We are grateful for the donations and opportunities WRAL has given the EGMS program and would like to send them something. As far as other future activities go, we have had a strong desire to play soccer. I am also setting up a police demonstration.
  • Explorer Post/Cadets –We have 13 members and we have members scheduled until the end of 2013. We are planning Shop with a Cop. Several members are interested in helping with the Special Olympics Fundraiser.
  • Garner Magnet High School – The public safety instructor resigned from the high school. Efforts are being made to work this program into the spring with the youth leadership council.
  • NGMMS Girls Club –On 10/23/13 Stacie Hagwood represented the Museum of Natural Sciences as an Educator. She discussed both career and volunteer opportunities at the museum, and the girls enjoyed her visit and the opportunity to get “close and personal” with a blue-tongued skink, black rat snake, and Madagascar hissing cockroaches. On 10/30/13 the girls learned how to save a life! Linda Clayton taught a “friends and family” child CPR course, and I’m proud to say everyone took it seriously and participated with enthusiasm. In the coming weeks Mrs. Clayton will be teaching a Safe Sitter course for students who babysit or have younger siblings at home. I am trying to finalize a visit to the SPCA for this week’s session, to expose the girls to the possibility of volunteering or choosing animal rescue as a possible career. In December we will be conducting “Operation Cheer” for the holidays – I anticipate a visit to an area rest home for a visit with those residents who do not receive many visitors. All in all, great participation and support so far this year! And all the girls expressed interest in representing PAAL in the Christmas Parade – possibly 12 girls plus a few school volunteers.
  • Vandora Springs Elementary –There are 8 kids in this program (2 from each 3rd grade class). The make-up consists of male and females, all local, who shave problems at home. Teachers select the participants, and the program is designed to build self-esteem, team work skills, and some academic emphasis. Lt. Binns is looking for ways to develop a curriculum which may be used at other elementary schools in the future.

4)Committee Updates:

  • Program Committee: The Program Committee is still researching options for partnering with another group for the flag football program. Community of Hope has also asked for PAAL to partner with them beginning in January one night each week. More discussion is going to occur with this committee and Amy White, the Director of Community of Hope. PAAL volunteers will be needed once this program is established. The board also engaged in a discussion of the need to develop curricula for the different programs as a long range goal. These curricula could be shared among programs to help establish consistency in programming. Nancy has asked to step down as chair of this committee since she is vice president. Tim is willing to chair, and the board endorsed his offer (Nancy motion, second Chuck).
  • Fundraising/Finance Committee: This committee will explore the potential for researching grants and selecting/recruiting board members who have an expertise in helping raise money. The board noted establishing curricula would also help with this goal to show why money is needed/how it’s going to be spent. The board noted Sgt. McIver’s management of the website as a way to promote PAAL and commented on the good job he is doing with the site.
  • Broomball Committee: The date is set for June 7, 2014 for our next Broomball Tournament and the board endorsed this date. Tentatively there will be five teams instead of four. The committee continues to discuss strategies for growing the event and welcomes any suggestions. One idea is to combine the tournament with a PAAL/Public Safety Day event, which could draw people to the rink for different reasons than just the tournament. The board also mentioned a desire to involve PAAL youth in the event. The Chief will enter into discussion with Mike from the Ice House about selling ads for the boards. The idea is that we can sell ads to sponsors, split the revenue between the Ice House and PAAL, and the ads will stay on the boards for one year.

5)In new business, Nancy suggested the board also begin exploring the idea of a different fundraiser, which would be a large community activity and a speaker who could extol the mission and values of PAAL. Her idea is using a large forum, such as the GPAC, and serving coffee/dessert, and charging around $50 per person to come hear the speaker. She would want a speaker who had some connection to sports, and the board suggested that we could also use this event to recognize significant PAAL achievements and sponsors. Anyone with ideas should consult with Nancy, and a committee may need to be established in the future to develop this fundraiser.

6)Sgt. McIver discussed his proposal for ordering give away/promotional items for PAAL. After a discussion on the importance of having the items, the board also noted there was no money budgeted for spending the money he requested. Lt. Clayton made a motion to allow Sgt. McIver to spend $750 on items, but that motion was amended by Amaka to $1000. After discussion, the motion for $1000 passed and Sgt. McIver is allowed to use that money to purchase promotional items that he selects without any further board involvement in the decision of which items to purchase.

7)David Bailey was welcomed and introduced as a potential new board member.

The Board adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors for the Garner PAAL Board will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2013at 6:00 p.m. at the Garner Chamber of Commerce.