URBS 650
Spring Semester 2014
Wednesday 2:00 – 4:45 p.m.
This syllabus is subject to change without notice. Students should check D2L for the most current changes.
Instructor: Mr. Mitchell R. BergPhone/Voice Mail:(W) 507-389-5727
Office Hours: TBAClassroom: Morris Hall 112
- Klinger, Donald E. and Nalbandian, John. Public Personnel Management Contexts and Strategies, 6th Edition ISBN-10: 0136026885 | ISBN-13: 978-0136026884
- Barlte, John R., Hildreth, Bartley and Marlowe, Justin. Management Policies in Local Government Finance, 6th Edition (ICMA, 2009) ISBN: 978-0-87326-765-6
- Selected readings to be assigned – to be handed out in class
Course Goals:
This course is designed for you as an adult learner to learnabout local government human resource management and urban finance systems. The class will concentrate on the different financial and human resources management issues one might encounterworking as a local government or not-for-profit public administrator.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Identify and become familiar with the components of human resource management systems.
- Examine issues involved in human resource decision making and policy
- Analyze trends in the field of human resource management and their impact on productivity and employee job satisfaction.
- Explore the role of the human resource manager, organizational relationships and career options
- Executing, evaluating, and, when necessary, changing existing financial policies and procedures
- Anticipating and, where appropriate, ameliorating conflict over future decisions
- Presenting complex financial information to different stakeholders in intuitive, simple, and comprehensive ways
- Understand debt management and bond sales
- Deciding when and how to engage new stakeholders in the financial management process.
Instructional methods and teaching Strategies:
Students will learn economic development theories and become familiar with economic development tools and strategies through a combination of teaching techniques, including but not limited to:
- Lectures
- Guest Speakers
- Individual assignments
Assignments – see rubric for more detail:
You will be responsible to find and write about one current HR and finance topic (of which the instructor will announce in class.) Both assignments shall be no more than 5 pages in length and double spaced.
Papers – see rubric for more detail:
Each student will complete a separate paper on an issue related to human resources management and public finance. Students will begin preparing for the first paper at the beginning of the semester and are expected to present their paper prior to the spring break. Students will be expected to complete and present the second paper just prior to the end of finals week. Both papers should be approximately 8-12 pages in length. Both paper should provide an in-depth review of the issue and show evidence of critical thought on the part of the student.
Student Chapter review – see rubric for more detail:
Each student will be required to present on one chapter in the Public Personnel Management Contexts and Strategies, 6th Editionbook and one chapter in the Management Policies in Local Government Finance, 6th Edition book. Each chapter presentation shall include a power point presentation, which shall last a minimum of 45 minutes. As part of each student presentation each student shall also create an in-class activity or create a series of discussion questions to engage the class.
The Final will be the second paper
Guest Speakers:
Throughout the semester guest speakers may speak to the class. These appearances will be listed on D2L or announced. Guest speakers may include community leaders, lobbyists, and appointed or elected officials. Be sure to ask the instructor the week before their appearance for some background information on speaker as you will be required to develop two (2) intelligent and meaningful questions to pose to them. Your questions must be typed and have your name and date showing in the upper right hand corner to earn credit. They are to be turned prior to the end of class for which the speaker is presenting in order to receive any credit. Note: Open laptops, text messaging, or cell phone use during these presentations are prohibited.
Student Code of Ethics:
Students should familiarize themselves with the university’s policy on plagiarism. Be sure to properly cite using APA style all works used and correct world-wide web URL’s consulted. Plagiarized assignments will result in a failing grade.
Course Attendance:
You are expected to attend each and every class. Students coming in late or leaving early will not get full attendance points. Excused absences are only permitted for University sponsored events or activities. A total of 10 class points will be awarded. Class participation shall be considered when awarding attendance points.
Class Cancellations:
Due to inclement weather or events beyond the university’s or the professor’s control there may be a class session (or more) that will need to be cancelled. Every available attempt will be made to contact each student via D2L or at the least an announcement shall be posted on the class door. Nevertheless, if a class is cancelled all assignments, readings and papers shall be due on the date listed in the course calendar by 2:00 p.m. of the day of class.
If, however, a class is cancelled the professor has the right to adjust the syllabus and course schedule as deemed necessary. Any changes or adjustment to this syllabus or course schedule shall be sent out in writing and, if possible, posted onto D2L.
Grading:Maximum points 110
Assignments10 (2 assignments 5 points each)
Student Chapter review #1 15
Student Chapter review #215
Guest Speaker Questions 10
Paper #125
Paper #2 25
ADA requires that the university provide services for persons with disabilities. For more information regarding the services that are available to you, please contact the MSU Disability Services Office at 507-389-2825 or 1-800-627-3529 (MRS/TTY). If you are a person with a disability, please discuss any special needs with me within the first week of class. This will allow you and the instructor ample opportunities to make arrangement for taking notes, completion of assignment and examinations.
Other Policies: You should exchange contact information with at least two of your fellow students. These contacts should be used to learn about what you missed when absent. Assignments may be posted on D2L.
Course Calendar
Jan 15-Class Introduction; distribute and review course outline; discuss course
Read: Public Personnel Management Chapter 1
Jan 22 - Read: Public Personnel Management Chapters 2 and 3. Discuss topics for
paper #1. Assignment #1 due
Jan 29 -Read: Public Personnel Management Chapters 4 and 5
Feb 5 -Read: Public Personnel Management Chapters 6 and 7. Research paper #1 topic due (include one paragraph describing the topic, an outline and a source page)
Feb 12 -Read: Public Personnel Management Chapters 8. Guest Speaker, Sharon
Klumpp, Springsted
Feb 19 -Read: Public Personnel Management Chapter 9, 10, and 11
Feb 26 -Read: Public Personnel Management Chapters 12 and 14
March 5 - Research Paper #1 due and presentations
March 12 -No Class – Spring Break
March 19 -Read: Management Policies in Local Government Finance, ICMA book Chapters 1, 2 and 3. Discuss topics for paper #2
March 26 - Read: ICMA book Chapters 4 and 5. Research paper #2 topic due (one
paragraph describing topic, outline and source page)
April 2 - Read: ICMA book Chapter 6. Guest Speaker, Jon North, Wells Fargo
April 9 - Read ICMA book Chapters 8 and 9. Assignment #2 is due
April 16 - Read ICMA book Chapter 11. Guest Speaker Nick Dragisich, Springsted
April 23 -Read ICMA – Chapters 13 and 14
Begin research paper presentation
April 30 - Research paper #2 due and presentations
Chapter presentations:
Each student will be asked to present one chapter from each of the required text books. Each student will be assigned to present their chapter during class. Students are encouraged to create a power point presentation. Each student should also create an in-class activity or create a series of discussion questions to engage the class. Both the presentation and engagement activity shall be at a minimum length of 45 minutes (but in no means shall the total presentation last more than 60 minutes.) Students are not permitted to use any of the case studies or discussion questions printed in the text books.
Students will be graded a maximum of 15 points per chapter presentation. Points will be awarded in the following manner:
Presentation / Novice / Competent / ProficientVisual Elements (2.5) / Problems with organization and style. / Minor problems in organization or errors. / Clear Organization.
Irrelevant Content. / Relevant Content. / Supportive Content.
Unprofessional Quality. / Simple, Clear Design. / Error Free.
Neat Appearance.
Delivery (2.5) / Disfluency interferes with presentation. / Minor disfluency or awkward intonation. / Fluid and Expressive.
Unclear or difficult to understand. / Clear voice, may lack expression. / Facial Expression and eye contact.
Conversational Intonation.
Content (5 ) – Chapter Presentation / Unclear explanation. / Provides explanation. / Clear explanations.
Does not address
main purpose and objectives. / Relates main purpose and objectives / Developed and applied purpose and objectives.
Content (5) – Engagement Activity / Activity is not well thought out
Activity poorly relates to chapter content
Activity elicits little to no engagement / Activity is thought out
Content relates to the chapter
Activity is engaging / Activity is well thought out
Relates to the chapter and brings in additional relevant content
Activity elicits a high level of classroom engagement
Paper Assignment #1:
Each student shall write a paper on a current HRM topic. The topic you may write about may include, but is not limited to:
- Improving the performance evaluations
- Succession planning and the upcoming silver tsunami
- Public sector unions and innovation
- Use of incentives to attract top talent into the public sector
- Public Sector compensation pay (merit vs. step)
- Pay equity is it still needed
There are many different ways to write a research paper. After you have chosen a topic you will want to consider the type of paper you want to write. An example of a type of paper may be to “compare and contrast” two different performance evaluations methods in order to find out which methods is the most helpful in improving employee performance. To find out what the different types of papers are you can click on the below link to obtain additional information:
Regardless of any type of research paper you choose to write they all pretty much have the same characteristics of having an introduction, body and conclusion. Papers shall be no more than15 pages in length and shall be double-spaced. Please use APA style guidelines when referencing sources. Please use at least a minimum of five sources (of which two must be obtained from an academic or professional journal.)
Paper Assignment #2:
Each student shall write a paper on a current public finance topic. The topic you may write about may include, but is not limited to:
- Pension reform
- Funding government in the “new normal”
- Local Government Aid (LGA) reform
- Fiscal disparities
- Economic Development (i.e. zero-sum game)
- How to fix a broken city (i.e. Detroit)
There are many different ways to write a research paper. After you have chosen a topic you will want to consider the type of paper you want to write. An example of a type of paper may be write an “exploratory” paper on the need to convert Minnesota’s public pensions into a Defined Contribution Plan (DCP) in order to eliminate the current liability gap to taxpayers.
Regardless of any type of research paper you choose to write they all pretty much have the same characteristics of having an introduction, body and conclusion. Papers shall be no more than15 pages in length and shall be double-spaced. Please use APA style guidelines when referencing sources. Please use at least a minimum of five sources (of which two must be obtained from an academic or professional journal.)
The total number of points possible for both papers is 25 points. 20 points will be awarded for the paper and 5 points for the presentation.
Presentation Rubric
Presentation / Novice / Competent / ProficientVisual Elements (1) / Problems with organization and style. / Minor problems in organization or errors. / Clear Organization.
Irrelevant Content. / Relevant Content. / Supportive Content.
Unprofessional Quality. / Simple, Clear Design. / Error Free.
Neat Appearance.
Delivery (1) / Disfluency interferes with presentation. / Minor disfluency or awkward intonation. / Fluid and Expressive.
Unclear or difficult to understand. / Clear voice, may lack expression. / Facial Expression and eye contact.
Conversational Intonation.
Content (3 ) / Unclear explanation. / Provides explanation. / Clear explanations.
Does not address main purpose and objectives. / Relates main purpose and objectives / Developed and applied purpose and objectives.
Overview of Assignments
Please write two 3-5 page (double spaced) papers on one of the following HRM and Public Finance topics, as listed below. In addition, to researching the topic, please include your own thoughts and insight on their relevance today and if not should they and if so how?
- Patronage
- Private-public partnerships
- Civil Service
- Affirmative Action (AA)
- Public Finance
- Alternative budgeting – (Priority Based Budgeting (PPB) & Zero Based budgeting)
- New Public Management – (Results Orientated Budgeting)
- GASB – Should government entities report the same way as governments do?
- Accrual vs. cash accounting
Current Event Rubric - 3 points max (per assignment)
Needs improvement / Meets Expectations / Exceeds ExpectationsSpelling, grammar and punctuation - .5 pts. / Multiple grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes / Only a few grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes / No grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes
Body – 1 pt. / Missing or unclear summary of the topic; does not provide specifics / Provides an adequate summary; provides specifics / Clearly articulates the topic in the summary; provides clear and articulated specifics
Analysis – 1 pt. / Missing or unclear analysis; no findings to conclude / Provides an analysis referencing credible sources; provides a finding / Provides an analysis referencing highly reputable sources; articulates a well defined set of findings
Citation - .5 pts. / Missing citations and sources / Mostly includes citations and sources to APA standards / Includes citations and sources to APA standards