From:Head of School or Department

To:Director of Safety, Health and Environment

Report on Departmental Safety, Health and Environmental Management

Year:August 2017/July 2018


Enter the names of staff undertaking the specified health and safety roles in the department

Head of School or Department
Safety Co-ordinator
Liaison person with Estates for contract work [if not Safety Co-ordinator]
First Aiders

List the names of first aiders employed

withinthe department; do not include other

firstaiders to which there is access.

[you may continue on the reverse of this sheet]
Building fire officer and deputies
Please list these even if they are not members of your department.
[you may continue on the reverse of this sheet]
Fire Marshals and deputies
[you may continue on the reverse of this sheet]
Local radiation protection supervisor
[RPS] – if applicable
Local laser safety officer – if applicable
Local biological safety officer –
if applicable

School or Departmental SafetyInspections

Was there a plan for managerial safety inspections during the 2017/2018 year? / Yes /  / No / 
How many took place?
Have all matters requiring action been dealt with? / Yes /  / No / 
If not, list any issues outstanding from the inspections.
[you may continue on the reverse of this sheet]

School or Departmental Risk Assessments

Do you have a formal process to identify and carry out new risk assessments where necessary?
Yes  No 
Do you have a formal process to review and update existing risk assessments?
Yes  No 
If yes, who checks these and at what frequency?………………………………………………………..
If no, please explain the reasoning ……………………………………………………………………….
Do you have staff or students working outside the United Kingdom?
Yes  No 
Is the risk assessment process for these activities initiated prior to departure?
Yes  No 
Explain how risk assessments are maintained during work outside the U.K. ………………......
With the control measures identified from risk assessments implemented, what are the three remaining greatest risks? Describe in the text box below how you think these risks are controlled. [you may continue on the reverse of this sheet]

Where there is a foreseeable risk, then a riskassessment is not optional. Those who sign off risk assessments have a personal legal responsibility for their actions.

Departmental Safety, Healthand Environment Induction

How many new staff joined the department during the 2017/2018year?
How many of these staff members have been taken through the local induction procedure with records kept?
If applicable, explain why departmental safety, health and environment induction has not taken place.
How many new staff have been booked onto the mandatory Safety and Fire Awareness course during the 2017/2018 year?

Accident Reporting

Have all accidents that occurred in your school/department during the year 2017/2018been fully investigated and actions completed? / Yes /  / No / 
If not, which investigations or remedial actions are outstanding?


Number of staff who have completed the mandatory Environmental Awareness e-learning course. (Catherine Morris, SHE Unit to complete)
Has the Department disposed of any waste, e.g. skips hired in, specialist waste, charity collections etc, other than through normal Estates-provided facilities? If so, please provide details.
Has the Department participated in the current year’s Green Scorecard scheme? If not, what are the reasons?
Have there been any environmental incidents (e.g. spills, leaks, releases, fly-tipping)? If so, were these reported to the SHE Unit?

Safety, Healthand Environmental Plan

Was a departmental safety,health and environmental plan written for 2017/2018? / Yes /  / No / 
Did you achieve all the objectives of this plan? / Yes /  / No / 
List the achievements
List the objectives not achieved and the reasons for this
Outline your safety, health and environmental plan for the coming academic year – this section must be completed
Head of School/Department’s Management Overview
Identify those senior managers who have attended Risk and Safety Management training:
Please provide an explanation for non-attendance:
Head of School/Department……………………………………………………
Deputy Head of School/Department……………………………………………………
Others ……………………………………………………
Has your school/department been audited by the SHE Unit in the past year – please comment below:
Please give a short review of the management of safety, health and environment in your department for the year 2017/2018.
[If you have any matters of concern regarding health and safety, please state them here]
Signature …………………………………………… Date …… /.….. /2018
(2017/2018Head of School/Department)
